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testing version of ghcjs-ld
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JoshMeredith committed Sep 7, 2021
1 parent e80d9dc commit 5ebfe2a
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Showing 9 changed files with 397 additions and 101 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ghc
Submodule ghc updated 2168 files
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions ghcjs-ld/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,4 @@ import GHCJS.Linker

main :: IO ()
main = do
(settings, command) <- execParser (info (linkerSettings <**> helper) mempty)
link settings command
main = uncurry link =<< execParser (info (linkerSettings <**> helper) mempty)
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions ghcjs-ld/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

## Introduction

This project implements a linker for GHCJS-style `.js_o` object files. Previously, this behaviour was achieved through invoking the GHCJS compiler. Now, we instead provide this stand-alone executable to link these object files so that GHC proper may absorb GHCJS as a cross-compilation target, allowing Cabal, etc, to invoke this in place of `ld`.

## Installation

Installation through Cabal:
cabal install ghcjs-ld

## Usage

ghcjs-ld [options-and-inputs]

-v/--verbose: print linking logging/warnings
-o/--output: set the output file (default "link-output.js")
--debug/--prof: reduce renaming of output definition names
--prof: setup the output code for profiling

## Cabal's Usage

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion ghcjs-ld/ghcjs-ld.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,4 +72,6 @@ library
224 changes: 176 additions & 48 deletions ghcjs-ld/src/GHCJS/Linker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@

module GHCJS.Linker (
Expand All @@ -24,21 +25,36 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Options.Applicative
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (displayT, renderPretty)
import Data.Array (Array)
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.MultiMap (MultiMap)
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Traversable
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath

-- GHC
import Module

import Compiler.JMacro.Base (JStat)
import Gen2.Archive as Archive
import Gen2.ClosureInfo (ClosureInfo, StaticInfo)
import Gen2.Object
import Gen2.Object as Object
import Gen2.Printer

Expand All @@ -53,13 +69,12 @@ data LinkCommand
, paths :: [FilePath]
, libs :: [String]
, relocatable :: Bool
, roots :: [Text]
, runMain :: Maybe FilePath

data LinkError
= LibNotFound String

verbosityOpt :: Parser Verbosity
verbosityOpt = (numerical <$> n) <|> quiet
verbosityOpt = (numerical <$> n) <|> (switch (short 'v') *> pure Verbosity1) <|> quiet
n = option auto (short 'v')
quiet = pure Quiet
Expand All @@ -74,87 +89,200 @@ linkerSettings = do
<> short 'o'
<> value "link-output.js"
debug <- switch (long "debug")
prof <- switch (long "prof")
dedup <- not <$> switch (long "no-dedupe")
verbose <- verbosityOpt
debug <- switch (long "debug")
prof <- switch (long "prof")
dedup <- not <$> switch (long "no-dedupe")
paths <- many (option auto (short 'L' <> long "library" <> metavar "libname"))
libs <- many (option auto (short 'l' <> long "library-path" <> metavar "searchdir"))
relocatable <- switch (short 'r' <> long "relocatable")
inputs <- some (argument str (metavar "file..."))
return (LinkerSettings debug prof dedup verbose, LinkCommand{output, inputs, paths, libs, relocatable})
inputs <- some (argument str (metavar "file..."))
roots <- many (option auto (long "root" <> metavar "link-tree root"))
runMain <- optional $ strOption (long "runMain")
return (LinkerSettings debug prof dedup verbose [], LinkCommand{output, inputs, paths, libs, relocatable, roots, runMain})

-- Setup and run the linking step - logging to console in verbose mode and displaying errors.
link :: LinkerSettings -> LinkCommand -> IO ()
link :: (LinkerSettings) -> LinkCommand -> IO ()
link set@LinkerSettings{lsVerbosity = verbose} comm = do
linked <- runExceptT $
if verbose >= Verbosity1
then consoleLinker (link' comm) set
else runLinkerT (link' comm) set
print ("link", verbose)
linked <- runLinker (link' comm) set
case linked of
Right () -> return ()
Left (LibNotFound l) -> error $ "Cannot find library: \"" ++ l ++ "\""
Left MissingLibraries -> error "Exiting due to missing libraries"
Left DependencyError -> error "Exiting due to dependency inconsistencies"

