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Ansible role for installing and managing multiple programs who all need to create entries in `/etc/fstab`.


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This Ansible role was created by me in order to easier manage a couple of different programs who all need to create entries in /etc/fstab, and are therefore somewhat dependent on each other. This role can create the following types of fstab mount entries:

  • Boot mounts
  • Normal mounts
  • Encrypted mounts
    • With options for loading the decryption keys from a remote host.
  • ZFS legacy mounts
  • Pooled mounts (using mergerfs for pooling).

Important Note

This Ansible role is not really "automatic", since it is necessary to perform a lot of manual steps before this role can be run (like creating a filesystem on the drives which are to be mounted). So this is designed more as a method of "record keeping" which drives that are present on each system, and where they are mounted. By version managing your configs you can easily track the hardware changes made to your systems.

At the end of this README there are some guides for the manual steps that are necessary, so you may know what is going on at a more detailed level.


This repository does not have any dependencies by itself, so just move into your roles/ folder and run the following:

git clone fstab_mounts

If you would like to download any updates for this role in the future, you may use the following command from within the previously cloned folder:

git pull

When the configuration is complete you may then just include this role in your main playbook like this:

- hosts: all
  name: Configure all fstab mounts
    - fstab_mounts


There are five "types" of mounts which can be managed with this role, and they will all have their own section that explains how to properly configure them. However, the only section that is required to be completed is the "boot mounts" one, since otherwise you may end up in a state where the computer won't be able to boot properly.

Furthermore, as stated in the introduction, this role requires you to manually prepare the disks (formatting/encrypting them) so that you can obtain their unique identifier (UUID) and enter it here in the Ansible configuration. If you need help creating these drives there are some nice step-by-step guides available in the Preparation Steps section.

If you know what you are looking for you can jump directly the the desired section, otherwise just continue reading.

NOTE: Some extra information about Ansible variables may be found here.

Boot Mounts

Before doing anything else to the system you are trying to apply this role to we need to define the mounts_boot variable. SSH to the destination server and type the following:

cat /etc/fstab

This is necessary since we need to find the entries which were there since the installation of the system. For me it looked like this:

#   <file system>                       <mount point> <type> <options>          <dump> <pass>
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=88f0236b-620a-456e-a4a6-1b5c84996b5c  /           ext4   errors=remount-ro    0      1
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=b8d210eb-d186-405f-bc42-a55cbe069a27  none        swap   sw                   0      0

This means we need to create the following Ansible variable before creating entries for any other mounts:

  - device: "UUID=88f0236b-620a-456e-a4a6-1b5c84996b5c"
    mount_point: "/"
    type: "ext4"
    options: "errors=remount-ro"
    dump: 0
    pass: 1
  - device: "UUID=b8d210eb-d186-405f-bc42-a55cbe069a27"
    mount_point: "none"
    type: "swap"
    options: "sw"
    dump: 0
    pass: 0

This is the minimal configuration necessary in order to use this role, and here all the individual variables needs to be explicitly set.

If your fstab file is located somewhere else you can also define the mounts_fstab_path variable to point to the correct location. Look in the defaults/main.yml file for more "global" variables.

Normal Mounts

After you have added any "boot" mounts, you may then add additional "normal" mounts to fstab. The procedure is very similar to the previous "Boot Mounts" step, except there are now some default values present, which means you can write a more compact list if you want. Any field that is not marked with # Required may be left out of your configuration if you are fine with the defaults.

  - uuid:  # Required
    mount_point:  # Required
    type: "ext4"
    options: "defaults,nofail"
    dump: 0
    pass: 2
    comment: ""

Help for obtaining the UUID may be found here.

Encrypted Mounts

This role can also handle mounting encrypted partitions/drives as well. The configuration options are a bit different from the previous "normal" mounts, and this is because the devices will first have to be "unlocked" by cryptsetup before it can be mounted as usual (simple visualization).

