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Releases: JetBrains/resharper-unity

v2019.2.4 for Rider 2019.2.4

29 Apr 14:01
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.2.4. Previous ReSharper versions are available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.2.x.


  • Fix exception parsing scene files (DEXP-481931)
  • Rider: Fix parsing preview version of Rider plugin package (#1349)

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.2.3.

v2019.2.3 for Rider 2019.2.3

29 Apr 13:41
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.2.3. Previous ReSharper versions are available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.2.x.


  • Use platform native line endings in generated .meta files. Works better with Perforce (#1323)


See previous release notes for changes in 2019.2.2.

v2019.2.2 for Rider 2019.2.2

30 Aug 14:53
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.2.2. Previous ReSharper versions are available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.2.x.


  • Rider: Suggest files and folders to be ignored by version control (RIDER-31206, #1276)


  • Suppress warning when using CollisionFlags in a bitwise operation (RIDER-28661, #1289)
  • Rider: Show notification that Unity isn't running when clicking Code Vision to find Unity usages (#1275)
  • Rider: Ignore Unity.Licensing.Client in list of Unity processes to debug (#1283, #1284)
  • Rider: Files in read only packages no longer shown as "ignored" in Unity Explorer (#1288)


  • Fix exception when pasting code (RIDER-31338, #1280)
  • Rider: Fix fetching list of Unity editors and players on UI thread (RIDER-31585)
  • Unity Editor: Fix exception running tests with older test framework packages (#1273)

See also the Rider 2019.2.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.2.0 (Note that there were no changes for Rider 2019.2.1).

v2019.2.1 for Rider 2019.2.1

29 Apr 13:29
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Bundled with Rider 2019.2.1. No changes.

v2019.2 for Rider 2019.2 and ReSharper 2019.2

14 Aug 16:08
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2019.2, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2019.2 (2019.2.0.72)


  • Add completion and inspections for scenes, tags, layers and inputs (#1158)
  • Add quick fix which specifies scene name when several scenes with the same name are present in build settings (#1158)
  • Add new file and live templates (#1201)
  • Add context action to generate event function in any Unity type (#1209 )
  • Add context actions to add Inspector attributes Space, Header and Tooltip to serialised fields (#1244)
  • Add context actions to initialise component field or property in Start or Awake (#356, #608, #1259)
  • Add context action to add RequireComponent attribute for component field (#608, #1259)
  • Add Find Unity Usages of Symbol to Navigate To menu (#1209)
  • Add inspection for duplicate shortcut items in a menu attribute (#1246)
  • Rider: Add Inspector values as part of serialised field Code Vision (#1226)
  • Rider: Add quick fix to add or enable scenes to build settings (#1158)
  • Rider: Add "Show in Unity" action to Unity YAML file notifications (#1236)
  • Unity Editor: Correctly detect Rider installed via snap (#1215)


  • Improve performance of YAML based asset parsing (#1226, RIDER-30186, #1256)
  • Generate event function body according to settings (#1236)
  • Classes implementing editor interfaces no longer marked as unused (#686, #1167)
  • Remove syntax errors in ShaderLab files from Solution Wide Error Analysis (#1268)
  • Rider: Show asset usage count in Code Vision (#1209)
  • Rider: Show event function method summary docs in Code Vision tooltip (#1206)
  • Rider: Improve handling of [UnityTest] attribute (#1224)
  • Rider: Notification about saving during play mode moved from startup to first modification in play mode (#1263)
  • Unity Editor: Improve performance of editor plugin reload (#1197, #1221)


  • Fix filtering of event function code completion in ReSharper (#1245, DEXP-454736, #1255)
  • Fix error parsing ShaderLab properties with empty parameter list (#1267)
  • Rider: Disable automatic cleanup of Unity messages in Rider (RIDER-26880, #1217)
  • Rider: Fix presentation of unit tests with similar name (#526, #1214)
  • Rider: Fix exception checking process ID in Unity run configuration (RIDER-28743, #1223)
  • Rider: Fix focus issues when opening a file and Rider is minimised (#1100, #1262)
  • Unity Editor: Fix generation of MDB files (#1155, #1182)
  • Unity Editor: Fix double refresh of assets on save all (#1253 #1254)

See also the Rider 2019.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2019.1.3.

v2018.3.3 for Rider 2018.3.3

14 Aug 13:16
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.3.3. There is no corresponding release for ReSharper, as these release contained only fixes related to Rider.


