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Jitter Frame Format

A simple, easy to parse and robust serial frame format. Intended for reliable data transmission in embedded applications, for example communication between a microcontroller and host device via UART or similar low-level protocols.


The protocol defines a data frame-format, but is not a full network stack:

  • No higher-level concepts such as data streams or delivery guarantees
  • No requirements of specific electrical interface protocols (e.g. it can work over serial, RS485, or something else)


Clear distinction between packet header and payload data

The protocol must be able to handle any payload data without making assumptions about 'unlikely' or 'special' data patterns such as:

  • pseudorandom data (i.e. noisy sensor data, encrypted data)
  • long sequences of ones or zeroes
  • untrusted user-input (worst-case: crafted to confuse/exploit protocol parsers)

This is implemented by base-64 encoding the payload data, while the packet headers contain some bit patterns that cannot be represented in base-64. This guarantees that payload data can never be mistaken for packet header data (and vice versa).

Robust recovery from invalid data / FIFO overflow

The protocol is designed to guarantee recovery from:

  • temporarily not keeping up with incoming data
  • receiving partial packets (timeout)
  • hot-plugging while another device is already sending data

These situations may occasionally happen due to logic or timing behavior, even on platforms where the electrical layer is perfectly noise free.

The incoming data stream can be syncronized to the start of a new frame by scanning for a particular bit pattern that only occurs once in a valid packet.

Detection of data corrupt

The protocol is targeted for short-range communication where random bit-flips / noise is relatively rare: A 16-bit CRC checksum is used to detect corruption of payload data.

If your application expect strong electrical interference (e.g. long-range, wireless transmission), a protocol with more more elaborate checksums or error-correcting encoding may be more appropriate.

Packet format

Packet data fields

The protocol defines a packet containing a Header and Data section. Each packet may carry up to 46269 bytes of data and is tagged with a ID value in the range 0x0000-0xF0FF. Note that all fields use little-endian byte ordering.


The header contains four fields:

  • 0xF1: marks start-of-frame
  • ID (u16, little endian): identifies the type of content in this frame. Can be any value 0 - 0xF0FF.
  • Length(u16, little endian): length of the data section (0 - 0xF0FF). Note that this length includes the protocol overhead. The maximum size of actual payload data is (0xF0FF * 6)/8 - 2 = 46269 bytes
  • 0xFF: marks end-of-header

The start-of-frame / end-of-header values make it easy to guarantee correct parsing when recovering from data corruption. The values are chosen to meet the following criteria:

  • outside the range of valid base-64
  • must not occur in the high byte of the ID or Length field (for maximum robustness when syncronizing). 0xFF is a convenient value as it reduces the range of those fields the least.
  • different from each other: 0xF1 still has minimum impact on the range of ID / Length and at the same time encodes the protocol version (V1)


The data section contains two fields:

  • Payload: any sequence of up to 46269 bytes (zero length is also valid)
  • CRC16(u16, little endian): CRC16 checksum over the payload. The CRC16-USB algorithm is used.

The complete data section (including CRC16) is base64-encoded with the standard base64 charset (A-Za-z0-9+/).

While base64 encoding comes with a small overhead, it comes with a big advantage: arbitrary binary data can be encapsulated without risk of confusing it for a packet header (the base64 character set does not cover 0xF1 / 0xFF).

Syncronizing to incoming data at arbitrary offset

This section attempts to visualize how the protocol guarantees (re-)syncronization to incoming data frames (which may happen when hot-plugging devices, recovering from corruption, FIFO overflow etc).

synchronizing incoming data

The figure compares an expected packet with incoming data at all possible byte offsets. Highlighted in red are the fields where the parser can detect a mismatch. Note that there is only one offset where the data is valid: this holds for all valid values of ID and Length. In all other cases the mismatch is detected by:

  • 0xF1 != 0xFF
  • 0xF1 cannot occur in second byte of ID, Length or base64 data
  • 0xFF cannot occur in second byte of ID, Length or base64 data


A simple, easy to parse and robust serial frame format







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