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  1. LeetCode-Py仓库中包含2大内容. (持续更新中)
    1. 算法库: leetcode-alg.
    2. 大量基于leetcode-alg的leetcode(python)题目的解答(将会收集1k题以上, 目前处于开发中).
  2. LeetCode-Py习题解答的风格是在最优复杂度的前提下, 写出最简洁的代码, 不做过多细节的优化. 旨在将最优雅的python代码放入answer/文件夹内.
  3. leetcode-alg是针对leetcode解题的数据结构和算法库, 其设计哲学是: 以通用性为核心, 并以最大可能进行性能优化.


  1. 性能: answer/time击败:
    1. 100%: 1, 11, 16, 18, 39, 42, 46, 57, 72, 77, 78, 84, 85, 146, 167, 200, 215, 300, 354, 416, 435, 518, 1143, 1349, 2096, 2171, 2203
    2. 95%: 2, 22, 28, 31, 40, 47, 51, 52, 56, 90, 102, 107, 112, 113, 124, 153, 204, 207, 210, 239, 307, 322, 454, 496, 503, 704, 875, 1044, o51
    3. 85%: 4, 15, 19, 92, 208, 876, 1584, o40
    4. 60%:
    5. 其他:
  2. 已有的功能: (持续更新中)
    1. 算法:
      1. array: unique, partition, partition2, merge, merge2, diff, quick_select, two_sum, reverse, next_permutation, subsets, subsets2
      2. dp: LIS, LIS2, LCS, LCS2, LCS3, edit_distance, matrix_chain, matrix_chain2
      3. heapq: nlargest_, nsmallest_, nlargest2, nsmallest2, merge_heapq_
      4. graph: dijkstra, dijkstra2, dijkstra3, kruskal, prim, prim2, topo_sort, Dinic, hungarian
      5. greed: merge_intervals, merge_intervals2
      6. knapsack: knapsack, knapsackV, knapsackC, knapsackCV
      7. linkedlist: reverse_list, find_mid_node, find_last_kth_node
      8. math: is_prime, find_primes
      9. monotone_deque: monotone_deque
      10. monotone_stack: monotone_stack, monotone_stack2, monotone_stack3, largest_rect, largest_rect2
      11. search: lower_bound, upper_bound, n_queens
      12. string: build_nextval, kmp
      13. tree: find_path, find_common_ancestor, preorder_traversal, preorder_traversal2, inorder_traversal, inorder_traversal2, postorder_traversal, postorder_traversal2, level_order_traversal
      14. unimportant:
        1. array: euclidean_dist, manhattan_dist
        2. bisect: bisect_left_, bisect_right_, binary_search
        3. itertools: accumulate_, product_, permutations_, permutations2, combinations_, combinations2, combinations_with_replacement_, combinations_with_replacement2
        4. math: gcd_, lcm_, fast_pow
        5. random: randperm
        6. sort: quick_sort, merge_sort, heap_sort, heap_sort2
    2. 数据结构:
      1. binary_indexed_tree: BinaryIndexedTree, BinaryIndexedTree2
      2. heap: Heap, Heap2
      3. linkedlist: LinkedListNode, LinkedList
      4. segment_tree: SegmentTree, SegmentTree2
      5. sorted_list: SimpleSortedList
      6. string_hasher: StringHasher
      7. trie: TrieTreeNode, Trie
      8. union_find: UnionFind
      9. unimportant:
        1. ordered_dict: OrderedDict_
    3. LeetCode Tools:
      1. 数据结构: ListNode, TreeNode
      2. tools: to_linkedlist, from_linkedlist, to_tree, from_tree, call_callable_list
  3. todo
    1. 算法:
      1. monotone_deque: next_ge_k_len, prev_le_k_len
      2. monotone_stack: next_ge_min
      3. string_op: string_add, string_mul
      4. tree: bst_min, bst_max
      5. unimportant:
        1. math: int2str, prime_factor, BigInteger
    2. 数据结构:
      1. sorted_list: SortedList
      2. extension: BBST, HuffmanTree, RBTree, SkipList