  • Unity Editor: Fix finding install path from JetBrains Toolbox (RIDER-24173, #1024)

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.3.2 for Rider 2018.3.2.

v2018.3.2 for Rider 2018.3.2 and ReSharper 2018.3

05 Feb 17:42
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.3.2, and available to download from the Extension Manager for ReSharper 2018.3.


  • Unity editor: Add extra logging for switching to play mode and background refresh of assets (#987)


  • Mark more methods as expensive inside a performance critical context (#1000)
  • Improve performance of rename and find usages with YAML files (#983)
  • Improve performance of typing in YAML files, by incrementally re-parsing only the YAML document that contains the change (#993)
  • Changed unresolved symbol error in GetComponent, AddComponent and ScriptableObject.CreateInstance to a configurable warning (RIDER-23429, #1003)
  • Rider: Remove repeated use of project name from Unity Explorer when under assembly definition (#982, #989)


  • Fix processing hierarchy for YAML scene files (#985)
  • Rider: Fix implicitly referenced system assemblies referencing incorrect Mono version in generated project files (#988, #992)
  • Unity editor: Fix merging different game objects in find results window (#985)

See also the Rider 2018.3.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.3.1 for Rider 2018.3.1 and for ReSharper 2018.3.

v2018.3 for ReSharper 2018.3

18 Jan 21:06
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Please install from ReSharper's Extension Manager. Search for "Unity Support"

Note: this release is only for ReSharper. Rider support is bundled with Rider. This release is based on v2018.3.1 for Rider 2018.3.1, with some of the updates for Rider 2018.3.2.


  • Add parsing of method and class usage from scene, prefab and asset files (#263, RIDER-7460, #870, #873, #903, #921, RIDER-21907, RIDER-21897, #943, #949)
  • Add "Unity event handler" gutter icon to method and property setters registered to a Unity event via the Unity editor
  • Correctly mark event handlers as in use
  • Unity files appear in Find Usages for event handlers and classes deriving from MonoBehaviour, grouped by type, component and object
  • Disable rename for event handler methods to prevent breaking the registration in scene files
  • Add Code Vision highlighting for implicitly used classes, methods, properties and fields
  • Add option to hide gutter icons (automatically disabled when Code Vision enabled)
  • Add performance indicators for performance critical code contexts (#816, #878)
  • Add performance indicator for null comparison against Unity object (RIDER-19297)
  • Add performance indicator for AddComponent as an expensive method invocation (RIDER-19299)
  • Add performance indicator for Find methods (RIDER-19287)
  • Add performance indicator for GetComponent methods (RIDER-19288)
  • Add performance indicator for indirect invocation of expensive methods (#816)
  • Add inspection to avoid string based method invocation (RIDER-19295, #798)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid repeat access of properties that make native calls (RIDER-19289, #797)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid instantiating an object and setting parent transform immediately after (RIDER-19298, #797)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use static int field to access graphics properties instead of string access (RIDER-19296, #783))
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use non-allocating physics functions (RIDER-19290, #784)
  • Add Context Action to move expensive expression to Start, Awake or outside of loop (RIDER-19297, RIDER-19291, RIDER-19287, #878)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid string based versions of GetComponent, AddComponent and ScriptableObject.CreateInstance (RIDER-19293, #763)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix for correct method signature for DrawGizmo attribute (#36, #772)
  • Add inspection for calling base.OnGUI in PropertyDrawer derived class (#886, thanks @vinhui!)
  • Add suspicious comparison warning if comparing two Unity objects which don't have a common subtype (RIDER-18671, #7864))
  • Add "Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?" for most new inspections
  • Add code completion, rename and find usages to string literal component and scriptable object type names (#835)
  • Add file template for [InitializeOnLoad] class (#795)


