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chore(deps): update dependency typedoc to ^0.24.0 (#196)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [typedoc](
([source]( | [`^0.23.27` ->
`^0.24.0`]( |


### Release Notes




##### Bug Fixes

- Improve detection for legacy JSDoc `@example` tags,
- The page footer will now appear at the bottom of the page even if the
page is short,



##### Breaking Changes

- `@link`, `@linkcode` and `@linkplain` tags will now be resolved with
TypeScript's link resolution by default. The `useTsLinkResolution`
can be used to turn this behavior off, but be aware that doing so will
mean your links will be resolved differently by editor tooling and
- TypeDoc will no longer automatically load plugins from `node_modules`.
Specify the `--plugin` option to indicate which modules should be
- The `packages` entry point strategy will now run TypeDoc in each
provided package directory and then merge the results together.
The previous `packages` strategy has been preserved under
`legacy-packages` and will be removed in 0.25. If the new strategy does
not work
    for your use case, please open an issue.
- Removed `--logger` option, to disable all logging, set the `logLevel`
option to `none`.
- Dropped support for legacy `[[link]]`s, removed deprecated
-   Added `@overload` to default ignored tags.

##### API Breaking Changes

-   The `label` property on `Reflection` has moved to `Comment`.
- The default value of the `out` option has been changed from `""` to
- Renamed `DeclarationReflection#version` to
`DeclarationReflection#projectVersion` to match property on
-   Removed unused `Reflection#originalName`.
- Removed `Reflection#kindString`, use
`ReflectionKind.singularString(reflection.kind)` or
`ReflectionKind.pluralString(reflection.kind)` instead.
- The `named-tuple-member` and `template-literal` type kind have been
replaced with `namedTupleMember` and `templateLiteral`,
- Properties related to rendering are no longer stored on `Reflection`,
including `url`, `anchor`, `hasOwnDocument`, and `cssClasses`.
- `Application.bootstrap` will no longer load plugins. If you want to
load plugins, use `Application.bootstrapWithPlugins` instead,
- The options passed to `Application.bootstrap` will now be applied both
before *and* after reading options files, which may cause a change in
if using a custom script to run TypeDoc that includes some options, but
other options are set in config files.
- Moved `sources` property previously declared on base `Reflection`
class to `DeclarationReflection` and `SignatureReflection`.
- Moved `relevanceBoost` from `ContainerReflection` to
`DeclarationReflection` since setting it on the parent class has no
- Removed internal `ReferenceType.getSymbol`, reference types no longer
reference the `ts.Symbol` to enable generation from serialized JSON.
- `OptionsReader.priority` has been renamed to `OptionsReader.order` to
more accurately reflect how it works.
- `ReferenceType`s which point to type parameters will now always be
intentionally broken since they were never linked and should not be
warned about when validating exports.
- `ReferenceType`s now longer include an `id` property for their target.
They now instead include a `target` property.
- Removed `Renderer.addExternalSymbolResolver`, use
`Converter.addExternalSymbolResolver` instead.
-   Removed `CallbackLogger`.
-   Removed `SerializeEventData` from serialization events.
- A `PageEvent` is now required for `getRenderContext`. If caching the
context object, `page` must be updated when `getRenderContext` is
- `PageEvent` no longer includes the `template` property. The
`Theme.render` method is now expected to take the template to render the
page with as its second argument.
-   Removed `secondaryNavigation` member on `DefaultThemeRenderContext`.
- Renamed `navigation` to `sidebar` on `DefaultThemeRenderContext` and
`navigation.begin`/`navigation.end` hooks to

##### Features

- Added `--useTsLinkResolution` option (on by default) which tells
TypeDoc to use TypeScript's `@link` resolution.
- Added `--jsDocCompatibility` option (on by default) which controls
TypeDoc's automatic detection of code blocks in `@example` and
`@default` tags.
- Reworked default theme navigation to add support for a page table of
- Added support for `@interface` on type aliases to tell TypeDoc to
convert the fully resolved type as an interface,
- Added support for `@namespace` on variable declarations to tell
TypeDoc to convert the variable as a namespace,
- Added support for `@prop`/`@property` to specify documentation for a
child property of a symbol, intended for use with `@interface`.
- TypeDoc will now produce more informative error messages for options
which cannot be set from the cli,
- TypeDoc will now attempt to guess what option you may have meant if
given an invalid option name.
- Plugins may now return a `Promise<void>` from their `load` function,
- TypeDoc now supports plugins written with ESM,
- Added `Renderer.preRenderAsyncJobs` and
`Renderer.postRenderAsyncJobs`, which may be used by plugins to perform
async processing for rendering,
Note: Conversion is still intentionally a synchronous process to ensure
stability of converted projects between runs.
- TypeDoc options may now be set under the `typedocOptions` key in
- Added `--cacheBust` option to tell TypeDoc to include include the
generation time in files,
- Added `--excludeReferences` option to tell TypeDoc to omit re-exports
of a symbol already included from the documentation.
- Introduced new render hooks `pageSidebar.begin` and `pageSidebar.end`.