Here are the options for encrypted mounts, where the defaults are entered and any field which is not marked with # Required may be left out of your configuration if you are fine with the defaults. The name field defaults to the uuid unless something is specifically defined, but if you add something custom you need to remember that it will be this device's decrypted endpoint under /dev/mapper/ so it needs to be unique.

Furthermore, the mount_point field is only required in case you want the decrypted /dev/mapper/ endpoint mounted somewhere else. For example, the entire fstab section should be omitted in the case you are using ZFS with these mapper points as the identifiers.

  - uuid:  # Required
    name: "{{ uuid }}"
    key_file:  # Required
      options: "luks,nofail"
      comment: ""
      mount_point:  # Only required if you want the decrypted mapper point mounted
      type: "ext4"
      options: "defaults,nofail"
      dump: 0
      pass: 2
      comment: ""

The Cryptdisks Mount

If the key_file(s), in the settings above, is located on a USB key or network drive, which needs to be mounted before anything else can be mounted, you will have to specify the CRYPTDISKS_MOUNT within the /etc/default/cryptdisks file. This can be done by just writing this:

  mount_point: "/mnt/usb/drive"
  uuid: "37033980-8380-476d-a851-840815c328b1"
  type: "ext4"
  options: "defaults,noexec"
  dump: 0
  pass: 2

or if it is on a Samba network drive which needs credentials:

  mount_point: "/mnt/network/drive"
  net_path: "//"
    username: "user"
    password: "user_smb_pass"
    path: "/root/.smbcredentials"
  type: "cifs"
  options: "vers=3.11,uid=root,gid=root,_netdev,noexec,seal"
  dump: 0
  pass: 0

The seal option is to make sure the connection is encrypted, and should probably be present for this network mount.

Check out crazy setup of Dexter Kane to get a feeling of how this can be used for an advanced setup where you have have to compromise two machines in order to be able to get to the data.

ZFS Mounts

ZFS is a feature rich filesystem which comes with its own mounting service. It is recommended to let that service be responsible for managing the mounting of any ZFS datasets instead of fstab, so in order to tell this role that you only want ZFS installed and then let this mounting service be responsible for the rest is easily achieved by the following configuration:

mounts_zfs: {}

However, if you want to keep everything centralized through this role it is possible to set the legacy mounting option on the ZFS dataset which would let fstab be responsible for its mounting. Read more about how to activate legacy mounting for each relevant dataset in the Create ZFS Array section, but after that it should be as simple as this to configure the mount point. Any field which is not marked with # Required may be left out of your configuration if you are fine with the defaults.

The dataset value here start with the pool and then the dataset's path, e.g. pool1/datasets/data1.

  - dataset:  # Required
    mount_point:  # Required
    type: "zfs"
    options: "defaults,x-systemd.requires=zfs-mount.service"
    dump: 0
    pass: 0
    comment: ""

You most likely want the x-systemd.requires=zfs-mount.service option on all ZFS mounts, as else fstab might try to mount datasets before the ZFS service is ready to handle it and will thus fail with errors. Also you might want to know about x-systemd.requires-mounts-for that is automatically added during boot by the systemd.generator in case a mount point is beneath another one in the filesystem hierarchy, but this is also something you can specify yourself if you want (more systemd options).

Pooled Mounts

"Pooling" drives means that you make multiple separate disks look like a single one for the computer. Important to know that "pooling" is not RAID, since this method basically only places single whole files on the different drives available in the pool with no redundancy.

Take a look at my SnapRAID role if you are interested in adding some data redundancy to pooled drives.

The program making this possible is mergerfs, and first of all you will need to define which version of it you want to be installed. Choose one from the list here, and define it like this:

mounts_mergerfs_version: "2.29.0"

There are a ton of options available for mergerfs, so I suggest you read up on them for best experience. However, I have supplied some sane defaults here that most people could live with. Any field that is not marked with # Required may be left out of your configuration if you are fine with the defaults.

  - name: ""
    options: "cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true,category.create=mfs"
    dump: 0
    pass: 0
    mount_point:  # Required
    branches: []  # Required

The branches variable is a list of strings that correspond to mount points that have been defined in either the normal or the encrypted mounts sections.


