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Releases: JetBrains/resharper-unity

v2018.2.0.653 for ReSharper 2018.2

03 Sep 11:03
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Please install from ReSharper's Extension Manager. Search for "Unity Support"

Note: this release is only for ReSharper. Rider support is bundled with Rider. This release is equivalent to v2018.2 for Rider 2018.2.

This release will:

  • Add support for .asmdef files (#283)
  • Recognise custom serializable classes and handle serialized fields and usge (#419, RIDER-9341, RIDER-12239)
  • Update API details to 2018.2.0b9 (#611, #613)
  • Add undocumented API methods in AssetPostprocessor (OnGeneratedCSProject and OnGeneratedSlnSolution)
  • Consolidate multiple incorrect method signature inspections into one, with quick fix (#534)
  • Add redundant SerializeField attribute on readonly field inspection, plus quick fix (#503, #586)
  • Add redundant HighlightInInspector attribute on serialised field, plus quick fix (#585, #586)
  • Add context actions to toggle HideInInspector attribute on serialised fields (#494, #586)
  • Rework make serialised/non-serialised field context actions (#583, #586)
  • Serialised field context action and quick fixes work correctly with multiple field declarations (#586)
  • Add FormerlySerializedAs attribute when renaming a serialised field (#54, #659, RIDER-12298, RIDER-17887)
  • Add redundant FormerlySerializedAs attribute inspection and quick fix, with code wiki entry
  • Add possible mis-application of FormerlySerializedAs attribute on multiple field declaration, with quick fix and code wiki entry
  • Add inspection for usage of Camera.main in Update methods (#196)
  • Mark potential event handler methods and property setters as in use (#625, RIDER-17276)
  • Add sprop and sfield Live Templates (#565)
  • Don't show incorrect "always false" warning for "this == null" in Unity types (#368)
  • Remove highlighted background for Cg blocks in ShaderLab files (RIDER-16438)
  • Add ShaderLab colour scheme settings page (RIDER-17305)
  • Fix ShaderLab highlighting of keywords (RIDER-17287)
  • Fix rename's "find in text" renaming non-text elements in ShaderLab files
  • Fix Unity specific inspections not showing in Solution Wide Errors tool window (#680)
  • Fix performance issue with code completion of Unity event functions (#471)

See also the Rider 2018.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.1.0.380 for ReSharper 2018.1.

v2018.2.1 for Rider 2018.2.1

03 Sep 11:22
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.2.1.

The release will:

  • Unity editor: Fix project failing to load due to Unicode issue (#727, #732)
  • Unity editor: Fix response file defines and references not being applied to generated project files (#729, #735)

See also the Rider 2018.2.1 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.2 for Rider 2018.2.

v2018.2 for Rider 2018.2

03 Sep 12:25
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.2. For the equivalent ReSharper release, please see the v2018.2.0.653 for ReSharper 2018.2 release.

The release will:

  • Add support for .asmdef files (#283)
  • Recognise custom serializable classes and handle serialized fields and usge (#419, RIDER-9341, RIDER-12239)
  • Update API details to 2018.2.0b9 (#611, #613)
  • Add undocumented API methods in AssetPostprocessor (OnGeneratedCSProject and OnGeneratedSlnSolution)
  • Consolidate multiple incorrect method signature inspections into one, with quick fix (#534)
  • Add redundant SerializeField attribute on readonly field inspection, plus quick fix (#503, #586)
  • Add redundant HighlightInInspector attribute on serialised field, plus quick fix (#585, #586)
  • Add context actions to toggle HideInInspector attribute on serialised fields (#494, #586)
  • Rework make serialised/non-serialised field context actions (#583, #586)
  • Serialised field context action and quick fixes work correctly with multiple field declarations (#586)
  • Add FormerlySerializedAs attribute when renaming a serialised field (#54, #659, RIDER-12298, RIDER-17887)
  • Add redundant FormerlySerializedAs attribute inspection and quick fix, with code wiki entry
  • Add possible mis-application of FormerlySerializedAs attribute on multiple field declaration, with quick fix and code wiki entry
  • Add inspection for usage of Camera.main in Update methods (#196)
  • Mark potential event handler methods and property setters as in use (#625, RIDER-17276)
  • Add sprop and sfield Live Templates (#565)
  • Don't show incorrect "always false" warning for this == null in Unity types (#368)
  • Remove highlighted background for Cg blocks in ShaderLab files (RIDER-16438)
  • Add ShaderLab colour scheme settings page (RIDER-17305)
  • Fix ShaderLab highlighting of keywords (RIDER-17287)
  • Fix rename's "find in text" renaming non-text elements in ShaderLab files
  • Fix Unity specific inspections not showing in Solution Wide Errors tool window (#680)
  • Fix list of Unity players in Attach to Unity Process dialog (#634, #650, RIDER-17130)
  • Use correct IP address when attaching debugging to remote player (#650, RIDER-17130)
  • Add Attach to Unity Process action to Unity actions dropdown
  • Updated icons for run configurations (RIDER-18576, #694)
  • Advanced integration feature (play/pause, etc.) available in all solutions in project folder (#581)
  • Fixed showing tool windows after hiding for Unity projects
  • Fix incorrect connection icon shown when Unity is in play mode (RIDER-15758)
  • Enable editing of Unity specific Live Templates (#654)
  • Prevent editor plugin being installed each time project is loaded (#656)
  • Show a notification if the project is incorrectly opened as a folder (#658)
  • Show a meaningful message when trying to run Unity tests under dotCover (RIDER-17815)
  • Unity editor: Add option to disable reloading assemblies during Play mode. Only for Unity 2018.1 and below (#520)
  • Unity editor: Only write file to disk if it's changed (requires Unity 2018.1+)
  • Unity editor: Fix crash with Unity 5.6.x (#660)
  • Unity editor: Support Roslyn compiler response files (csc.rsp) (#690)

