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Prove that alternating maps are determined by their values on a gener…
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valis committed Jul 10, 2023
1 parent 2688e2f commit be495f0
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13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions src/Algebra/Module.ard
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\lemma cancel {r : R} {a b : E} (i : Monoid.Inv r) (s : r *c a = r *c b) : a = b
=> inv ide_*c *> inv (pmap (`*c a) i.inv-left) *> *c-assoc *> pmap (i.inv *c) s *> inv *c-assoc *> pmap (`*c b) i.inv-left *> ide_*c

\lemma zro_*c-left {a : E} : 0 *c a = 0
\lemma *c_zro-left {a : E} : 0 *c a = 0
=> cancel-left (0 *c a) $ inv *c-rdistr *> simplify

\lemma zro_*c-right {r : R} : r *c 0 = 0
\lemma *c_zro-right {r : R} : r *c 0 = 0
=> cancel-left (r *c 0) $ inv *c-ldistr *> simplify

\lemma *c_negative-left {r : R} {a : E} : R.negative r *c a = negative (r *c a)
=> negative-unique (r *c a) (inv *c-rdistr *> pmap (`*c a) R.negative-left *> *c_zro-left) negative-right

\lemma *c_negative-right {r : R} {a : E} : r *c negative a = negative (r *c a)
=> negative-unique (r *c a) (inv *c-ldistr *> pmap (r *c) negative-left *> *c_zro-right) negative-right

\lemma neg_ide_*c {a : E} : -1 *c a = negative a
=> *c_negative-left *> pmap negative ide_*c

\func isGenerated (l : Array E) : \Prop
=> \Pi (x : E) -> ∃ (c : Array R l.len) (x = BigSum (mkArray (\lam i => c i *c l i)))

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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/Algebra/Module/Category.ard
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\import Algebra.Group
\import Algebra.Group.Category
\import Algebra.Meta
\import Algebra.Module
\import Algebra.Monoid
\import Algebra.Ring
\import Arith.Fin
\import Category
\import Category.Meta
\import Data.Array
\import Data.Fin (fsuc/=)
\import Data.Or
\import Function.Meta
\import Logic
\import Meta
\import Paths
\import Paths.Meta
\open AddMonoid

\record LinearMap {R : Ring} \extends AddGroupHom {
\override Dom : LModule { | R => R }
\override Cod : LModule { | R => R }
| func-*c {r : R} {x : Dom} : func (r *c x) = r *c func x

\lemma linearComb {l : Array (\Sigma R Dom)} : func (BigSum (map (\lam p => p.1 *c p.2) l)) = BigSum (map (\lam p => p.1 *c func p.2) l) \elim l
| nil => func-zro
| a :: l => unfold BigSum $ func-+ *> pmap2 (+) func-*c linearComb

\meta LinearMap' A B => LinearMap { | R => _ | Dom => A | Cod => B }

\lemma linearMap_zro {R : Ring} {A B : LModule' R} : LinearMap' A B { | func a => 0 } \cowith
| func-+ => inv zro-left
| func-*c => inv B.*c_zro-right

\lemma linearMap_+ {R : Ring} {A B : LModule' R} (f g : LinearMap' A B) : LinearMap' A B { | func a => f a + g a } \cowith
| func-+ => pmap2 (+) f.func-+ g.func-+ *> equation
| func-*c => pmap2 (+) f.func-*c g.func-*c *> inv *c-ldistr

\lemma linearMap_negative {R : Ring} {A B : LModule' R} (f : LinearMap' A B) : LinearMap' A B { | func a => negative (f a) } \cowith
| func-+ => pmap negative f.func-+ *> B.negative_+ *> +-comm
| func-*c => pmap negative f.func-*c *> inv B.*c_negative-right

\record BilinearMap {R : Ring} (A B C : LModule' R) (\coerce func : A -> B -> C)
| linear-left {b : B} : LinearMap' A C { | func => func __ b }
| linear-right {a : A} : LinearMap' B C { | func => func a }

