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Releases: JetBrains/resharper-unity

v1.5.0 for Rider EAP15+

02 Jan 21:49
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This release will:

  • Add support for Rider EAP15 (#91)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use CompareTag instead of string comparison (#82)
  • Add support for Unity API versions 5.2 - 5.5 (#81)
  • Add support for undocumented ScriptableObject.OnValidate and Reset (#79)
  • Add code completion, find usages and rename for MonoBehaviour.IsInvoking (#85) and MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine/StopCoroutine (#83)
  • Add gutter icon and "Create" context action for Unity classes (#77)
  • Fix method generation for static event functions (#73)
  • Improve recognition of serialised fields (#87)
  • Remove duplicate items in auto complete list (#92)

More details in the release notes for 1.5.0 for ReSharper 2016.3

v1.5.0 for ReSharper 2016.3

30 Dec 10:12
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See milestone v1.5 - 2016.3 support.

This release will:

  • Add ReSharper 2016.3 support (#80, #90)

  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use CompareTag instead of string comparison (#82)

  • Add support for Unity API versions 5.2 - 5.5 (#81)

  • Add support for undocumented ScriptableObject.OnValidate and Reset (#79)

  • Add code completion, find usages and rename for MonoBehaviour.IsInvoking (#85) and MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine/StopCoroutine (#83)

  • Add gutter icon and "Create" context action for Unity classes (#77)

  • Fix method generation for static event functions (#73)

  • Improve recognition of serialised fields (#87)

  • Remove duplicate items in auto complete list (#92)

Previous release notes

1.4 for ReSharper 2016.2

18 Nov 16:16
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Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager)

See milestone v1.4.

This release will:

  • Enable functionality in projects that reference Unity assemblies, not just those that have the VSTU project flavour GUID (#53)

  • Improve handling of C# language version. Default is correctly set to C# 4, not 5. Uses C# 6 if option is enabled in Unity 5.5. Handles the CSharp60Support plugin. (#50, #60)

  • Treat UnityEngine.Debug.Assert as assertion methods, so ReSharper includes asserts in control flow analysis. (#62, #63 - thanks @joshuaoconnor!)

  • Add string formatting inspections for debug assertion messages.

  • Renamed "message handlers" to "event functions", as per the Unity documentation.

  • Display a "gutter" icon for implicitly used event functions and fields. (#58)

  • Display colour highlights and the colour palette picker for UnityEngine.Color and UnityEngine.Color32. (#51)

  • Fix MonoBehaviour.Invoke code completion and rename support in string literals to work with the correct class, not just the current class. (#66)

  • Support undocumented messages, such as OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles. (#59)

  • Fix namespace provider settings for Assets and Assets\Scripts folders. (#64)

  • Sort event functions alphabetically by default in code completion.

Previous release notes

1.3 for ReSharper 2016.2

26 Sep 16:13
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Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager)

See milestone v1.3.


  • ReSharper 2016.2 support. Thanks @cmcpasserby! (#44, #46)

  • Added support for messages for all Unity classes, not just MonoBehaviour. Thanks @swalex, @rorydriscoll! (#20, #29, #44)

  • External annotations to improve ReSharper's analysis, e.g. implicit usage and nullability of Component.gameObject. Thanks @bigbadtrumpet! (#34, #13, #15, #23, #42, #43)

  • Code completion, find usages and rename support for Invoke, InvokeRepeating and CancelInvoke (#41)


  • Auto-suggest message handler completion when creating methods


  • Message handler descriptions for methods and parameters displayed in tooltips and QuickDoc

  • "Read more" in QuickDoc navigates to Unity API documentation


Previous release notes

1.2.1 for ReSharper 2016.1

26 Sep 16:10
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  • Support for ReSharper 2016.1

Previous release notes

1.2 for ReSharper 10

16 Nov 10:29
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  • Suppress naming consistency changes on message handlers
  • Add parameters to generated message handlers (#8)
  • Automatically set Unity projects to C# 5. No more incompatible C# 6 suggestions! (#5)
  • ReSharper no longer suggests Assets or Scripts when checking namespaces (#6)

With thanks to @MrJul for the first two items in the list!

1.1 for ReSharper 10

06 Nov 14:46
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  • Updated to ReSharper 10

1.0 for ReSharper 9.2

06 Nov 14:45
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Please install from the Extension Manager (ReSharper → Extension Manager)

Initial release. Adds support for Unity to ReSharper.

  • Marks MonoBehaviour classes, fields and methods as in use
  • Use Generate Code to generate MonoBehaviour message handlers