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This repository contains the algorithms first described in the manuscript that can be accessed under the following DOI:

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Generating robust phylogenies from large and complex eukaryote-derived MLST dataset using novel haplotype-based genetic-distance computation methods

The two methods described here probably constitute simple types of unsupervised machine learning. These two methods can be used together (as an ensemble) or independantly, to compute genetic distances for subsequently heirarcical clustering. The method requires MLST data as input represented specifically in the form of a Haplotype Data Sheet or HDS. An example of this HDS format is provided in this repository. These two genetic distance computation methods (Plucinski's Bayesian method and Barratt's heuristic definition of genetic distance) were developed to address four main issues relating to the analysis of massive and complex MLST datasets:

  1. The common occurrence of missing data in genotyping datasets (e.g. such as a situation where 2 or 3 out of 6 multi-locus sequence typing loci fail to amplify for a subset of your specimens).

  2. The use of MLST methods in the context of sexually reproducing populations, where even closely related individuals may not possess the same genotype (and may be heterozygous) due to chromosomal crossover and random reassortment of chromosomes as occurs during meiosis.

  3. The issue of analyzing specimens which may be extremely complex, potentially representing mixed populations of individuals. Ever try to construct a phylogeny or generate a cluster dendrogram in a situation where for one MLST marker you detect one haplotype, at another you detect three, at another you detect four and another you detect two - in the same specimen? This is essentially what we deal with when we attempt to genotype Cyclospora cayetanensis directly from human stool. It gets extremely complicated.

  4. The absence of distance statistics that appropriately consider all aspects of genetic data (e.g. allele frequency, entropy of loci, nuclear versus extranuclear inheritance). Simpler metrics such as Bray-Curtis dissimilarty and Jaccard distances fail to consider these aspects of genetic data.

Please cite the following manuscripts:

1. Barratt, JLN, S Park, FS Nascimento, J Hofstetter, M Plucinski, S Casillas, RS Bradbury, MJ Arrowood, Y Qvarnstrom, E Talundzic (2019) Genotyping genetically heterogeneous Cyclospora cayetanensis infections to complement epidemiological case linkage. Parasitology:1–9 doi:10.1017/S0031182019000581

2. Nascimento, FS, JLN Barratt, K Houghton, M Plucinski, J Kelley, S Casillas, C Bennett, C Snider, R Tuladhar, J Zhang, B Clemons, S Madison-Antenucci, A Russell, E Cebelinski, J Haan, T Robinson, MJ Arrowood, E Talundzic, RS Bradbury, and Y Qvarnstrom (2020) Evaluation of an ensemble-based distance statistic for clustering MLST datasets using epidemiologically defined clusters of cyclosporiasis. Epidemiology & Infection: 148, e172, 1–10.

3. Jacobson, D., Y Zheng, MM Plucinski, Y Qvarnstrom, JLN Barratt (2022) Evaluation of various distance computation methods for construction of haplotype-based phylogenies from large MLST datasets. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 177, 107608.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up and run this code on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes for information on how to deploy the project on a live system.

This code was developed and tested using a Mac running OSX Catalina 10.15.3. Subsequent instructions are provided only for installing it on an OSX system.

First create a local copy of this repository:

git clone

Prerequisites for OSX Catalina

Prerequisites for installation of this code

Xcode Command Line Tools

Install Xcode

xcode-select --install

Check Xcode is included in your $PATH (e.g., /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)

xcode-select -p

Local R package

Go to CRAN, download and install R-4.0.4

Check that R is correctly installed

R -h   # this should return a help print out with options for R  

Running this code

While in the folder with all the files from the cloned Eukaryotyping github run:

Rscript run.r

This will analyze 99 samples and produce a pairwise matrix of distances that can be used for downstream analysis.

Additional Information

For additional detailed information on how these algorithms work please refer to our project background.


This section will be updated in the future.


  • Sincere thanks to Dr Mateusz Plucinski who wrote the majority of this code.

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This repository contains the algorithms first described in the manuscript that can be accessed under the following DOI:






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