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A lab on attacks that require local proximity - RFID, Mag Stripe, etc.

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Proximity Attacks Lab

How to clone this branch

  • git clone --recursive
    • Clone the latest revision of the lab-ProximityAttacks repo and automatically bring in the related submodules.

Related Events

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How to setup the lab

Configure the lab manually


From the top level of the source code repository run:


From the top level of the source code repository, right click the setup.ps1 file and click "Run with PowerShell". These scripts are not currently signed, so you may need to set Set-ExecutionPolicy properly.

Use the provided Virtual Machine

A VM will be provided for the lab (TODO). Only VMWare hypervisors have been tested with the following configuration.

Login Credentials
  • Username: prox
  • Password: P@ssword

Configure a new VM for distribution

Note: This setup will only handle the RFID stations. Because of Windows licensing and the fact that my MSR605 only works on Windows, I am unable to distribute that as a VM.

  1. Install Kali 2016.1 in a VM

  2. Login as root, then open a terminal

  3. (optional) Take a snapshot

  4. Run the following commands:

    apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade
    apt-get -y install open-vm-tools-desktop fuse
    history -c && gnome-session-quit
  5. VM Tools should now be active, allowing you to easily copy and paste into the VM. Login as root again, then open a terminal and run the following commands:

    echo -e "# Add additional sbin and bin directories to \$PATH\nexport PATH=\$PATH:\${HOME}/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin/\n\n# Include .bashrc if it exists\nif [ -f "\${HOME}/.bashrc" ]; then\n  . "\${HOME}/.bashrc"\nfi\n" > /etc/skel/.bash_profile
    echo -e "# Kali rolling repos\ndeb kali-rolling main contrib non-free\n#deb-src kali-rolling main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list
    echo -e "\n\n# Add additional sbin and bin directories to \$PATH\nexport PATH=\$PATH:\${HOME}/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin/\n" >> /etc/skel/.profile
    echo "pXloRpmKEasnWPCUihcQcx1WeUo9fo2hQJAXh1uoAOQ1ooz3xLUCbPYDItfeULA9zItnZaQqfell0LLBzSuQhxl98dyP8y7DY1hE" > /etc/scis.conf
    useradd -m -p $(openssl passwd -1 P@ssword) -s /bin/bash -c "SCIS Proximity Attacks User" -G sudo prox
    history -c && gnome-session-quit
  6. Login as prox and rearrange the Favorites shortcuts as appropriate

  7. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

    sudo systemctl disable rsyslog;sudo systemctl stop rsyslog
    sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/*1 /var/log/*old /var/log/*gz
    cd ${HOME}/Desktop
    git clone -b ProximityAttacks --single-branch --recursive
    sudo systemctl enable rsyslog
    rm ~/.bash_history
    if [[ ${exitcode} == 0 ]]; then history -c && shutdown -P now; fi
  8. Create the OVA. On a Mac using VMware Fusion, this looks something like:

    cd /Applications/VMware\\ OVF\ Tool/
    ./ovftool --acceptAllEulas /path/to/VM.vmx /path/to/VM.ova

Updating this branch


If you'd like to update this branch, open a terminal and cd into the repo (if you are following the lab, this is ${HOME}/Desktop/lab/) and then run:

git pull
  • It is possible that you will need to first run git reset --mixed, depending on if the git merge can be successful without manual intervention. Note that running this command will reset your index, but not the working tree. If you don't know what that means, and would like to, read this.


There is no current way to update this branch on a Windows machine.

Some other good materials

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  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch via git checkout -b feature/description
  3. Make your changes
  4. Commit your changes via git commit -am 'Summarize the changes here'
  5. Create a new pull request (how-to)


A lab on attacks that require local proximity - RFID, Mag Stripe, etc.







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