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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 1, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Lab Materials (deprecated)

This is the repo where I used to host branches which have the materials used during events, presentations, labs, etc. However, as of 2019-04-27 I migrated these materials to standalone repositories. The releases will continue to exist here, but no new releases or updates will be made here. Please refer to the new locations for the most updated materials.

Previous Branch Current Repository
AudioSurveillance lab-LaserMicrophones
WLANSecurity lab-WifiSecurity
AutomotiveSecurity lab-AutomotiveSecurity
DropBoxes lab-DropBoxes
InternetofInsecurity lab-InternetofInsecurity
PasswordCracking lab-PasswordCracking
ProximityAttacks lab-ProximityAttacks
SoftwareDefinedRadio lab-SoftwareDefinedRadio

How to use this repo

In order to use this repo as intended, you MUST switch to the appropriate branch, via the web UI or CLI. See git branch -r and git checkout <remote> to list and then checkout the appropriate branch via the command line. In the web UI, use the dropdown directly to the left of the "New pull request" button to select a specific branch or tag.

For materials that still solely exist here, please use the following methods for retrieval and updating:

  • git clone -b SoftwareDefinedRadio --single-branch --recursive
    • Clone the latest revision of the SoftwareDefinedRadio branch.
  • git clone -b 2015-09-24_SCIS_PasswordCracking --single-branch --recursive
    • Clone the revision of the PasswordCracking branch used during the 2015-09-24 Steel City InfoSec lab. Cloning any of the pointers (tags) will put you in a detached HEAD state, which is expected.
  • Branch=newbranch;git clone;cd lab;git checkout --orphan $Branch;git rm --cached -r .;echo "Initial creation of $Branch" >;git add;git commit -m "Initial creation of $Branch";git push origin $Branch;unset Branch
    • Clone the Lab repository, create an orphan branch called newbranch, clear the working directory, create a standard initial, and then push it back up to the remote under the branch newbranch.
  • git push origin PasswordCracking
    • Push updates to the PasswordCracking branch.
  • git push origin --delete newbranch
    • Delete the remote branch newbranch.