  - name: "first_pool"
    mount_point: "/mnt/pool"
      - "/mnt/disk1"
      - "/mnt/disk2"
      - "/mnt/disk3"

Preparation Steps

In this section you will find step-by-step guides on how to prepare the raw drives in order for them to be usable by the different mounting options supported by this role.

These steps might not be necessary for you to do, or you have another preferred way of doing it, which is why these steps should be considered more of general suggestions on how to do these things. If you want more advanced options you will need to do some extra research by yourself.

Create Normal Drive

  1. Create Partition Table - Only once per drive.
  2. Create Partition - As many partitions as you want.
  3. Create Filesystem - Once per partition on the drive.
  4. Mount It - Once per partition on the drive.

In order to be able to perform these steps you will need to find the physical device you want to use located under /dev/. We will then launch parted, which can create both partition tables as well as partitions. So begin with issuing the starting command:

sudo parted -a optimal /dev/sdX

You should now be inside the "parted" command prompt, so any commands made here will be preceded by "(parted)" to indicate that we are still there.

If you need to completely wipe the drive beforehand you could run the following command:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

Create Partition Table

A drive needs a partition table before any partitions can be made. This will only have to be done once per drive, regardless how many partitions you intend to have on the drive later.

Unless you intend to install the drive in a computer that is >15 years old you should use the "gpt" option, otherwise you may use "msdos" which will install a Master Boot Record instead of the GUID Partition Table.

(parted) mklabel gpt

Create Partition

Now it is time to actually create a partition. It will be much easier if you already know how many partitions you want on each drive, so you don't have to fiddle around with this when there is important data on the drive.

In the first example I will just create a single partition which spans the entire drive. It is good practice to leave a little room in the beginning and the end of the drive for alignment purposes.

(parted) mkpart primary 1 -1

Or you can create two partitions.

(parted) mkpart primary 1 50%
(parted) mkpart primary 50% -1

The "primary" name has no special meaning for GPT, but is important in the case you are using MBR.

It is then possible to check so that the partitions are aligned before continuing. Here I test both the first and the second partition.

(parted) align-check optimal 1
(parted) align-check optimal 2

In both these cases it should return "# aligned".

You may now quit parted.

(parted) quit

Create Filesystem

Now you can create a filesystem on the partition. If you are using Linux you most likely want to go with the ext4 filesystem. Here we begin with a bog standard method of doing it for the first partition.

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1

But for the second partition we don't want to reserve any of the space for the super user, and we also want to reduce the number of inodes to only 1 per 4MiB.

sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -T largefile4 /dev/sdX2

These are advanced options that you should read more into before using them, but as a quick summary the largefile4 option frees up some space on the drive if you only intend to store few very large files (like a movie collection). The -m option change the limit of how much a "normal" user may fill the disk, so without this the last 5% of the drive would only be usable by "root". These two options should remain untouched on the OS drive, otherwise you may lock up the system.

Mount It

To test if you can use the newly created filesystem you may now mount it.

sudo mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/first-drive

Try going into the desired mount point and create a file, just to be certain everything works as intended.

Create Encrypted Drive

You can either target a raw drive, and make it use all the space just like a single big encrypted partition, or you can target an already existing partition (that was formed according to the steps in Create Normal Drive) which allows you to mix both un-encrypted and encrypted partitions on the same drive. Choose the one you feel best suite your usecase and then continue with this guide.

  1. Create a Keyfile - One for each encrypted device.
  2. Encrypt Device/Partition - As many encrypted devices you want.
  3. Unlock Encrypted Device - Once per encrypted device.
  4. Create Normal Filesystem - Once per encrypted device.
  5. Mount It - Once per encrypted device.

For an enjoyable experience it is important that your system supports hardware accelerated encryption (AES-NI).