-- Perform the linking step based on a `LinkCommand`.
link' :: (Linker m, MonadIO m, MonadError LinkError m) => LinkCommand -> m ()
link' command@LinkCommand{output, inputs, paths, libs, relocatable} = do
link' command@LinkCommand{output, inputs, paths, libs, relocatable, roots, runMain} = phase "Linker" $ do
let rootMods = [] :: [Text]
whenM (verbosity Verbosity1) $ when relocatable $
linkWarn "Warning: ignoring `-r`/`--relocatable` flag"
logWarning "Warning: ignoring `-r`/`--relocatable` flag"
libPaths <- getLibraries paths libs
linkFiles output (inputs ++ libPaths)

let ( oInputs, inputs' ) = partition ("o" `isSuffixOf`) inputs
( aInputs, inputs'') = partition ("a" `isSuffixOf`) inputs'
(jsInputs, remain ) = partition ("js" `isSuffixOf`) inputs''

when (not $ null remain) $ do
logError ("unknown input files " ++ show remain)
exitLinker DependencyError

if relocatable
then do
when (not $ null jsInputs) $ do
logError ("cannot link a `.js` file with `-r`/`--relocatable`")
exitLinker DependencyError
linkRelocatable output aInputs oInputs jsInputs
else linkFiles output runMain (map parseRoot roots) oInputs (aInputs ++ libPaths) jsInputs

linkRelocatable :: (Linker m, MonadError LinkError m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> m ()
linkRelocatable output aInputs oInputs jsInputs = do
oModules <- liftIO $ forM oInputs $ \o -> do
dep <- readDepsFile o
dat <- readObjectFile o
return (dep, dat)
metas <- liftIO $ forM aInputs (readMeta >=> (return . metaCppOptions))
aModules <- fmap concat . liftIO $ forM aInputs $ \a -> do
ss <- readAllSources a
forM ss $ \(src, raw) ->
return (readDeps src raw, Object.readObject src raw)
jsModules <- forM jsInputs $ \js -> (JsSource js,) <$> BS.readFile js

liftIO . BL.writeFile output . buildArchive (Meta $ concat metas) $ map go (oModules ++ aModules) ++ jsModules

go (dep, dat) = (Object $ depsModule dep, object dep dat)

-- Perform the linking step with an output location and a set of input files.
linkFiles :: (Linker m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> [FilePath] -> m ()
linkFiles output inputs = do
code <- liftIO $ forM inputs $ collectCode <=< readObjectFile
linkFiles :: (Linker m, MonadError LinkError m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> [Fun] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> m ()
linkFiles output runMainFile roots oInputs aInputs jsInputs = phase "linkFiles" $ do

oDeps <- liftIO $ forM oInputs $ \f -> (False, f,) <$> readDepsFile f
aDeps <- fmap concat $ forM aInputs $ \l -> liftIO $
withAllObjects l (\m h n -> (True, l,) <$> hReadDeps (moduleNameString m) h)

let oaDeps = oDeps ++ aDeps
deps :: Map (Package, Text) ((Bool, FilePath), IntSet)
deps = foldl' collectDeps M.empty oaDeps
blockDeps :: Map (Package, Text, Int) BlockDeps
blockDeps = foldl' collectBlocks M.empty oaDeps
funs :: Map Fun Int
funs = foldl' collectFuns M.empty oaDeps

roots' | not $ null roots = map (lookupFuns funs) roots
| otherwise = concatMap (\((p, m), (_, ixs)) -> map (p, m,) (IS.toList ixs)) (M.toList deps)

toLink = traceDeps (lookupDeps deps blockDeps)
(lookupFuns funs)

linkFiles = MM.fromList $ map (\(p, m, i) -> ((p, m), i)) (S.toList toLink)

