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Jon Smith edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the GenericServices wiki

The Wiki now contains quite a bit of information - see the sidebar to the right. Here are some suggestions for you depending on what you are after.

I have no idea what GenericServices is

I suggest you have a quick look at Why GenericServices? to see what is does and then look at one of the demo web sites, SampleMvcWebApp - Basic and SampleMvcWebApp - Complex.

I'm a developer thinking of using GenericServices

I suggest you read the first paragraph of the README file to see if it matches your needs. If you need more then read the Architecture Overview.

Then go to the two demo sites, SampleMvcWebApp - Basic and SampleMvcWebApp - Complex to see it in action.

If it fits then dig into the code.

I have decided to give GenericServices a try

GenericServices is now on NuGet so you can build an application to give it a go. The Architecture Overview describes the setup I use, but you can do your own. It assumes you are using Entity Framework for your database access.

I like Unit Tests so when I try a new package I normally build a few tests and see how they go. GenericServices has lots of Unit Tests here which you can look at.

I want to build complex applications

Have a good look at the SampleMvcWebApp - Complex web site and the source code. For me that has quite a few interesting issues that it needs to deal with.

I would also read the following two articles, especially the second one, as they describe the process that produced this demo site:

  1. Using Entity Framework with an Existing Database: Data Access
  2. Using Entity Framework with an Existing Database: User Interface

Happy coding!

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