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This documentation can help you to configure and work around C3.

1. Portal Overview

This section walks you through the home page of the portal and how to login and logout from the portal.

1.1 Home Page Overview

A : The logo Contoso is customizable. It will be replaced with the logo of the Partner
B : The CONTACT US button can be linked to the 'Contact us' page of the the Partner website

1.2 How to login to C3

  • On clicking LOGIN button, you will be redirected to the following page.

  • Choose the type of account associated with your mail id.

  • Enter the password for your account and click on

1.3 How to logout from C3

-To logout from the portal, Click on the button with your username on the top right hand side of the page. A drop down list will be displayed. Click on logout and you will logged out and will be redirected to the home page.

2. How to assign permissions/access to other people

  • Login to the portal using the proper credentials.
  • On the left hand side of the page, click on the USER MANAGEMENT button.

  • Click on ADD PARTNER USER.

  • Enter the mail address of the user to be added and check the box corresponding to the role you wish to assign and click on SUBMIT. For demonstration purpose, enter the following details:

  • On clicking SUBMIT the user will be sucessfully added with the checked role assigned and you will be redirected to the pages with all the users listed.

3. Managing Plans & Invites

3.1 Creating Plans

  • Login to the portal using the proper credentials.
  • On the left hand side of the page, click on the PLANS button.

  • Click on the ADD NEW PLAN button on the right hand side of the page.

  • Enter the following details
    • Plan Name : Enter the plan name.
    • Description : Enter a small description for the plan you are about to create.
    • IsPrivate : Check this box if you don't want your plan to appear on the welcome page. If you leave this box unchecked, the plan you created will appear on the welcome page.
    • Allow CSP subscriptions to be shared against offers in the plan : If you check this box, ...

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page. The available offers are listed. Select the offers you wish to add to your plan. For demonstration purposes an offer has been selected.

  • Enter the following details.
    • Friendly Name : Enter a name you wish to give to the plan. For demonstration purposes, we have entered, Contosso-Dynamics 365.
    • List Price : This is the orginal price of the offer.
    • ERP Price : This is the price that the portal suggests.
    • Sale Price : Enter the price you wish to sell your plan to the customer.

Please note that Add-on(s) are optional. If you want to add an Add-on please proceed as follows.

  • Add-on(s) : Click on the drop down button and then select the add ons you wish to add to your plan.

  • After selecting the add-on(s) click on the + button.

  • After selecting the offers and add-on(s) scroll down to the page and click on the submit button at the bottom of the page.

3.2 Creating Custom Offer

  • On the side bar, click on the Custom Offers.

  • Click on the ADD CUSTOM OFFER button on the right hand side of the page.

  • Enter the following details.
    • Display Name : Enter the name you wish to give to the custom offer. For demonstrational purpose, we are giving it a name Azure BCDR.
    • Cost Price: Enter the price you wish to sell the custom offer for. For demonstrational purposes we are giving it a value 50.
  • After entering the details, click on SUBMIT.
  • On clicking SUBMIT, the custom offer will be added.
  • The custom offer will be displayed on the custom offers page. To edit the custom offer, click on the Edit button corresponding to the Custom offer.

3.3 Adding Custom Offer in a Plan

  • Login to the portal using the proper credentials.
  • On the left hand side of the page, click on the PLANS button.

  • Click on the ADD NEW PLAN button on the right hand side of the page.

  • Enter the details for the new plan.

  • In the OFFERS Portion, type the name of the Customer offer that was created in 3.2. Check the box corresponding to the custom offer you wish to add to your plan.

  • After selecting the offers you wish to add to the plan, click on SUBMIT button at the bottom.

4. Managing Customers

4.1 All button in customers explained with inside settings

  • On the left hand side of the page, click on the Customers button.

  • On clicking the Customers button, you will be redirected to the customer list.

  • Corresponding to each customer. there will be the following buttons.

  • Reconcilation Report button.

  • On clicking the Reconcilation Report, the report corresponding to that customer will be generated. The Reconcilation report will list out the number of licenses purchased from Partner Center, the name that is given to the plan for the user, the number of licenses that are billed in chargify. This button is used to check whether there is any Quantity mismatch between what was bought and what is billed.

  • Azure Subscriptions button.

  • On clicking Azure Subscriptions button, you will be redirected to the Active Azure Subscriptions of the corresponding customer.

  • Users button.

  • On clicking the Users button, you will be redirected to the the page with all the users of the organization listed.

  • Tenant Configuration button.

  • On clicking the Tenant Configuration button, you will be redirected to the following page.

  • The tabs are explained below:

    • AzureApplicable : If Yes the customer will have Azure Subscription associated with the customer.
    • AzureUsageMultiplyPercentage :
    • AzureForEnterprise :
  • Define Tax % button

    • On clicking the button Define Tax %, you will be redirected to a page which display the tax that is being deducted from the customer. We can edit the Tax% percent by clicking on the Edit button.
  • Quick Impersonation button.

  • To avoid the hassle of searching for the admin user to impersonate, we can directly click on the Quick Impersonation button.
  • Click on the Quick Impersonation button.
  • On clicking the Quick Impersonate button, the list of the users with the admin access will be listed. Click on the IMPERSONATE button to impersonate.

  • Reload Subscriptioin Summary button.

  • The subscription summary of the customer will be reloaded by clicking on the Reload Subscription Summary button.

4.2 Impersonate.

To make changes in a customer subscription, you have to impersonate the admin user of the customer. To find the admin user of the customer follow the steps described below:

  • On the side bar of the portal, click on the Customers button.

  • Click on the Users button corresponding to the customer.

Managing revenue and cost summary

All button explained with inside settings

  • To load the Revenue and Cost Summary page, click on the Revenue & Cost Summary button on the bar on the left hand side of the portal.

  • On clicking the Revenue & Cost Summary button, you will be redirected to the page which displays the list of all the customers along with their billing details.

  • Corresponding to each Customer we have 5 buttons:

    • Subscription Change History
    • Proditability by Subscriptions
    • Reload Proditability Report
    • View Invoice
    • Download Usage based line items

    Subscription Change History

    • Click on the Subscription Change History button.
    • On clicking the button, you will be redirected to the page which displays the details of the subscriptions of the corresponding customer.
    • To view the subscription change details on a different month or a different year, click on the drop down list on the right hand side of the page and adjust the month and year accordingly to view the details.
    • To sort the Subscription Change history in a different view, click on the HISTORY BY DATE button on the right hand side.
    • Now the Subscription change history will be sorted on the basis of Offer, ie HISTORY BY OFFER.

    Profitability by Subscriptions

    • Click on the Profitability by Subscriptions button.
    • You will be redirected to the page with all the profitability details of the customer.
    • The PROFITABIILITY BY SUBSCRIPTIONS page will display the following information.
      • Subscription: The subscription that the Customer is assigned.
      • Billed Amount: The amount that is billed from the customer.
      • MSFT Invoice: The amount that Microsoft is charging the partner.
      • Other Cost: This cost include the cost for using c3, the cost for payment gateway for credit card.
      • Profit: Profit is calculated from Billed amount, MSFT Invoice and Other Cost.
      • Profit %: Percentage of Profit.

    Reload Profitability Report

    • Click on the Reload Profitability Report button. This will reload the Profitability report of the customer.


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