Create a Keyfile

In order to encrypt/decrypt a drive we will first need a password or a key. I suggest you use a key, since that is more secure, and it can be easily generated from the following command:

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=512 count=1 > /path/to/first-drive.key

The default max size of a key file is 8 KiB, but there is no point in using a key which is larger than LUKS's "master key" that is the one being unlocked by the key file. The maximum master key size for LUKS is 512 bits, but it defaults to 256 bits.

Encrypt Device/Partition

Now we can encrypt the entire block device

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -v -y --key-file=/path/to/first-drive.key /dev/sdX

If you intend to use the entire drive you will not need to create a partition table beforehand.

or we can encrypt an already existing partition

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -v -y --key-file=/path/to/first-drive.key /dev/sdX2

Both of these operations are of course destructive, so any existing data on the drive/partition will be lost.

Unlock Encrypted Device

You now have to unlock the encrypted device/partition in order to be able to use it in a way the rest of the computer can understand.

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen --key-file=/path/to/first-drive.key /dev/sdX first-drive

Here you need to change the X to either the device (or the partition) that you have just created. The name "first-drive", at the end of the command, needs to be a unique name since this will be used as sort of an "UUID" of the decrypted device.

If you are really adamant about security you should proably take a quick look at the Securely Format a Drive section now.

Create Normal Filesystem

After you have unlocked the encrypted part you may take a look at the Create Filesystem section under the Create Normal Drive chapter again, since right now the mapped point will behave just like a normal device partition. Otherwise just use the following command to create a standard filesystem on it:

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/first-drive

Mount It

To test if you can use the newly created (and encrypted) filesystem you may now mount it.

sudo mount /dev/mapper/first-drive /mnt/first-drive

The importance of the unique drive name is because crypttab will first mount a "encrypted filesystem" to a point in /dev/mapper/, which then fstab will use to mount to the "correct" location later. So something like this is what is happening:

            UUID     --------> | ----> /dev/mapper/first-drive
     (encrypted device)        |      (un-encrypted identifier)
 /dev/mapper/first-drive  ---> | --->  /mnt/first-drive
(un-encrypted identifier)      |     (desired mount point)

Try going into the desired mount point and create a file, just to be certain everything works as intended.

Create ZFS Array

  1. Choose a Good Disk Identifier - Once per drive.
  2. Create a Pool - Once per array.
  3. Create Dataset - As many as you like.
  4. Mount it - You can mount all datasets at once.
  5. Read About Maintenance - As many times you want to.

ZFS is touting to be "the last filesystem you will ever need", and it sure does have a lot of features that will make the job of storing data much nicer. However, it requires you to do quite a bit of research and configuring in order for it to actually be as good as it advertise, so do not just follow this guide blindly as my settings might not be the right ones for your setup.

Before continuing I would also just like to point out that the terminology of ZFS components might not be totally straight forward if you are completely new to this, so a suggestion is to have a look at this documentation for a quick overview with perhaps a longer read of this Ars Technica article if you want to start out somewhere.

But to keep it simple we will first make so that each drive we want to include in the array has a non-changing identifier, then we will create the root pool/tank with the zpool program before we finally create usable filesystems (datasets) that reside inside this pool with the zfs program. Some decisions cannot be changed after the creation of the pool (without starting over from scratch) so it might be good to read through this entire section before actually doing anything.

Choose a Good Disk Identifier

When creating a pool we will need to provide target paths to each device we want to include in the array, but since the classic /dev/sdX paths provide no guarantee that a disk will get the same letter after a reboot we should really try to use something that will not change without our knowledge.

There are a few ways to get an identifier that is constant, but I think the best one is to use UUIDs. However, in order to get a UUID on a device we first need to create a partition on the drive, and while you can target a naked drive with ZFS (like most guides I have found do), doing it like this is a much more robust solution and you only lose a megabyte or so of usable space. Just follow the Create Normal Drive guide section up until the point where it mentions the creation of a filesystem, then you come back and continue from here.

Another solid type of identifier, that is predictive, is the one you assign to encrypted disks. While ZFS do have native support for encryption of each separate dataset, it actually seems more secure and faster to just put the ZFS filesystem on a LUKS encrypted drive and then use the decrypted "mapper" mount point as target when referencing devices in ZFS. Follow the encryption guide until the step where it is time to unlock the device, and then use its /dev/mapper/<id> path as the identifier when you continue this guide.