code <- forM (MM.assocs linkFiles) $ \((p, m), ixs) -> do
case M.lookup (p, m) deps of
Nothing -> exitLinker DependencyError
Just ((False, object ), _) -> liftIO $ readObjectFileKeys (\i _ -> i `elem` ixs) object
Just ((True , archive), _) -> liftIO $ readObjectKeys archive (\i _ -> i `elem` ixs) <$>
Archive.readObject (mkModuleName $ T.unpack m) archive

linked <- linkObjects code
liftIO $ BL.writeFile output linked

javascript <- liftIO $ mapM BL.readFile jsInputs

runMain <- case runMainFile of
Just r -> (:[]) <$> liftIO (BL.readFile r)
Nothing -> return []

liftIO $ BL.writeFile output (mconcat $ javascript ++ [linked] ++ runMain)

collectCode l = let x = ( mconcat (map oiStat l)
, T.unlines (map oiRaw l)
, concatMap oiClInfo l
, concatMap oiStatic l)
in evaluate (rnf x) >> return x
collectFuns fs (a, f, d) = M.union fs (depsHaskellExported d)
collectDeps ds (a, f, d) = M.insert (depsPackage d, depsModule d) ((a, f), depsRequired d) ds
collectBlocks bs (a, f, d) = foldl' go bs (A.assocs $ depsBlocks d)
where go bs' (ix, bd) = M.insert (depsPackage d, depsModule d, ix) bd bs'

lookupDeps deps blockDeps (p, m, i) =
case (M.lookup (p, m) deps, M.lookup (p, m, i) blockDeps) of
(Just (_, ds), Just (BlockDeps bds fds)) -> (IS.union ds (IS.fromList bds), fds)
_ -> (IS.empty, [])

lookupFuns funs f@(Fun p m n) =
case M.lookup f funs of
Just i -> (p, m, i)
Nothing -> error $ "Missing function" ++ show f

parseRoot :: Text -> Fun
parseRoot symbol = Fun (Package p) m f
p = T.takeWhile (/= '.') symbol
m = T.reverse . T.drop (T.length f + 1) . T.reverse $ T.drop (T.length p + 1) symbol
f = T.reverse . T.takeWhile (/= '.') $ T.reverse symbol

traceDeps :: ((Package, Text, Int) -> (IntSet, [Fun]))
-> (Fun -> (Package, Text, Int))
-> [(Package, Text, Int)]
-> Set (Package, Text, Int)
-> Set (Package, Text, Int)
traceDeps _ _ [] links = links
traceDeps deps locate roots links = traceDeps deps locate newIxs links'
links' = S.union links (S.fromList newIxs)
(local, funs) = unzip $ map go roots
go (p, m, i) = let (ls, funs) = deps (p, m, i) in (map (p, m,) $ IS.toList ls, funs)
ixs = concat local ++ map locate (concat funs)
newIxs = filter (`S.member` links) ixs

-- Provide a rendered output javascript given a set of input objects.
linkObjects :: Linker m => [(JStat, Text, [ClosureInfo], [StaticInfo])] -> m BL.ByteString
linkObjects code = do
linkObjects :: (Linker m, MonadIO m)
=> [[ObjUnit]]
-> m BL.ByteString
linkObjects code = phase "linkObjects" $ do
let rtsDeps = S.fromList []

c <- liftIO $ mapM collectCode code

(compacted, meta) <- compact (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps) (map (\(s,_,ci,si) -> (s,ci,si)) code)
(compacted, meta) <- compact (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps) (map (\(s,_,ci,si) -> (s,ci,si)) c)

let pe = TLE.encodeUtf8 . (<>"\n") . displayT . renderPretty 0.8 150 . pretty
rendered = parMap rdeepseq pe compacted
renderedMeta = pe meta
renderedExports = TLE.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict . T.unlines . filter (not . T.null) $ map (\(_,rs,_,_) -> rs) code
renderedExports = TLE.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict . T.unlines . filter (not . T.null) $ map (\(_,rs,_,_) -> rs) c

return $ mconcat rendered <> renderedMeta <> renderedExports

collectCode l = let x = ( mconcat (map oiStat l)
, T.unlines (map oiRaw l)
, concatMap oiClInfo l
, concatMap oiStatic l)
in evaluate (rnf x) >> return x

