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Qwik + Contentful

Probably the stack I am going to use for anything CMS related.

Run locally

This project uses pnpm. Getting started can be found here.

  1. Install dependencies pnpm i.
  2. Setup a Contentful account.
  3. Run cp .env.sample .env .
  4. Add your Contentful API key and Space ID in the newly created .env.
    1. From the dashboard click on the space you want to use.
    2. Go to Settings > API Keys and create a new API key.
    3. Add the new keys to the .env.
  5. Add your Content Type ID to the .env as well.
    1. Select Space > Your Space.
    2. Create a new entry or click on an existing entry.
    3. Click on Info on the right-hand side.
    4. There should be an option called Content Type ID. This goes into your .env.
  6. This project also uses SparkPost for emailing. Starter plan gets you 500 emails for free / month. Getting started with SparkPost can be found here.
  7. Run pnpm dev to start the local development server.


In src/global.d.ts. BlogData matches the model that is created in Contentful.



This is setup to deploy to Netlify's Edge. To deploy somewhere else, view Qwik's deployment docs here.

Vercel Edge

This starter site is configured to deploy to Vercel Edge Functions, which means it will be rendered at an edge location near to your users.


The adaptor will add a new vite.config.ts within the adaptors/ directory, and a new entry file will be created, such as:

└── adaptors/
    └── vercel-edge/
        └── vite.config.ts
└── src/
    └── entry.vercel-edge.tsx

Additionally, within the package.json, the build.server script will be updated with the Vercel Edge build.

Production build

To build the application for production, use the build command, this command will automatically run pnpm build.server and pnpm build.client:

pnpm build

Read the full guide here

Dev deploy

To deploy the application for development:

pnpm deploy

Notice that you might need a Vercel account in order to complete this step!

Production deploy

The project is ready to be deployed to Vercel. However, you will need to create a git repository and push the code to it.

You can deploy your site to Vercel either via a Git provider integration or through the Vercel CLI.