  • Updated to ReSharper 2018.3
  • Improve performance of rename and find usages with YAML files (#983)
  • Automatically disable YAML parsing if the project is too large (#973)
  • Update API to Unity 2018.3.0b9 (#819, #897)
  • Mark event handler methods and property setters as in use if they're declared on a base type (#922)
  • Remove duplicate event functions from code completion (#685, #823)
  • Improve redundant event function warnings (RIDER-19894, #794)
  • Stop Generate Code dialog selecting all event functions by default when called from the gutter icon or Code Vision marker (RIDER-22211, #939)
  • Prevent Respeller running on .asmdef files (RIDER-17701, #748)


  • Fix processing hierarchy for YAML scene files (#985)
  • Fix C# language level override incorrectly handling latest (#871)
  • Fix to stop generating readonly modifier when converting auto property to property with serialised backing field (#892, #893)
  • Fix bug in ShaderLab parsing Blend operations (#723, #785)
  • Fix exception after renaming type (#820, RIDER-18699)

See also the Rider 2018.3 milestone, the Rider 2018.3.1 milestone and the Rider 2018.3.2 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.2.1 for Rider 2018.2.1.

v2018.3.1 for Rider 2018.3.1

18 Jan 20:51
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.3.1.


  • Automatically disable YAML parsing if the project is too large (#973)


  • Rider: Fix reference to UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll in generated projects (#974, #976)
  • Rider: Fix bug in setting reference to UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll in generated projects (#976)
  • Rider: Fix bug failing to copy script assemblies during debugging (#964)

See also the Rider 2018.3.1 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.3 for Rider 2018.3.

v2018.3 for Rider 2018.3

18 Jan 20:49
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Note: this release is for informational purposes only. This release is bundled with Rider 2018.3.


  • Add parsing of method and class usage from scene, prefab and asset files (#263, RIDER-7460, #870, #873, #903, #921, RIDER-21907, RIDER-21897, #943, #949)
  • Add "Unity event handler" gutter icon to method and property setters registered to a Unity event via the Unity editor
  • Correctly mark event handlers as in use
  • Unity files appear in Find Usages for event handlers and classes deriving from MonoBehaviour, grouped by type, component and object
  • Disable rename for event handler methods to prevent breaking the registration in scene files
  • Add Code Vision highlighting for implicitly used classes, methods, properties and fields
  • Add option to hide gutter icons (automatically disabled when Code Vision enabled)
  • Add performance indicators for performance critical code contexts (#816, #878)
  • Add performance indicator for null comparison against Unity object (RIDER-19297)
  • Add performance indicator for AddComponent as an expensive method invocation (RIDER-19299)
  • Add performance indicator for Find methods (RIDER-19287)
  • Add performance indicator for GetComponent methods (RIDER-19288)
  • Add performance indicator for indirect invocation of expensive methods (#816)
  • Add inspection to avoid string based method invocation (RIDER-19295, #798)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid repeat access of properties that make native calls (RIDER-19289, #797)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid instantiating an object and setting parent transform immediately after (RIDER-19298, #797)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use static int field to access graphics properties instead of string access (RIDER-19296, #783))
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to use non-allocating physics functions (RIDER-19290, #784)
  • Add Context Action to move expensive expression to Start, Awake or outside of loop (RIDER-19297, RIDER-19291, RIDER-19287, #878)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix to avoid string based versions of GetComponent, AddComponent and ScriptableObject.CreateInstance (RIDER-19293, #763)
  • Add inspection and Quick Fix for correct method signature for DrawGizmo attribute (#36, #772)
  • Add inspection for calling base.OnGUI in PropertyDrawer derived class (#886, thanks @vinhui!)
  • Add suspicious comparison warning if comparing two Unity objects which don't have a common subtype (RIDER-18671, #7864))
  • Add "Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?" for most new inspections
  • Add code completion, rename and find usages to string literal component and scriptable object type names (#835)
  • Add file template for [InitializeOnLoad] class (#795)
  • Rider: Syntax highlighting for YAML files
  • Rider: Add entity component data to debugger (#720)
  • Rider: Add components and children of GameObject to debugger (#838)
  • Rider: Add child game objects of Scene to debugger (#838)
  • Rider: Add double click to start debugger in Attach to Unity Process dialog (#814)
  • Rider: Add setting to disable sending Unity Console to Rider (#829)
  • Rider: Add prefix, suffix and "disable inspections" options to custom serialised fields naming rule (#930, #928, RIDER-22026, RIDER-21193)
  • Rider: Ensure code is compiled before running tests via Unity (#916, #931)
  • Unity editor: Show version of editor plugin on Rider plugin page (#818, #822)
  • Unity editor: Generate projects once per Unity startup (#874, #884, RIDER-21237, RIDER-21035)
  • Unity editor: Add editor window to show results of Find Usages (#918)
  • Unity editor: Add action to start Unity from Rider (#942, #946)