##### Bug Fixes

- TypeDoc will now ignore package.json files not containing a `name`
- Fixed `@inheritDoc` on signatures (functions, methods, constructors,
getters, setters) being unable to inherit from a non-signature.
- Interfaces/classes created via extending a module will no longer
contain variables/functions where the member should have been converted
as properties/methods,
- TypeDoc will now ignore a leading `v` in versions,
- Category titles now render with the same format in the page index and
heading title,
- Fixed crash when using `typeof` on a reference with type arguments,
- Fixed broken anchor links generated to signatures nested within

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;bodil](
-   [@&#8203;futurGH](
-   [@&#8203;jm4rtinez](
-   [@&#8203;muratgozel](

#### v0.23.28 (2023-03-19)

##### Features

- Added support for TypeScript 5.0,
    -   `const` type parameters.
    -   JSDoc `@overload` tag.
    -   JSDoc `@satisfies` tag.

#### v0.23.27 (2023-03-16)

##### Features

- Added `--treatValidationWarningsAsErrors` to treat only validation
warnings as errors without treating all warnings as errors,

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where optional properties were not appropriately marked as
- Fixed shifted navigation pane on devices 1024px wide,
- Add missing `@private` and `@protected` tags to `typedoc/tsdoc.json`,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;futurGH](

#### v0.23.26 (2023-02-26)

##### Features

- Added `Application.EVENT_VALIDATE_PROJECT` event for plugins which
implement custom validation,
- Plugins may now return an object from external symbol resolvers,
- Expose `Comment.displayPartsToMarkdown` on for themes overwriting the
`comment` helper,

##### Bug Fixes

- Fix crash when converting `export default undefined`,
- Fix error in console when clicking on headings in the readme,
- TypeDoc will now ignore parameters of callback parameters when
validating that all parameters have documentation,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;captain-torch](
-   [@&#8203;loopingz](
-   [@&#8203;RebeccaStevens](

#### v0.23.25 (2023-02-11)

##### Breaking Changes

- Upgraded Shiki, if your highlight theme was set to `material-<theme>`,
the value will need to be changed to
`material-theme-<theme>`, see the [Shiki release

##### Features

- Added new `excludeNotDocumentedKinds` variable to control which
reflection types can be removed
by the `excludeNotDocumented` option,
- Added `typedoc.jsonc`, `typedoc.config.js`, `typedoc.config.cjs`,
`typedoc.cjs` to the list of files
    which TypeDoc will automatically use as configuration files.

##### Bug Fixes

- Entry points under `node_modules` will no longer be ignored,
- Corrected behavior of `excludeNotDocumented` on arrow
-   Added `package.json` to exports declaration.

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;boneskull](
-   [@&#8203;Mikkal24](
-   [@&#8203;zamiell](

#### v0.23.24 (2023-01-07)

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where signature comments were preferred over property
comments for indirectly created function-properties,
- Fixed symlink handling when expanding entry points,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;boneskull](

#### v0.23.23 (2022-12-18)

##### Features

- Added `ts.Signature` to emitted `EVENT_CREATE_SIGNATURE` event,

##### Bug Fixes

- Links to members hidden by filter settings now temporarily override
the filter,
- If `src/` and `src/x` are specified as entry points, `src/` will no
longer be ignored,

#### v0.23.22 (2022-12-11)

##### Features

- Add support for defining the kind sort order,

##### Bug Fixes

- Normalize all file paths on Windows,
- Fix `@link` tags within lists,

#### v0.23.21 (2022-11-14)

##### Features

- Added support for a catch-all wildcard in
-   Added support for TypeScript 4.9.

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;mistic100](

#### v0.23.20 (2022-11-03)

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed comment discovery for `@inheritDoc` if inheriting from a
function type alias,

#### v0.23.19 (2022-10-28)

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed title link if `titleLink` option was not specified,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;krisztianb](

#### v0.23.18 (2022-10-23)

##### Features

- Improved error reporting when failing to find entry points,

##### Bug Fixes

- Constructor parameter-properties will now use the `@param` comment for
the parameter if available,
- Fixed display of object types containing methods,
- Fixed conversion of intrinsic string mapping types when converting
without a type node,

#### v0.23.17 (2022-10-18)

##### Features

- Added `titleLink`, `navigationLinks` and `sidebarLinks` options to add
additional links to the rendered output,
- Added `sourceLinkTemplate` option to allow more flexible specification
of remote urls.
Deprecated now redundant `gitRevision` detection starting with
`https?://` introduced in v0.23.16,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;futurGH](

#### v0.23.16 (2022-10-10)

##### Features

- Object types will now be pretty printed,
- Added support for specifying the tsconfig.json file in packages mode
with `{ "typedoc": { "tsconfig": "tsconfig.lib.json" }}` in
- In packages mode, readme files will now be automatically included if
- Added support for specifying the base file url for links to source

##### Bug Fixes

- Private parameter properties will no longer be ignored,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;captainTorch](

#### v0.23.15 (2022-09-18)

##### Features

- TypeDoc will now treat `@typedef {import("foo").Bar<Z>} Baz` type
declarations which forward type parameters to the imported
symbol as re-exports of that symbol,

##### Bug Fixes

- TypeDoc will now prefer comments on variable declarations over
signature comments,
- Fixed double rendering of "Type Parameters" header,
- Fixed double rendering of "Hierarchy" header,
- Removed unused `widgets.png` and `widgets@2x.png` files from generated
assets folder.

