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Welcome to the GitHub repository of Joel Samson's Personal Portfolio website. This repository contains the source code and assets for the legacy version of my personal portfolio.

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Joel Samson - Personal Portfolio (Legacy)

Welcome to my personal portfolio website! Explore my skills, experiences, and projects. Feel free to reach out and connect with me.


Note: This is my old portfolio. For the latest version, updated projects, and a more immersive experience, visit my new portfolio at

About This Repository

Welcome to the GitHub repository of Joel Samson's Personal Portfolio website. This repository contains the source code and assets for the legacy version of my personal portfolio.


This personal portfolio showcases my skills, experiences, and projects in the field of technology. It is designed to provide visitors with insights into my expertise and the projects I have worked on. While this version represents an older iteration of my portfolio, it still serves as a testament to my journey and capabilities.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: The structure of the website.
  • CSS: Styling to make the website visually appealing.
  • JavaScript: Dynamic elements and interactions.
  • jQuery: Simplifies JavaScript programming.
  • Scrollify.js: Provides smooth scrolling and section snapping.
  • Easy implementation for the contact section.
  • W3.CSS: Lightweight CSS framework for a responsive design.


  • About Me: Learn more about my background, skills, and interests.
  • Landing Page: A visually appealing landing site to welcome visitors.
  • Menu: Intuitive navigation to different sections of the portfolio.
  • Skills: Detailed exploration of my technical proficiencies.
  • Experience: Highlights of my professional journey and achievements.
  • Projects: Showcase of diverse projects I have worked on.
  • Contact Section: Easy connection through an integrated form.
  • Location on Google Maps: Explore my physical location.

Additional Features

  • Smooth Scrolling: Navigate through the website seamlessly with smooth scrolling effects.
  • Responsive Design: The website is optimized for various devices, ensuring a consistent experience.
  • Loader Page: A loader page provides a visually appealing transition while the website is loading.
  • Interactive Animations: Engaging animations enhance user experience and make the website visually appealing.
  • Thank You Page: After submitting a message through the contact section, users are redirected to a thank you page.

How to Use

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.
  2. Explore the Code: Dive into the source code to understand the structure and logic.
  3. Run Locally: Host the project locally to see the website in action.
  4. Contribute: Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements.

Hosting and Technologies

The website is hosted on Netlify, ensuring seamless deployment and reliability. It incorporates modern technologies and frameworks for a smooth and responsive user experience. The use of simplifies the contact process, making it convenient for visitors to get in touch.

Improving the Portfolio Project

File Structure and Organization

To enhance the clarity and maintainability of the portfolio project, consider reorganizing the file structure. A well-organized structure makes it easier for developers to navigate the project and understand its components. Group related files together within folders. For example, place CSS files in a "styles" or "css" directory, JavaScript files in a "scripts" or "js" directory, and images in a dedicated "images" folder. Having a clear separation of concerns between different types of files will make it simpler to locate and modify specific components.

Technological Choices

Evaluate the necessity of multiple jQuery files in the project. Using multiple versions of jQuery might lead to conflicts and increase page load times. Consolidate to a single version if possible. Additionally, make sure to leverage the strengths of the technologies being used. In JavaScript, modularize the codebase to improve maintainability and readability. Implement best practices for CSS, such as using classes and IDs efficiently, and consider using CSS preprocessors like Sass or LESS for enhanced organization and reusability of styles.

README Documentation

Keep the README file comprehensive and updated. Provide clear instructions on how to set up the project locally, explain the purpose of different files and directories, and include any relevant links or resources. A well-documented README serves as a valuable guide for both developers and contributors. Include details about the project's features, technologies used, and how others can contribute or report issues.

By addressing these aspects, you can significantly improve the portfolio project's structure, maintainability, and overall developer experience.

How to Contact Me

Have questions or want to collaborate? Reach out via the Contact Section on my website. Whether you're interested in my work or just want to say hello, I'm always happy to connect and engage in meaningful conversations.

Thank you for visiting my legacy portfolio! For the latest version, updated projects, and a more immersive experience, check out Let's create something amazing together!


Welcome to the GitHub repository of Joel Samson's Personal Portfolio website. This repository contains the source code and assets for the legacy version of my personal portfolio.







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