-- Given a list of search paths and a list of library names, provide a list to the locations
-- of the object files for those libraries.
getLibraries :: (Linker m, MonadIO m, MonadError LinkError m) => [FilePath] -> [String] -> m [FilePath]
getLibraries paths libs = do
getLibraries paths libs = phase "getLibraries" $ do
candidates <- join <$> mapM getCandidates paths
mpaths <- forM libs $ \l -> do
let libPath = matchLib candidates l
whenM (verbosity Verbosity3) . linkLog . T.concat $ case libPath of
Nothing -> ["File for library \"", T.pack l, "\" not found"]
Just p -> ["File for library \"", T.pack l, "\":", T.pack p]
libPath <- matchLib candidates l <$> linkProf
whenM (verbosity Verbosity3) . logMessage . concat $ case libPath of
Nothing -> ["file for library \"", l, "\" not found"]
Just p -> ["file for library \"", l, "\":", p]
return (l, libPath)
forM mpaths $ \(l, libPath) -> case libPath of
Nothing -> throwError $ LibNotFound l
Nothing -> throwError MissingLibraries
Just p -> return p

getCandidates :: (Linker m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m [FilePath]
getCandidates path = do
linkLog $ T.concat ["Libraries found at \"", T.pack path, "\":"]
files <- liftIO $ listDirectory path
mapM_ (linkLog . T.pack) files
return $ filter (\fp -> "js_o" `isExtensionOf` fp || "js_a" `isExtensionOf` fp) files

matchLib :: [FilePath] -> String -> Maybe FilePath
matchLib files lib = find matching files
getCandidates path = phase "getCandidates" $ do
logMessage $ concat ["Libraries found at \"", path, "\":"]
files <- map (path </>) <$> liftIO (listDirectory path)
mapM_ logMessage files
return $ filter (\fp -> "js_a" `isExtensionOf` fp) files

matchLib :: [FilePath] -> String -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath
matchLib files lib prof = find matching files
matching f = takeBaseName f `elem` [lib, "lib-" ++ lib]
matching f = lib `isInfixOf` takeBaseName f
&& ("_p" `isSuffixOf` takeBaseName f == prof)
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions ghcjs-ld/src/GHCJS/Linker/Compactor.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

-- GHC
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Util

import Compiler.JMacro.Base
import Compiler.JMacro.Combinators
import Gen2.Base
import Gen2.ClosureInfo
import Gen2.Object
import qualified Gen2.Utils as U
import Gen2.Compactor (LinkedUnit, exprsE, exprsS, identsS, lookupRenamed, staticInfoArgs, dedupeBodies,
dedupe, renameStaticInfo, renameClosureInfo,
Expand All @@ -45,6 +47,21 @@ import Gen2.Compactor (LinkedUnit, exprsE, exprsS, identsS, lookupRenamed, stati
import GHCJS.Linker.Monad

linkObjects' :: Linker m => [ObjUnit] -> m ObjUnit
linkObjects' (o:os) = foldM mergeObjs o os

mergeObjs :: Linker m => ObjUnit -> ObjUnit -> m ObjUnit
o1@(ObjUnit sym1 info1 static1 stat1 raw1 fexports1 fimports1)
o2@(ObjUnit sym2 info2 static2 stat2 raw2 fexports2 fimports2)
= do
whenM (verbosity Verbosity3) . logMessage $ concat
["Merging ", printJStatTag stat1, " with ", printJStatTag stat2]
return o1
printJStatTag BlockStat{} = "BlockStat"
printJStatTag _ = "OtherStat"

compact :: Linker m
=> [Text]
-> [LinkedUnit]
Expand Down

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