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Client and Server communication

Thomas Storli edited this page May 4, 2021 · 12 revisions

Risk calculation

Standard responses from server

Standard success response

This is how a successful response is formatted

    "success": true,
    "payload": {
       //Payload based on request

Standard error response

This is how an unsuccessful response is formatted

    "success": false,
    "error": {
        "Name": str,
        "Message": str,
        "Code": int


Calculate risk scores

  • Request type: POST
  • Endpoint: /calculate/

Request data:

    "age": int,
    "parity": int,
    "gdm": bool,
    "congenital": bool,
    "stillbirth": bool,
    "miscarriage": bool,
    "preterm": bool,
    "macrosomia": bool,
    "height": int,
    "weight": int,
    "white": bool,
    "family_diabetes": bool,
    "polycystic": bool,
    "blood_pressure_family": bool,
    "blood_pressure_not_family": bool,
    "diet_not_varied": bool,
    "diet_sugar": bool,
    "diet_sweets": bool,
    "diet_processed_meat": bool,
    "diet_whole_grain": bool,
    "diet_diary": bool,
    "diet_vitamin_d": bool,
    "activity_walking_minute": bool,
    "activity_vigorous": bool,
    "activity_stairs": bool

Response from server to client

The response from server is based on the criteria found in on risk calculation page.

  • "severity" is an integer between 0 - 4
    • 0 Low, 1 Increased, 2 Moderate, 3 High, 4 Very High
  • "risk_score" is an integer representing the total amount of points added together (no known max) Communication to the server is done by sending requests to various endpoints.
  • /calculate/<lang_code>
    • Methods: POST
    • Response body:
    "success": true,
    "payload": [
            "complication": "Gestational Diabetes Mellitus",
            "severity": 4,
            "severity_str": "High",
            "risk_str": ">50 % of pregancies",
            "risk_score": 53
            "complication": "Gestational Diabetes Mellitus",
            "severity": 4,
            "severity_str": "High",
            "risk_str": ">50 % of pregancies",
            "risk_score": 53

Factors (Questions)

Standard responses from server

Standard success response

This is how a successful response is formatted. (? means optional)

    "factors": [
            "factor": string,
        	"question": string,
        	"answertype": string,
        	"skippable": boolean,
        	"maxdigits"?: int,
        	"requirement"?: string,
        	"subfactors"?: [

Requirements should have a syntax like: comparator;value such as >;0, =;T, <=;5, etc.

Comparator Value
= int or T/F
>, <, >=, <= int