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Jonas Nilson edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 9 revisions

Idle Master Extended comes with a few extensions and fixes in comparison to the original Idle Master:

  • Whitelist mode (File > Whitelist & File > Settings > Idling Behavior > Whitelist mode): Add the game's Steam ID to a list and idle any game in your library (v1.5)

  • Dark theme (File > Settings > General > Dark theme): Applies color changes to several of the interface components to better match the Steam interface color scheme.

  • Latest release: Always keep track of the latest release of Idle Master Extended (available in v1.5)

  • Updated Steamworks.NET ( Includes the latest version of Steamworks.NET (available here: rlabrecque/Steamworks.NET), which no longer requires CSteamworks.dll.

  • Cookies and HTTPS: All links within the application uses the HTTPS protocol and the cookie has been updated to include steamLoginSecure. The browser window used to login to Steam displays more information about the site being visited.

  • Additional fixes: For example, previously the "current badge" was skipped when changing from individual game idling to simultaneous idling - it should now work as intended.

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