\func isMultiLinear {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} (f : Array A n -> B) : \Prop \elim n
| 0 => \Sigma
| suc n => \Pi (l : Array A n) (j : Fin (suc n)) -> LinearMap' A B { | func x => f (insert x l j) }
\where {
\lemma reduce {n : Nat} (f : Array A (suc n) -> B) (fl : isMultiLinear f) {a : A} : isMultiLinear (\lam l => f (a :: l)) \elim n
| 0 => ()
| suc n => \lam l j => fl (a :: l) (suc j)

\lemma isMultilinear_zro {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} : isMultiLinear {R} {n} {A} {B} (\lam x => 0) \elim n
| 0 => ()
| suc n => \lam l j => linearMap_zro

\lemma isMultilinear_+ {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} {f g : Array A n -> B} (fl : isMultiLinear f) (gl : isMultiLinear g) : isMultiLinear (\lam x => f x + g x) \elim n
| 0 => ()
| suc n => \lam l j => linearMap_+ (fl l j) (gl l j)

\lemma isMultilinear_negative {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} {f : Array A n -> B} (fl : isMultiLinear f) : isMultiLinear (\lam x => negative (f x)) \elim n
| 0 => ()
| suc n => \lam l j => linearMap_negative (fl l j)

\func isAlternating {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} (f : Array A n -> B) : \Prop
=> \Sigma (isMultiLinear f) (\Pi (l : Array A n) -> (\Sigma (i j : Fin n) (i /= j) (l i = l j)) -> f l = 0)
\where {
\lemma reduce {n : Nat} (f : Array A (suc n) -> B) (fa : isAlternating f) {a : A} : isAlternating (\lam l => f (a :: l))
=> (isMultiLinear.reduce f fa.1, \lam l s => fa.2 (a :: l) (suc s.1, suc s.2, fsuc/= s.3, s.4))

\lemma substract1from0 {n : Nat} {f : Array A (suc (suc n)) -> B} (fa : isAlternating f) {a a' : A} {l : Array A n} : f (a :: a' :: l) = f (a - a' :: a' :: l)
=> inv $ func-+ {fa.1 (a' :: l) 0} *> pmap (_ +) (AddGroupHom.func-negative {fa.1 (a' :: l) 0} *> pmap negative (fa.2 _ (0, 1, (\case __), idp)) *> B.negative_zro) *> zro-right

\lemma add0to1 {n : Nat} {f : Array A (suc (suc n)) -> B} (fa : isAlternating f) {a a' : A} {l : Array A n} : f (a :: a' :: l) = f (a :: a + a' :: l)
=> inv $ inv (path (\lam i => f (a :: insert_zro i))) *> func-+ {fa.1 (a :: l) 1} *> pmap2 (+) (fa.2 _ (0, 1, (\case __), inv (path (\lam i => insert_zro i 0)))) (path (\lam i => f (a :: insert_zro i))) *> zro-left

\lemma alternating_perm {n : Nat} {f : Array A n -> B} (fa : isAlternating f) {l l' : Array A n} (p : Perm l l') : f l = Perm.sign p *c f l' \elim n, l, l', p
| 0, nil, nil, perm-nil => inv ide_*c
| suc n, x :: l, _ :: l', perm-:: idp p => alternating_perm (reduce (\lam l => f l) fa) p *> pmap (R.pow -1 __ `*c _) (inv Perm.inversions_perm-::)
| suc (suc n), x :: x' :: l, _ :: _ :: _, perm-swap idp idp idp =>
f (x :: x' :: l) ==< substract1from0 fa >==
f (x - x' :: x' :: l) ==< add0to1 fa *> simplify >==
f (x - x' :: x :: l) ==< substract1from0 fa *> simplify >==
f (negative x' :: x :: l) ==< pmap (\lam y => f (y :: x :: l)) (inv A.neg_ide_*c) *> func-*c {fa.1 (x :: l) 0} *> inv (pmap (`*c _) ide-left) >==
1 * -1 *c f (x' :: x :: l) `qed
| n, l1, l2, perm-trans p1 p2 => alternating_perm fa p1 *> pmap (_ *c) (alternating_perm fa p2) *> inv (pmap (`*c _) (pmap (R.pow -1) Perm.inversions_perm-trans *> R.pow_+) *> *c-assoc)