Create a Pool

After the preferred identifier has been chosen we will continue with creating a pool. This will be the root location inside of which we will later create our filesystems/datasets. Most of the properties of the pool are not changeable later, so these need to be configured correctly from the beginning. However, the default values are very reasonable with the notable exception being ashift which should be manually configured by you according to the sector size of your disks. It is a very high probability that you want ashift=12, but please double check before continuing.

What is a little bit confusing is that the root of the pool is actually a usable filesystem, but it appears like noone use this directly just because the filepaths makes more sense in case you do not use it. However, it is still possible to set its properties, and this can be exploited in order to create sane defaults for the future datasets in this pool since everything inherits from its parent's properties unless something else is explicitly specified.

So in the coming command, where a pool is created with the help of zpool, the filesystem options are given with capital O and the pool options are with a small letter (quite difficult to differentiate at a quick glance). But before the command I will just quickly go through why I have provided the options that I have, so I may look back at this and remember in the future.

Dataset Properties

There is a paper here which discuss which recordsize/blocksize to use for best performance, but unless you are running a database on the disks you can be quite satisfied with 128K. Compression is a nice bonus to have automatically on everything you write and lz4 is awfully fast in addition to providing good compression ratios.

The utf8only, casesensitivity and normalization should give you a nice filesystem where you can basically name your files whatever and have them sorted in a sane fashion. The sharesmb and sharenfs options are in case you want the ZFS mount program to automatically expose these as SMB or NFS shares as well, but I prefer to handle that separately.

The atime=on option will make so that each file is updated with the timestamp of when the file was last accessed. This cause a slight performance hit as a write needs to happen every time a file is accessed, and in the case of a database, where a lot of small files are accessed repeatedly and you don't care of when these are accessed, you should turn this off. Having relatime=on in addition to atime is a compromise of turning the latter off, as now the access time is only updated if the modified time or changed time changes, or if the existing access time has not been updated within the past 24 hours.

The Mountpoint Property

Finally there is the mountpoint property. Unless this value is set to legacy or none the zfs program will automatically mount the dataset to the path specified. How inheritance works for this property is like this: if the dataset pool1/media has the mountpoint set to /media/zfs, then the pool1/media/movies dataset will get /media/zfs/movies as its mountpoint. It is also fully possible to mount the datasets pool1/media and pool1/media/movies to two completely separate locations like /media/zfs and /mnt/movies if you want, even though it looks weird.

Setting the property to legacy delegates the task of mounting the disk to the normal mount program, which means you will have to manually mount the dataset like this:

sudo mount -t zfs pool1/media/movies /mnt/movies

To have the legacy dataset mounted at boot you have to add an entry in fstab, however, this is not a very common option and actually specifying the mountpoint property on the dataset should be preferred unless you have a good reason to despise it. Some more info about stuff to think about in case you go this route is present in the ZFS mounts section where you also manage the fstab entries.

Creating the Pool

We are now finally ready to actually create the pool. Looking at the last line I first specify the name of the pool (pool1), the redundancy of the array (raidz) and then finally all the devices (disks) that should be part of it. As was mentioned before I use the /dev/disk/<uuid> path in order to keep consistency after reboots.

sudo zpool create \
      -o ashift=12 \
      -O recordsize=128k \
      -O compression=lz4 \
      -O utf8only=on \
      -O casesensitivity=sensitive \
      -O normalization=formD \
      -O sharesmb=off \
      -O sharenfs=off \
      -O atime=on \
      -O relatime=on \
      -O mountpoint=legacy \
    pool1 raidz /dev/disk/<uuid1> /dev/disk/<uuid2> /dev/disk/<uuid3>

If this command succeed you may then list the info about the current pool with the help of the following command:

sudo zfs get all pool1

Create Dataset

With the pool now created we may continue to create datasets which work basically like filesystems in normal drive terms. We have actually already touched upon some dataset properties since the root pool is usable as a dataset and has all the same options available (the capital -O options above) as we will have here.

