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Concept Generator utilizes ChatGPT 3.5 to generate multifaceted data about concepts, which are fundamental building blocks in thinking. The project yields three types of data: Relational, Comparative, and Descriptive. It's designed for learners, educators, researchers, and anyone curious about the intricacies of human thought.

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Concept Generator

Table of Contents

  1. General Information
  2. Introduction
  3. Getting Started
    1. Installation
    2. Clone the Repository
    3. Install Dependencies
    4. Configuration
    5. Run the Project
    6. Explore the Output
  4. Technologies Used
  5. Folder Structure
  6. Data Generation and Post-Processing
    1. Generate Interconnected Concepts with ChatGPT
    2. Refine Concept Connections
    3. Evaluate Concepts with ChatGPT
    4. Add Ratings to Interconnectedness Data
    5. Write to Firestore
    6. Summarize Concepts with ChatGPT
    7. Data Collection Management
  7. ChatGPT for Evaluating Entities
    1. Evolution of Approach
    2. Step by Step
      1. Function to Generate Actual Data
      2. Function to Generate Mock Data
    3. Quality of Evaluations
      1. Common Sense
      2. Computation of Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
  8. API Keys
    1. ChatGPT
    2. Firestore
  9. Roadmap
    1. ChatGPT for Evaluating Entities
    2. Robust Python Environment for Running ChatGPT
  10. Contact Information

General Information

Concept Generator utilizes ChatGPT 3.5 to generate multifaceted data about concepts, which are fundamental building blocks in thinking. The project yields three types of data:

  • Relational (i.e., how concepts relate to one another)
  • Comparative (i.e., how concepts rate along specific continua)
  • Descriptive (i.e., what do different concepts mean?)

The outcome of the project is a Google Firestore database that provides easy and efficient access to the generated data. In fact, ConceptExplorer is a web app that utilizes the data generated in this project in a user-friendly manner.


Concepts are the foundation of human thinking and understanding. They allow us to make sense of the world by organizing information into meaningful categories. While we grasp many concepts, our understanding of them is often intuitive rather than explicit. For example, explaining what 'the mind' truly is can be challenging.

The Concept Generator project takes a systematic approach to the world of concepts by harnessing the power of ChatGPT 3.5. With Concept Generator, you can:

  • Initiate the creation of an interrelated concept network from a user-defined starting concept
  • Evaluate concepts across any dimension, providing valuable insights into the spectrum of thought
  • Generate clear and concise summaries for each concept, making complex ideas more accessible

The project produces data that can be useful for:

  • Learning new concepts
  • Enhancing the understanding of concepts already known
  • Acquiring knowledge about the interconnections between concepts
  • Categorizing and rating concepts across various dimensions

In essence, the data generated by this project can improve one's conceptual thinking skills, better equipping individuals to interact with the world around them.

The project is designed for learners, educators, researchers, and anyone curious about the intricacies of human thought.

Additionally, explore ConceptExplorer, the application-side sister project that complements this endeavor.

Getting Started

To run this project locally, follow these 5 steps:

  1. Installation: Ensure you have Python 3.9.5 or a more recent version installed on your system.

  2. Clone the Repository:

git clone
  1. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Configuration: Set up API keys. Refer Section API Keys for details.

  2. Run the Project: Execute the main script . Refer Section Data Generation and Post-Processing for details.

  3. Explore the Output: Check the project's output at Google Firestore or local files saved in the data-folder.

Technologies Used

Concept Generator is written in Python and utilizes Firestore, a cloud-based NoSQL database service, for data management.

Folder Structure

The project directory is organized as follows:

  • The entry point
  • src/: Contains functions for data processing
  • utils/: Holds utility functions for credentials etc
  • data/: Stores local data files

Data Generation and Post-Processing

All data generation and post-processing are done in . The script is meant to be run one step at the time, and all the steps will be explained in the next subchapters.

Generate Interconnected Concepts with ChatGPT

To run this step, set mode='generate_connections' in . Also, specify a starting concept (e.g., starting_concept='mind') and the end recursion depth (e.g., end_depth = 3). The start depth should always be set to 0 (i.e., start_depth = 0).

The iteration begins with the starting concept (Level 0), which is first input into ChatGPT to generate 8 related concepts (Level 1). Each of these related concepts is then fed into ChatGPT to generate even more related concepts (Level 2). The iteration continues until the desired recursion depth is reached (e.g., end_depth = 3).