\lemma isAlternating_zro {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} : isAlternating {R} {n} {A} {B} (\lam x => 0)
=> (isMultilinear_zro, \lam _ _ => idp)

\lemma isAlternating_+ {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} {f g : Array A n -> B} (fa : isAlternating f) (ga : isAlternating g) : isAlternating (\lam x => f x + g x)
=> (isMultilinear_+ fa.1 ga.1, \lam l c => pmap2 (+) (fa.2 l c) (ga.2 l c) *> zro-left)

\lemma isAlternating_negative {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} {f : Array A n -> B} (fa : isAlternating f) : isAlternating (\lam x => negative (f x))
=> (isMultilinear_negative fa.1, \lam l c => pmap negative (fa.2 l c) *> B.negative_zro)

\lemma alternating-unique {R : Ring} {n : Nat} {A B : LModule' R} (f g : Array A n -> B) (fa : isAlternating f) (ga : isAlternating g)
(l : Array A n) (Ag : A.isGenerated l) (fl=gl : f l = g l) (a : Array A n) : f a = g a
=> B.fromZero $ alternating-unique_zro (\lam x => f x - g x) (isAlternating_+ fa (isAlternating_negative ga)) l Ag (B.toZero fl=gl) a
\where {
\open FinLinearOrder (FinLinearOrderInst)
\open Perm

\lemma alternating-unique_zro (f : Array A n -> B) (fa : isAlternating f)
(l : Array A n) (Ag : A.isGenerated l) (fl=0 : f l = 0) (a : Array A n) : f a = 0
=> aux f fa.1 l Ag a $ \lam c => \case repeats-dec c \with {
| inl e => fa.2 (map l c) (e.1, e.2, e.3, pmap l e.4)
| inr inj => isAlternating.alternating_perm fa {map l c} {l} (perm-map l (perm-fin c inj)) *> rewrite fl=0 B.*c_zro-right

\lemma aux {n : Nat} (f : Array A n -> B) (fl : isMultiLinear f) (l : Array A) (Ag : A.isGenerated l)
(a : Array A n) (p : \Pi (c : Array (Fin l.len) n) -> f (map l c) = 0) : f a = 0 \elim n, a
| 0, a => p nil
| suc n, a0 :: a => \case Ag a0 \with {
| inP a0g => rewrite a0g.2 $ inv (pmap f insert_zro) *> LinearMap.linearComb {fl a 0} {\lam j => (a0g.1 j, l j)} *>
BigSum_zro (\lam j => pmap (_ *c) (later $ pmap f insert_zro *> aux (\lam r => f (l j :: r)) (isMultiLinear.reduce f fl) l Ag a (\lam c => p (j :: c))) *> B.*c_zro-right)

\instance LModuleCat (R : Ring) : Cat (LModule' R)
| Hom A B => LinearMap' A B
| id A => \new LinearMap {
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/Algebra/Monoid.ard
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\import Algebra.Pointed
\import Arith.Nat
\import Data.Array
\import Data.Fin (fpred)
\import Data.Fin (fpred, fsuc/=)
\import Function.Meta
\import HLevel
\import Logic
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| zro-right {x : E} : x + zro = x
| +-assoc {x y z : E} : (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)

\lemma negative-unique {x z : E} (y : E) (p : x + y = zro) (q : y + z = zro) : x = z
=> inv (+-assoc *> pmap (x +) q *> zro-right) *> pmap (`+ z) p *> zro-left