I am usually quite happy with the same defaults we defined in the previous section for basically all my datasets, so I will just add some options to the command below to show how it might look like if you were to tune the dataset for housing databases instead.

sudo zfs create \
      -o recordsize=8k \
      -o atime=off \
      -o primarycache=metadata \
      -o logbias=throughput \

As you can see we use the zfs program here, as this only expose options for creating datasets and thus we minimize the risk of doing something stupid. But you may now create as many datasets you want, and they are very independent of each other even if they appear to be located "inside" each other like pool1/media and pool1/media/movies.

Remember that properties are inherited, so if you specified legacy as the mountpoint for the pool you will need to either set a specific mountpoint for each dataset or make sure you handle the mounting manually via fstab.

Mount It

As was mentioned earlier the ZFS service will automatically mount all datasets that are not set to legacy or none, but you can trigger it again with

sudo zfs mount -a

or the following command if you have a dataset with legacy mounting options

sudo mount -t zfs pool1/media/movies /mnt/movies

Changing a datasets mount point is as simple as this

sudo zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/movies pool1/media/movies

which should trigger a mount automatically.

Import Pool

If you cannot mount anything and it complains about no pools being present you can have ZFS scan your system and import any pools it finds:

sudo zpool import -a

and if you are transferring it from another computer you may need to forcefully import it with its ID (which you get by using -f instead of -a in the command above)

sudo zpool import -f 5536839315307152828


I mentioned briefly in the beginning of this section that ZFS is a very solid filesystem if you want to store a lot of data, but you will need to do some proper configuring if you want it to keep the data safe over long periods of time. And to help you get started with this never ending task I will just list some of the things I though were important here.

Some Everyday Commands

Before diving too deep I thought it perhaps could be useful to list some simple commands that may be used to just get a quick grasp of the system and make you comfortable moving around.

List Available Pools

sudo zpool list

List All ZFS Datasets

sudo zfs list

Get Info About Dataset

sudo zfs get all pool1/media/movies

Health Monitoring

The most important thing you can do is to actually monitor the health of your pools so you can act when something is awry. The simplest command you can run to get an overview of your arrays is this:

sudo zpool status -x

This will print information about anything which ZFS thinks needs your attention, or just "all pools are healthy" if everything is fine.

However, there is then no limit on how advanced you could make this type of health monitoring, with remote logging services that send you mail based on trigger words or similar so that you do not have to check manually every time. But stuff like that is out of scope of this guide so I will just put this link here for you to read if you want.


Scrubbing is a process which will go through the data in the pool and verify (agains checksums) that it is correct or try to fix it if it is not. This should be done on a monthly basis and is triggered like this:

sudo zpool scrub pool1

This is very I/O intensive, so run this when there is little activity in your pool. Furthermore, it is possible to pause the scrub whenever you like (with the -p flag), and it will then resume from its latest checkpoint instead of the beginning when you ask for a scrub again. This way you can incrementally scrub you pool in case you have so much data it does not finish during its allotted time.


If you have SSDs (or some other flash based storage) as your backing disks you should probably look into the trim command as this can help keep write speeds stable if you perform a lot of deleting and rewriting of data.

You can enable the autortim property on each dataset, which will trigger small and quick trimming quite often, but it is also recommended that you run a proper zpool trim job at the same frequency as you scrub your pool.


A very nice feature of ZFS is snapshoting, where you (almost) instantly create sort of a checkpoint in time of your data, and then you can roll back to it in case you accidentally removed something.

There is a quick guide on how to do this manually here, but the TL;DR of that one is basically the following two commands:

Create Snapshot

sudo zfs snapshot pool1/media/movies@snapshot-name

List Snapshots

sudo zfs list -r -t snapshot pool1/media/movies

Restore Snapshot

sudo zfs rollback pool1/media/movies@snapshot-name

However, you should also look into the following two programs which are able to automate this process as well as clean up old snapshots.