In theory, the algorithm yields 8 times more concepts for each iteration. In practice, however, concepts start reappearing, and since the algorithm does not need to recompute them, the overall computational complexity increases less. The actual increase per depth level depends, for example, on the internal consistency of the starting concept.

The script outputs a dictionary that contains the starting concept and all iterated concepts. One key-value pair looks like this:

"perception": {"branch": [["truth", 2]], "concepts": ["sensation", "awareness", "interpretation", "cognition", "attention", "stimulus", "consciousness", "recognition"]}

The first item in 'branch' array is the starting concept that yielded this concept. The second item is the recursion depth at which this concept appeared (e.g., 1 = direct child of the starting concept). The 'concepts' is an 8-item array where each item is one related concept (direct child of the concept).

We ran the script for the following starting concepts: artificial intelligence, energy, hierarchy, identity, innovation, interdependence, justice, leadership, mind, problem solving, truth

Each run resulted in a dictionary that was saved locally as: data/raw_concept_data_[STARTING CONCEPT].txt

where STARTING CONCEPT is the name of the starting concept.

Refine Concept Connections

This step utilizes the raw data generated in the previous step. To run this step, set mode='combine_data_and_refine' in .

Combine Raw Data

The previously generated dictionaries where located with data/raw_concept_data_ identifier in the folder structure and combined.

We removed multiple entries since the same concept can appear from multiple starting concepts. However, we kept track of their appearance in the 'branch' array (e.g., "branch": [["identity", 3], ["justice", 3]] would mean that this concept appears from both 'identity' and 'justice' at Level 3)

Get Backward Connections

The data so far has a main weakness in that concept connections are unilateral. That is, Concept A yields 8 related concepts, but Concept A can also appear as a related concept for other input concepts. The iterate_backward_connections function sorts out these connections, resulting in an additional key, backward_concepts, with an array containing these connections as values.

Sort Concepts By Popularity

The refined data so far contains an 8-item array of forward connections and a variable-length array of backward connections, the latter depending on the popularity of the concept. In most use cases, however, there is a desire to provide a fixed-length array of connections, either forward or backward, sorted by popularity.

The compute_concept_popularity function counts whether or not the concept appears as a key and how many times it appears as a related concept for other concepts. In the present function, the former has a factor of 100, and the latter has a factor of 1, ensuring that concepts that are keys always have priority.

The sort_concept_by_popularity function, in turn, creates a key, ordered_concepts, with an array containing the eight most popular concepts in descending order, scored in the previous step.

Finally, concepts and backward_concepts are deleted from this dictionary, leaving only ordered_concepts as concept data.

This dictionary is stored locally as combined_refined_concept_data.txt.

Evaluate Concepts with ChatGPT

This step involves the evaluation of the concepts created earlier. Here we just give instructions for executing the script and understanding the output data. Refer [ChatGPT for Evaluating Entities] for the overall philosophy, experimentation and statistical analyses.

To execute this step, set mode='create_evaluation_ratings' in . To define an evaluation dimension, use the following format (e.g., dimension = ['concrete', 'abstract']).

The resulted evaluation ratings are appended into dimension_rating_data.txt. This dictionary is organized as follows:

  • Previously generated concepts are the main keys
  • Upper end of the dimension is the subkey (e.g., abstract)
  • Numerical array is the value

The required sample (e.g., required_sample = 8) determines how many evaluation ratings are appended into the array.

It is important to note that the boolean variable append_existing_rating_data determines whether the final data file is appended or overwritten. For the initial run, this should be set to False, and then switched to True. The value should be True also when another dimension (e.g., simple vs. complex) is being added. In this case, the script simply adds another subkey to the dictonary and starts appending values to the correspending array.

Add Ratings to Interconnectedness Data

This step combines the rating data dimension_rating_data.txt and the interconnectedness data combined_refined_concept_data.txt into a single file. To run this step, set mode='combine_final_file' in .

Additionally, you can use ratings_to_be_included to control which ratings are added (e.g.,ratings_to_be_included=['abstract', 'complex']). Please ensure that dimension_rating_data.txt contains rating data for any dimension specified here. The user can also set ratings_to_be_included to ['all'] or [].

The resulting dictionary is stored locally as final_connection_data.txt.

Write to Firestore

The previously generated data is the final data for local inspection, but we also store it in Google Firestore for global use. To run this step, set mode='write_to_firestore' in .