  • Update API to Unity 2018.3.0b9 (#819, #897)
  • Mark event handler methods and property setters as in use if they're declared on a base type (#922)
  • Remove duplicate event functions from code completion (#685, #823)
  • Improve redundant event function warnings (RIDER-19894, #794)
  • Stop Generate Code dialog selecting all event functions by default when called from the gutter icon or Code Vision marker (RIDER-22211, #939)
  • Prevent Respeller running on .asmdef files (RIDER-17701, #748)
  • Rider: Updated icons in Unity Explorer (#836, RIDER-18475)
  • Rider: Set font similar to Console for Unity Log View (#842)
  • Rider: Explicit background refresh assets action will force AppDomain reload (#846)
  • Rider: Detect non-default Unity installed (#854, #850)
  • Rider: Refine auto-save notification advice (#707, #877)
  • Rider: Preserve custom editor location (#872)
  • Unity editor: Generated projects for Unity 2018.1+ no longer require .NET or Mono installed (#756)
  • Unity editor: Add HintPaths to system libraries in generated projects (RIDER-20161, #832)
  • Unity editor: Speed up writing JSON file during plugin startup (#753)
  • Unity editor: Stop capturing log events unless connected to a Unity project (#946, RIDER-22361)


  • Fix C# language level override incorrectly handling latest (#871)
  • Fix to stop generating readonly modifier when converting auto property to property with serialised backing field (#892, #893)
  • Fix bug in ShaderLab parsing Blend operations (#723, #785)
  • Fix exception after renaming type (#820, RIDER-18699)
  • Rider: Fix filter in Unity log view to be case insensitive (#761)
  • Rider: Fix running unit tests via Unity on Mac (RIDER-20514, #530)
  • Rider: Fix Unity Explorer not showing on Linux (#792, #793)
  • Rider: Fix Unity Explorer and packages with fully qualified paths (#952)
  • Rider: Fix list of debuggable Unity apps to include apps started from symlinks (#713)
  • Rider: Fix prompt for npm install in package.json in Unity packages (#703, #789)
  • Rider: Fix for ignored tests displaying wrong result status (#657, #718)
  • Unity editor: Fix mcs.rsp/csc.rsp processing for references in quotes
  • Unity editor: Fix adding reference to UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode.dll for Unity installed from Hub (#843)

See also the Rider 2018.3 milestone.

See previous release notes for changes in 2018.2.1 for Rider 2018.2.1.