See also the Rider 2018.2.1 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.1.4 for Rider 2018.1.4.

v2018.1.0.380 for ReSharper 2018.1

03 Sep 11:08
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Please install from ReSharper's Extension Manager. Search for "Unity Support"

Note: this release is only for ReSharper. Rider support is bundled with Rider.

This release will:

  • Workaround breaking API change in ReSharper 2018.1.2 (#584)

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.1 for Rider and ReSharper 2018.1.

v2018.1.4 for Rider 2018.1.4

03 Sep 12:49
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.1.4.

There have been no changes since Rider 2018.1.3.

v2018.1.3 for Rider 2018.1.3

03 Sep 12:49
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.1.3.

There have been no changes since Rider 2018.1.2.

v2018.1.2 for Rider 2018.1.2

03 Sep 12:57
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.1.2.

This release will:

  • Only override language version if new value is higher than current version in generated project files
  • Fix Rider's BringToFront after opening script from Unity
  • Fix opening non-code assets from Unity

See previous release notes for changes in v2018.1.1 for Rider 2018.1.1.

v2018.1 for Rider and ReSharper 2018.1

03 Sep 11:15
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Please install from ReSharper's Extension Manager. Search for "Unity Support"

Note: this release is only for ReSharper. Rider support is bundled with Rider.

This release will:

  • Bumped version to 2018.1 to match Rider and ReSharper releases
  • Add inspections for null coalescing and null propagation opertators (#342, #35, #148)
  • Add go to definition, find usages, highlighting, code completion for ShaderLab variable references (#362)
  • Add undocumented UIBehaviour APIs (#394, #395, RIDER-12649)
  • Add code inspection wiki for most inspections
  • Workaround Unity's old version of annotations and make [PublicAPI] mark all members as in use (#337)
  • Change inspection for incorrectly applied attributes from error to redundant code (#325, #322, #376)
  • Remove option to disable ShaderLab parsing from UI (#236)
  • Fix ShaderLab colour reference handling with non-US cultures (#346)
  • Fix ShaderLab vector properties showing colour highlighting or throwing exceptions (#384, #397)
  • Fix parse error with trailing whitespace in ShaderLab variable references (#257, #357)
  • Fix exceptions with existing features

Rider specific changes in this release will:

  • Add Assets View as alternative to Solution Explorer
  • Add Unity tool window to view Unity editor console logs, with parsed stack traces
  • Play/pause/step Unity from within Rider
  • Background refresh Unity projects
  • Hides unnecessary UI tool windows when opening a Unity project
  • Run Unity editor tests in the Editor instance, but displayed in Rider

See also the Rider 2018.1 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in v2.1.3 for ReSharper 2017.3.

v2.1.3 for ReSharper 2017.3

22 Dec 17:21
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Please install from ReSharper's Extension Manager. Search for "Unity Support"

Note: this release is equivalent to the plugin bundled with Rider 2017.3. See the shared Milestone.

This release will:

  • Add context action to convert auto-property to property with serialized backing field (#195)
  • Add context action to mark field as serialized or non-serizable (#191)
  • Add inspection and quick fix for redundant SerializeField attribute
  • Add inspections and quick fixes for method signature of methods with Unity attributes (#248)
  • Add inspections for incorrectly applied attributes (#247)
  • Fix code completion before a field with an attribute (#259, #286)
  • Improve relevance of Unity event functions in code completion (#260, #273)

See previous release notes for changes in 2.1.2 for ReSharper 2017.2.

v2.1.2 for ReSharper 2017.2

17 Oct 14:47
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Please install from ReSharper's Extension Manager. Search for "Unity Support"

Note: this release is for ReSharper. Rider support is bundled with Rider.

This release will:

  • Add Unity specific file templates (#232, #237)

  • Fix code completion and generation not working with newer versions of Unity (#219)

  • Support Unity API up to 2017.3.0b3 (#218)

  • Recognise projects with modularised UnityEngine assembly references (#241)

  • Fix parsing of 2DArray (RIDER-9786)

  • Add colour highlighting and editing to ShaderLab


From 2.0.3:

  • Support for ReSharper 2017.2 (#193)
  • Parse ShaderLab files, show syntax error highlighting (#3)
  • Brace matching for ShaderLab files
  • To do comments for ShaderLab files
  • Comment/uncomment action for ShaderLab files
  • Support for HLSL and GLSL blocks
  • Parse preprocessor directives in ShaderLab (#186)
  • Parse property references for BlendOp (RIDER-8386)

Previous release notes. Note that the previous release was 2.0.3. The version numbers correspond to the version numbers of the Rider plugin, which are incremented more frequently than ReSharper releases.