To make the data Firestore compliant, we first need to flatten the nested structure in the 'branch' data (e.g., [["identity", 3], ["justice", 3]] becomes ["identity", 3 ,"justice", 3]).

Since Firestore documents have size limitations, we also split the dictionary into multiple documents if necessary (i.e., chunk_size = 200000).

The data is stored in Firestore as follows:

  • conceptBrowser (Collection)
    • finalConceptData_0 (Document)
    • finalConceptData_1 (Document)
    • etc
      • abstract (Number): Rating from 0 (concrete) to 100 (abstract)
      • branch (Array): The starting concept, its level, ...
      • ordered_concepts (Array of Strings): An array of the 8 most related concepts to this concept, ordered by relatedness

Summarize Concepts with ChatGPT

This step involves requesting ChatGPT to generate an 80-word summary for each concept. To run this step, set mode='define' in .

The script iterates through all the concepts that serve as keys in the interconnectedness data dictionary. For each concept, the script first checks Firestore to determine whether a summary already exists. If a summary is found, the concept is skipped.

The generate_concept_definition function sends a request to ChatGPT to create a summary. It returns a dictionary with keys definition, model, and date. The value of the first key contains the actual summary, the second key contains the text "ChatGPT 3.5," and the third key contains the retrieval date.

The data is stored in Firestore as follows:

  • conceptNames (Collection)
    • [CONCEPT NAME] (Document)
      • definition (String): A concise summary (about 70 words) about the concept
      • date (Timestamp): The date and time when ChatGPT generated the definition
      • definition_model_version (String): The version of ChatGPT used to generate the definition

Where CONCEPT NAME is the name of each concept.

Data Collection Management

A few words about overall data management are worth noting. First, it is important to realize that ChatGPT requests are quite time-consuming, error-prone, and they cost real money. Therefore, the focus here is on saving data frequently and ensuring that scripts can resume their actions wherever ChatGPT encounters an issue, for example.

Here's how we accomplish this in different scripts:

  • For initial data collection, the iterator returns the data after run_for_sec_before_save = 10 and then resumes the action
  • In the evaluation script, 110 ratings are requested at a time and appended to the data file before requesting new ratings.
  • The summary generation script interacts with Firestore directly and checks which summaries have already been written.

ChatGPT for Evaluating Entities

One special aspect of this project is to utilize ChatGPT for evaluating entities. ChatGPT can be used for evaluating nearly anything, from concepts to products, services, content, and more.

To evaluate entities meaningfully, two things have to be true. First, the entities have to form a group so that their comparison makes sense (e.g., concepts in this project). Second, there has to be a continuous dimension along which the entities can be rated. This dimension must have distinct lower and upper ends (e.g., concrete and abstract).

Evolution of Approach

In this project, we experimented with various ways to obtain such evaluations. One approach was simply to request ChatGPT to return a score ranging from 0 (concrete) to 1 (abstract). However, this approach yielded unreliable and counter-intuitive results.

The final approach is to request ChatGPT to sort the input entities (e.g., sort these concepts ['stone', 'sky', 'mind'] from concrete to abstract). The request returns a sorted array, and the location in this sorted array is one data point from which the final rating is derived.

The exact reason why this approach is better is somewhat unclear, but it probably has to do with the fact that Large Language Models (LLMs), unlike general-purpose computing, excel in processing verbal rather than numerical information. Additionally, sorting might outperform one-entity-at-a-time evaluations because more entities create more content for the evaluation.

This approach is also more efficient than the one-entity-at-a-time approach, as per ChatGPT's request. Indeed, since each request yields ratings for all the input concepts, we can run more ratings, reducing the impact of random erroneous results, which ChatGPT sometimes produces.

Step by Step

Here, we apply the above principle for evaluating concepts along the concrete vs. abstract dimension. Other dimensions can be evaluated simply by changing the dimension variable (e.g., dimension = ['concrete', 'abstract']).

The method begins by initializing a dictionary where all concepts serve as keys, with empty arrays as their corresponding values.