  1. 安装:

    # (推荐)将此仓库下载的本地, 进入setup.py所在目录, 输入以下命令
    pip install .
    # or 从pypi下载
    pip install leetcode-alg -U
  2. 使用: 例子可以查看answer/

    from leetcode_alg import *



  1. 线段树: 307
    1. Lazy:
    2. 离散化: o51
    3. -(易混淆): 2021
  2. 树状数组: 307
    1. 变体:
    2. 离散化: o51
  3. SortedList: o51
  4. 哈希表: 1143, 2183, 416
    1. N数: 1, 15, 454
  5. 链表:
    1. 前向链表: 2, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 92, 876, 2181
    2. 双向循环链表: OrderedDict, 146(LRU)
  6. 单调栈/队列
    1. 单调栈: 496, 503
      1. 双向: 42, 84, 85
    2. 单调队列: 239
  7. 前缀树(Trie): 208
    1. -(易混淆): 14
  8. 栈: 20
  9. 堆: 23, 215, o40
    1. 可动态修改的堆(Heap2): dijkstra, prim
  10. UnionFind: kruskal, 200


  1. 分治法:
    1. 2路: 常见2路递归(merge sort, quick_sort, 树的dfs等), 23(相关题: n路归并)
  2. 二分查找:
    1. 自己设计cond:
      1. lower_bound: 4, 153, 875
      2. upper_bound:
    2. 直接调用bisect: 704
      1. LIS: 300, 354, 435(非递减), 1143(LCS)
  3. 滑动窗口: 3
  4. 搜索:
    1. 链:
      1. 回溯: 17, 22, 37, 51, 52
        1. 子集: 39, 40, 78, 90
        2. 组合: 77
        3. 排列: 31(相关题), 46, 47, 679
    2. 树:
      1. 回溯: 113
      2. dfs: 112, 124
        1. 公共祖先: 2096
        2. 迭代式dfs: 112
      3. bfs: 102, 107
    3. 图:
      1. dfs: 200
      2. bfs: 200
  5. 图算法:
    1. dijkstra: 2203(重边的处理)
    2. kruskal(稀疏图): 1584
    3. prim(稠密图): 1584
    4. 拓扑排序: 207, 210
    5. dinic: 1349
    6. 匈牙利算法: 1349
  6. DP(or memo-dfs):
    1. nums[i..j]: 5
    2. nums[..i]: 300, 435
    3. s[..i], s[..j]: 72, 1143
    4. 双dp: 42, 2167
    5. 背包: 39, 322, 416, 518
  7. 双指针: 11, 42
    1. N数: 15, 16, 18, 167
  8. 贪心: 11, 12, 42, 2037, 2038, 2182
    1. 区间贪心: 56, 57, 435
  9. 位运算: 2166
  10. 字符串:
    1. 字符串哈希: 28, 1044
    2. kmp: 28


  1. 中心法: 双向单调栈, 5, 2171, 2203
  2. 去重: 40, 47, 90
    1. N数: 15, 16, 18
  3. 排序: 去重, 离散化, kruskal, 2171
    1. map有序化: 2021, 2165, 2170, 2183
    2. with贪心: 区间贪心, 2037
      1. -(非显式的sort): 12, 2182
    3. 桶排序: 215
  4. int溢出: 7, 8
  5. 分类讨论:
    1. 次大/小: 2170, 2182
      1. 不以0开头: 7, 8, 2165
    2. 其他: 线段树的query_range, 4, find_common_ancestor(2096)
  6. 随机算法: 215, o40, quick_sort
  7. 数学:
    1. gcd: 2183
    2. 质数: 204
  8. 日期:


  1. 暴力: 2180
  2. 过于简单: 2022, 2164, 2169
  3. 6, 9, 13, 2043