\func BigSum (l : Array E) => Big (+) zro l

\lemma BigSum_++ {l l' : Array E} : BigSum (l ++ l') = BigSum l + BigSum l' \elim l
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\lemma BigSum-unique {l : Array E} (i : Fin l.len) (p : \Pi (j : Fin l.len) -> i /= j -> l j = 0) : BigSum l = l i \elim l, i
| a :: l, 0 => pmap (a +) (BigSum_zro $ \lam j => p (suc j) (\case __)) *> zro-right
| a :: l, suc i => pmap (a +) (BigSum-unique i $ \lam j q => p (suc j) (\lam s => q (pmap (fpred i) s))) *> pmap (`+ l i) (p 0 (\case __)) *> zro-left
| a :: l, suc i => pmap (a +) (BigSum-unique i $ \lam j q => p (suc j) (fsuc/= q)) *> pmap (`+ l i) (p 0 (\case __)) *> zro-left
} \where {
\use \coerce fromMonoid (M : Monoid) => \new AddMonoid M.E M.ide (M.*) M.ide-left M.ide-right M.*-assoc
\use \coerce toMonoid (M : AddMonoid) => \new Monoid M.E M.zro (M.+) M.zro-left M.zro-right M.+-assoc
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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/Algebra/Ring.ard
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\import Algebra.Group
\import Algebra.Monoid
\import Algebra.Semiring
\import Data.Array
\import Logic
\import Logic.Meta
\import Paths
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| 0 => natCoefZero *> inv (pmap negative natCoefZero *> AddGroup.negative_zro)
| suc n => idp

\lemma negative_*-left {x y : E} : negative x * y = negative (x * y) =>
pmap (\lam (t : Inv {AbGroup.toCGroup (\this : Ring)} (x * y)) => t.inv)
(Inv.levelProp {AbGroup.toCGroup (\this : Ring)}
(Inv.lmake {AbGroup.toCGroup (\this : Ring)} (negative x * y) (inv rdistr *> pmap (`* y) negative-left *> zro_*-left))
(Inv.lmake {AbGroup.toCGroup (\this : Ring)} (negative (x * y)) negative-left))
\where \open Monoid(Inv)
\lemma negative_*-left {x y : E} : negative x * y = negative (x * y)
=> negative-unique (x * y) (inv rdistr *> pmap (`* y) negative-left *> zro_*-left) negative-right

\lemma negative_*-right {x y : E} : x * negative y = negative (x * y) => negative_*-left {op \this}
\lemma negative_*-right {x y : E} : x * negative y = negative (x * y)
=> negative_*-left {op \this}

\lemma negative_ide-left {x : E} : negative ide * x = negative x
=> negative_*-left *> pmap negative ide-left
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Analysis/Calculus/Derivative.ard
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\func deriv {R : DRing} {A B : LModule' R} {U : A -> \Prop} {f : \Sigma (x : A) (U x) -> B} (d : isDiff f) (x : \Sigma (a : A) (U a)) : LinearMap' A B \cowith
| func a => (d x a (0, sub-lem x)).1
| func-+ {a} {a'} =>
\have s => cancel-lem (\lam t => \Sigma (U (x.1 + t *c (a + a'))) (U (x.1 + t *c a)) (U (x.1 + t *c a + t *c a'))) (\lam t => (d x (a + a') (t.1, t.2.1)).1) (\lam t => (d (x.1 + t.1 *c a, t.2.2) a' (t.1, t.2.3)).1 + (d x a (t.1, t.2.2)).1) (0, (sub-lem x, sub-lem x, rewrite (A.zro_*c-left, zro-right) (sub-lem x))) $
\have s => cancel-lem (\lam t => \Sigma (U (x.1 + t *c (a + a'))) (U (x.1 + t *c a)) (U (x.1 + t *c a + t *c a'))) (\lam t => (d x (a + a') (t.1, t.2.1)).1) (\lam t => (d (x.1 + t.1 *c a, t.2.2) a' (t.1, t.2.3)).1 + (d x a (t.1, t.2.2)).1) (0, (sub-lem x, sub-lem x, rewrite (A.*c_zro-left, zro-right) (sub-lem x))) $
\lam t => (d _ _ (_, _)).2 *> pmap (`- _) (pmap f (ext $ rewrite *c-ldistr $ inv +-assoc) *> inv zro-right *> pmap (_ +) (inv negative-left) *> inv +-assoc) *> +-assoc *> inv (pmap2 (+) (d _ _ (_, _)).2 (d _ _ (_, _)).2) *> inv B.*c-ldistr
\in s *> +-comm *> pmap (_ +) (isDiff-eq d (pmap (x.1 +) A.zro_*c-left *> zro-right) idp)
\in s *> +-comm *> pmap (_ +) (isDiff-eq d (pmap (x.1 +) A.*c_zro-left *> zro-right) idp)
| func-*c {r} {a} =>
\have s => cancel-lem (\lam t => \Sigma (U (x.1 + t *c (r *c a))) (U (x.1 + t * r *c a))) (\lam t => (d x (r *c a) (t.1, t.2.1)).1) (\lam t => r *c (d x a (t.1 * r, t.2.2)).1) (0, (sub-lem x, rewrite *c-assoc $ sub-lem x)) $
\lam t => later (rewrite ((d x (r *c a) (t.1, t.2.1)).2, (d x a (t.1 * r, t.2.2)).2) $ pmap (f __ - f x) $ ext $ pmap (x.1 +) $ inv *c-assoc) *> *c-assoc
\in s *> pmap (r *c) (isDiff-eq d idp R.zro_*-left)
\lemma sub-lem {A : LModule} {U : A -> \Prop} {a : A} (x : \Sigma (a : A) (U a)) : U (x.1 + 0 *c a)
=> transportInv U (pmap (x.1 +) A.zro_*c-left *> zro-right) x.2
=> transportInv U (pmap (x.1 +) A.*c_zro-left *> zro-right) x.2