The repeated steps are as follows:

  • Measure the length of the value array for each concept (0 for the first round)
  • Select 110 keys with the shortest value arrays (randomize for equal values)
  • In chunks of 11, request ChatGPT to sort the concepts
  • Based on the location in the sorted array, assign a value between 0 and 1 to each concept
  • Return all 110 values and append them to the original dictionary
  • Save the value array in case one ChatGPT request crashes at some point
  • Repeat the above steps until the defined minimum length of the value array has been reached

Function to Generate Actual Data

The generate_concept_rating function takes a concept array as an argument and divides it into batches that are 11 concepts long (handy for obtaining ratings from 0 to 1 with a 0.1 increment). The function returns a value dictionary, which is, in turn, appended to the final data stored in dimension_rating_data.txt.

Function to Generate Mock Data

The generate_alphabetical_rating function returns data in the same format as the actual generate_concept_rating function, but the data itself is nothing but an alphabetical sorting of concepts (instead of their evaluative sorting). Since alphabetical sorting is flawless, this emulates perfect measurements and thereby serves as a figure of merit for the approach itself.

This special mock data can be generated by setting dimension = ['', 'alphabetical']. The outcome of this run is manually saved in dimension_rating_data_alphabetical.txt.

Quality of Evaluations

Common Sense

Since there is no way to objectively determine the abstractness of a concept, we begin by simply showing some results. The second and the fourth columns in Table 1 display the 10 most concrete and the 10 most abstract concepts in the data, respectively.

Position Most Abstract Concepts Rating Most Concrete Concepts Rating
1 feminism 1.0 resistor 0.0
2 sacred 1.0 comets 0.0
3 consciousness 0.96 kite 0.0
4 sacrosanct 0.96 drilling 0.0
5 spiritual 0.94 submarine 0.0
6 supreme being 0.93 boy 0.0
7 peace 0.93 animals 0.0
8 optimistic 0.93 microorganisms 0.0
9 revulsion 0.92 burglary 0.0
10 revolution 0.91 kiteboarding 0.01

It is intuitively clear that the items in the second column are more abstract than the items in the fourth column. The extent to which these ratings would agree with human evaluations is subject to further investigation.

Computation of Intraclass Correlation Coefficient

To evaluate the performance of ChatGPT, we compute the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). This is a measure of test-retest reliability for multiple measurements.

We once again use and set mode='intraclass_CC_for_evaluation_ratings' to run this analysis.

First, we use the dict_to_numpy function to arrange the rating data into a 2D numpy array (2171 by 8), where the former represents the between-concept and the latter represents the within-concept dimension.

Second, the array is passed into the compute_icc function, which returns ICC value. Finally, we repeated the above steps for the mock data that emulates perfect measurements.

These analyses yielded:

ICC(ChatGPT) = 0.47

ICC(theoretical) = 0.85

The results indicate a moderate level of agreement between measurements (ICC = 0.47), suggesting that ChatGPT can rate concepts somewhat reliably. However, the value also falls short of the theoretical ideal (ICC = 0.85). That said, given the subjective nature of the ratings, even moderate agreement is quite a remarkable outcome achieved by a computer.

API Keys


Access to the ChatGPT API requires an OpenAI account. Here, the API key is saved as an environmental variable OPENAI_API_KEY and retrieved by the my_openai() function located in utils/


We use Firestore to store the final data. However, all intermediate results are saved locally, so the use of Firestore is optional.

To use Firestore, you need a Google account and initialization in the Google Cloud Platform. Here, the init_firebase() function reads a locally stored credentials certificate.


ChatGPT for Evaluating Entities

We aim to investigate the following ways to make ChatGPT even better for evaluating entities:

  • There are computationally more accurate ways to convert the sorting results into values, factoring in the other concepts that appear in the sorting (increasing the theoretical ICC will also improve the practical ICC).
  • Find prompting techniques that yield more robust results, including the verification of ChatGPT's own outcome (e.g., 'Is this the order you really think is the most accurate?').
  • Experiment with anchoring techniques, i.e., using well-tested ratings as anchors to provide context for new ratings.

Robust Python Environment for Running ChatGPT

We aim to build an environment where complex prompting requests can be fully automated. To utilize the full potential of ChatGPT, experimentation is necessary, which in turn requires a robust, one-click environment even for the most complex and interactive requests.

Contact Information

For inquiries or collaboration opportunities, please feel free to contact me via email. My name is listed on the Profile page, and I am using Gmail.


Concept Generator utilizes ChatGPT 3.5 to generate multifaceted data about concepts, which are fundamental building blocks in thinking. The project yields three types of data: Relational, Comparative, and Descriptive. It's designed for learners, educators, researchers, and anyone curious about the intricacies of human thought.