  1. sanoid
  2. zrepl

Replace a disk

Sooner or later you will reach a point where you need to replace a disk, and while there are a lot of guides out there I will add a small TL;DR with the same names as we have had in this guide up till now.

We will be using the replace command to tell ZFS that it should replace the old drive with this new one:

sudo zpool replace rpool /dev/disk/by-uuid/<old_uuid> /dev/disk/by-uuid/<new_uuid>

The old path provided here is of course the same one we used when we first added this disk to the pool, but this can be one of the other possible identifiers you have chosen. You can also use zdb to find and reference the disk by its GUID in case all else fails.

ZFS will immediately try to resilver the array with this new disk, so wait patiently until that is done and monitor it so you know everything went well.

Additional Info

This section contains additional information that may be good to know even when you are not in the process of creating normal/encrypted drives.

Obtain the UUID

In order to obtain the UUID (universally unique identifier) for the drives connected to your system you can simply use the following command, which will list all available/mountable devices:

sudo blkid

In my case it looked something like this.

/dev/sda1: UUID="88f0236b-620a-456e-a4a6-1b5c84996b5c" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda5: UUID="b8d210eb-d186-405f-bc42-a55cbe069a27" TYPE="swap"

However, if the drive you are looking for doesn't have any (mountable) partitions on it you will first need to create them manually. A detailed guide for how to produce a fully functional "normal" drive may be found in the Create Normal Drive section of the Preparation Steps. Afterwards you should be able to find the newly created partition by running the command above again.

The same goes for an encrypted partition. After having completed the Encrypt Device/Partition step, in the Create Encrypted Drive guide, you should be able to find a UUID associated with the newly formed encrypted device.

Test for Hardware Acceleration

If you intend to have encrypted drives attached to your system, you should probably make sure that your CPU has support for hardware acceleration (AES-NI) and that it is enabled. To quickly check if everything is working as expected you can run the following command:

openssl speed -evp aes-256-cbc

If the numbers returned from that test is lower than 500 MB/s something is either wrongly configured, or you don't have support for hardware acceleration. In that case I would strongly suggest you get a more modern CPU in order to get a good experience with encrypted drives.

Securely Format a Drive

If you have a new drive, or are re-purposing an old un-encrypted drive, you may want to format it in such a way that the entire drive is filled with random data. This is an important step if you are trying to achieve "plausible deniability" for your encrypted drives, but should probably be done anyways since it will erase any traces of old data that was there before.

The following command expects you to have completed the Create Encrypted Drive guide until the point where this section is mentioned in the Unlock Encrypted Device sub-section. Because when the drive/partition has been unlocked, and it exists under /dev/mapper/, you should run the following command to fill it with random data.

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/first-drive bs=4M status=progress

Even if the input stream of the dd command is just zeroes, the encryption algorithm will produce encrypted (i.e. it looks random) data that is written to the drive. It is also possible to achieve the same result with the following command (notice we target the actual device and not the decrypted mount point now):

sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

However, this is usually slower than just spewing zeroes through the hardware accelerated encryption algorithm.

If you are trying to create an encrypted drive you should now start that guide over again from the beginning, so you get a completely new encryption key afterwards. This is a paranoid security step taken so there is absolutely no connection between the "encrypted zeroes" and your real data.

Ansible Variables Location

I prefer to add all the necessary variables, used by this role, in the host_vars/<hostname> file, since these variables are usually unique for each host. This way it is easy to separate the information on a host by host basis, without creating any conflicts between them.

An important thing to remember is that Ansible will overwrite, and not merge, hashes/dictionaries (like mounts_boot or mounts_normal) if there are two with the same name. You can therefore not have a part of them be defined in the group_vars/ and then other parts in the host_vars/. If you do not like this behavior you may look into setting hash_behaviour = merge, but be aware that this is not a very good solution. Instead you should probably look into the combine filter or the merge_vars action plugin.


Ansible role for installing and managing multiple programs who all need to create entries in `/etc/fstab`.







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