-- | The derivative of a linear map is the map itself
\func linear_diff {R : DRing} {A B : LModule' R} (f : LinearMap' A B) : isDiffT f
=> \lam x a t => (f a, rewrite (+-comm,f.func-+) $ inv (simplify f.func-*c))

-- | The derivative of a constant map is zero
\func const_diff {R : DRing} {A B : LModule' R} (b : B) : isDiffT (\lam (_ : A) => b)
=> \lam x a t => (0, B.zro_*c-right *> inv negative-right)
=> \lam x a t => (0, B.*c_zro-right *> inv negative-right)

-- | The derivative of a sum is the sum of derivatives
\func +_diff {R : DRing} {A B : LModule' R} {U : A -> \Prop} {f g : \Sigma (a : A) (U a) -> B} (df : isDiff f) (dg : isDiff g) : isDiff (\lam x => f x + g x)
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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Array.ard
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\in perm-trans (perm-remove l j) $ perm-:: lj=0 $ aux (remove1 (l j) l) remove/=0 d $ perm-fin (map (fpred d) (remove1 (l j) l)) $
\lam {i} {j} p => remove1-inj l-inj $ inv (fsuc_fpred (remove/=0 i)) *> pmap fsuc p *> fsuc_fpred (remove/=0 j)

\func index-dec {A : DecSet} (l : Array A) (a : A) : Or (Index a l) (Not (Index a l)) \elim l
| nil => inr $ \case __.1
| b :: l => \case decideEq b a \with {
| yes e => inl (0, e)
| no q => \case index-dec l a \with {
| inl e => inl (suc e.1, e.2)
| inr p => inr $ \case __ \with {
| (0, c) => q c
| (suc i, c) => p (i,c)

\func repeats-dec {A : DecSet} (l : Array A) : Or (\Sigma (i j : Fin l.len) (i /= j) (l i = l j)) (isInj l) \elim l
| nil => inr $ \lam {i} => \case i
| a :: l => \case index-dec l a \with {
| inl e => inl (suc e.1, 0, (\case __), e.2)
| inr q => \case repeats-dec l \with {
| inl e => inl (suc e.1, suc e.2, fsuc/= e.3, e.4)
| inr p => inr $ \lam {i} {j} => \case \elim i, \elim j \with {
| 0, 0 => \lam _ => idp
| 0, suc j => \lam r => absurd $ q (j, inv r)
| suc i, 0 => \lam r => absurd $ q (i, r)
| suc i, suc j => \lam r => pmap fsuc (p r)

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