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SimplyFood will help you by creating a food list for you

Versioning :

V0.1 Initialisation of the Project

V0.2 Creation of home page , and account system

V0.3 Research one recipe

V0.4 Creation of a table for multiple research

V0.5 Create Json with the inputs of the table

V0.6 Add an auto completion for the input

V0.7 Config DB for the Recipe and User_Recipe_List

V0.8 Add Footer, Legal_Mention

V0.9 Add History Page, page for checking last recipe list, config ManyToMany Objects

V1.0 All of the task on the roadmap is done, black library, integration with Unix Server

V1.1 Create a manage account page, now we can change the username

--> Covering Test, Deploy App

Author and Contribution :

I built this program as part of an formation on OpenClassrooms. Therefore every pull request will be refused. Insted you can open an issue to signal a bug, a typographical error or just for give me an advice