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A language-neutral, declarative, and extensible software building tool.

Getting started

1. Install

  • The instruction here should work on linux and mac.
  • Bibix needs JVM to run. Please make sure you have the latest version of JRE or JDK on your computer.
  • Create a bibix installation directory. I recommend to create a new folder named "bibix" under your home directory.
  • Download the bibix-0.8.1-all.jar from the release page to the installation directory.
  • Add a file named bibix in the installation directory (where the jar file is located) and add:
    • java -jar /Users/joonsoo/Documents/apps/bibix/bibix-0.8.1-all.jar "$@"
  • Make the bibix file you just created executable by running chmod u+x bibix
  • Make the bibix script accessible from anywhere by adding the installation directory to PATH variable in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zprofile file.

2. Add build.bbx file to your project

  • When you run the bibix interpreter on a directory, bibix first tries to find the build.bbx file in the directory.
  • build.bbx file defines the build rules of your project.
  • The following shows a simple project with java source files structured like maven or gradle project, i.e. source files are located under src/main/java folder.
from bibix.plugins import java
import maven

main = java.library(
  srcs = glob("src/main/java/**.java"),
  deps = [
    maven.artifact("", "gson", "2.10.1"),
    maven.artifact("", "guava", "32.1.3-jre"),

test = java.library(
  srcs = glob("src/test/java/**.java"),
  deps = [
    maven.artifact("org.junit.jupiter", "junit-jupiter-api", "5.8.2"),
    maven.artifact("", "truth", "1.1.3"),
  • This project defines two targets: main and test.
    • main is the java library that is compiled from the .java files under src/main/java and has 2 dependencies of GSON and Guava from maven central repository.
    • test is the java library that is compiled from the .java files under src/test/java and has 2 dependenceis of main and junit from maven central repository.
  • The names main and test do not have specific meaning for bibix, that is, bibix treats main and test equally.
    • main and test are common names you may want to use in your projects.
    • Because bibix does not assume that these modules are related in any ways, you need to explicitly add main to the list of deps of test.

3. Build

  • To build the main target, simply run bibix main in the project directory.
  • After long list of build progress log, the build result will be shown like this:
    • main: com.giyeok.bibix.plugins.jvm::ClassPkg(cpinfo=com.giyeok.bibix.plugins.jvm::ClassesInfo(classDirs={dir(<projectroot>/bbxbuild/objects/4be6d79d1b7136609880c66cc25efc43cda017ca)}, resDirs={}, srcs={file(...)}), deps={...}, nativeLibDirs={}, ...)
    • This line shows the build result value of the target main is an instance of ClassPkg class and the instance has following fields.
    • This line can be very long as it contains all information about its dependencies, including transitive dependencies.
  • You can find the compiled class files under the directory shown after classDirs in the line. In my case, the compiled .class files are under <projectroot/bbxbuild/objects/4be6d79d1b7136609880c66cc25efc43cda017ca directory.
  • The symbolic link to the directory is also created at bbxbuild/outputs/main.

4. Make jar file

  • Bibix does not implicitly create other targets or actions.
  • Therefore, if you want to make jar files, you need to explicitly define the rules for making jar files. The following snippet shows how to define such rules to generate jar file.
from bibix.plugins import jar

uberJar = jar.uberJar([main], "main-all.jar")
  • Now you can simply run bibix uberJar to create the uber jar file for your main target.
    • It may take some time to run the command, because it will need to download kotlin stdlib to compile the jar plugin.
    • It will be faster after the first run, since the downloaded kotlin stdlib (and other maven dependencies as well) are cached in bbxbuild/shared directory.
  • After the build is done, bibix will print out the last line like the following:
  • uberJar: file(<projectroot>/bbxbuild/objects/730c73fe939217ce81f9efdf55eeed620ebae454/main-all.jar)
    • This means the build result value of uberJar target is the file bbxbuild/objects/730c73fe939217ce81f9efdf55eeed620ebae454/main-all.jar, which is the generated uber jar file.
  • The symbolic link to the directory will be created at bbxbuild/outputs/uberJar, so you can access to the generated uber jar at <projectroot>/bbxbuild/outputs/uberJar/main-all.jar.

5. (WIP) Run junit tests

  • This section is a WIP. The instructions in this section may not work as documented here.
  • Again, bibix does not implicitly add targets or actions. You need to explicitly declare an "action" to run your unit tests.
from bibix.plugins import junit5

action runTests {
  • Now, you can run the tests in test target by running bibix runTests.
  • runTests is an "action", while main, test, and uberJar were "target"s. A target must create a result value and may be reused if no argument values or input files have been changed. On the other hand, an action does not return a value and will always be executed whenever the user runs the action.
  • The test result will be saved in the bbxbuil/logs folder, which stores the log files created while running bibix.
  • Find and open the last log. If the test was successful, the file should contain the lines like the following:
  - level: INFO
    time: 2024-05-09T04:51:49.541Z
    message: "Test summary: \n"
             "Test run finished after 12 ms\n"
             "[         1 containers found      ]\n"
             "[         0 containers skipped    ]\n"
             "[         1 containers started    ]\n"
             "[         0 containers aborted    ]\n"
             "[         1 containers successful ]\n"
             "[         0 containers failed     ]\n"
             "[         0 tests found           ]\n"
             "[         0 tests skipped         ]\n"
             "[         0 tests started         ]\n"
             "[         0 tests aborted         ]\n"
             "[         0 tests successful      ]\n"
             "[         0 tests failed          ]\n"

See also

    • Explains how to use bibix with IntelliJ. Korean.
    • More detailed and informal (and incomplete) introduction about bibix. Korean.
  • blog
    • Thoughts on the build tools and design decisions of bibix. Written in Korean.
  • bibix-plugins
    • Includes a few common plugins, including java, ktjvm, jar, protobuf, grpc, tar, xz, gzip, and mustache.
    • You can use the plugins from the repository by simply adding a line like from bibix.plugins import ktjvm.
    • bibix.plugins points to the github repository.
  • jparser
    • The grammar of the bibix build script is defined here.
    • The grammar definition is written in CDG format. For more information, see jparser project.