#### v0.23.14 (2022-09-03)

##### Features

- Added support for defining one-off external link mappings with
`externalSymbolLinkMappings` see
for usage examples and caveats,
- External link resolvers defined with `addUnknownSymbolResolver` will
now be checked when resolving `@link` tags,
Note: To support this, resolution will now happen during conversion, and
as such, `Renderer.addUnknownSymbolResolver` has been
soft deprecated in favor of `Converter.addUnknownSymbolResolver`.
Plugins should update to use the method on `Converter`.
`DefaultThemeRenderContext.attemptExternalResolution` has also been
deprecated since it will repeat work done during conversion,
    use `ReferenceType.externalUrl` instead.
- Added `Converter.addUnknownSymbolResolver` for use by plugins
supporting external links.

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed conversion of object literal types containing construct
- Fixed centering of title bar on wide displays, actually this time,

#### v0.23.13 (2022-09-01)

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed packages mode bug introduced in 0.23.12,

#### v0.23.12 (2022-08-31)

##### Features

- Added a new `ParameterType.Object` for declaring object options which
will be shallowly merged when read from user configuration.
- Added a new `Application.EVENT_BOOTSTRAP_END` event emitted when
`Application.bootstrap` is called.

##### Bug Fixes

- TypeDoc will now work properly in packages mode when converting
packages outside the current working directory,
-   Fixed deprecation warning for `isIdentifierOrPrivateIdentifier`.
- Fixed centering of title bar on wide displays,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;citkane](

#### v0.23.11 (2022-08-26)

##### Features

-   Added support for TypeScript 4.8.
- Introduced a `skipErrorChecking` option which instructs TypeDoc to not
ask TypeScript for compiler errors
before attempting to generate documentation. Turning this on may improve
generation speed, but could also
    cause a crash if your code contains compiler errors.
- Added support for JS entry points when using packages mode,

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed crash when converting abstract mixin class,
- Readme files within monorepos now have `@link` tags resolved,
- Correctly resolve unqualified links to class members within
- TypeDoc will now consider other reflections with the same name as
parents when resolving links,
- The "Hierarchy" and "Type Parameters" helpers on
`DefaultThemeRenderContext` now contain all the HTML for their sections
of the page,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;citkane](
-   [@&#8203;kaphula](

#### v0.23.10 (2022-07-31)

##### Features

- Added support for detecting comments directly before parameters as the
parameter comment,
- Added support for using the comment directly before a constructor
parameter that declares a property as the property comment,
- Improved schema generation to give better autocomplete for the `sort`
- Optional properties are now visually distinguished in the
index/sidebar by rendering `prop` as `prop?`,
- `DefaultThemeRenderContext.markdown` now also accepts a
`CommentDisplayPart[]` for rendering,
- Expose `Converter.resolveLinks` method for use with

##### Bug Fixes

- Fixed schema URL for TSDoc preventing the use of `typedoc/tsdoc.json`
in TSDoc extends,
- Improved detection of package names in repositories using pnpm,
- Fixed missing JSDoc style `@typedef` comments for properties,

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;bodil](
-   [@&#8203;nazarhussain](

#### v0.23.9 (2022-07-24)

##### Bug Fixes

- TypeDoc will no longer skip entry points which have no exports,
If using `"entryPointStrategy": "expand"`, this change may result in new
pages being added to your documentation.
If this is not desired, you can use the `exclude` option to filter them
- Fixed missing comments on callable variable-functions constructed
- Packages mode will now respect the `--includeVersion` flag,
- Fixed multiple reflections mapping to the same file name on case
insensitive file systems,

#### v0.23.8 (2022-07-17)

##### Features

- Added defined in links for classes, enums,
- Added support for `*` and `*` GitHub enterprise
domains for source links,
- Expose `Converter.parseRawComment` for plugins to parse additional
markdown files,

##### Bug Fixes

- TypeDoc will no longer emit a warning for `{@&#8203;link}` containing
a URL,
- `excludeNotDocumented` will no longer remove
functions/methods/accessors which are documented,
- Fixed missing `sources` property on signature reflections

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;cary-hu](
-   [@&#8203;chadhietala](

#### v0.23.7 (2022-07-09)

##### Bug Fixes

- Tags must now contain whitespace after the tag name to be parsed as a
tag, `@jest/globals` in a comment will no longer be parsed as a tag
- The private member visibility option will now be respected in
generated sites,
- Overload rendering will no longer be broken if JavaScript is disabled,
- All overloads are now shown at once rather than requiring clicks to
see the documentation for each signature,

#### v0.23.6 (2022-07-08)

##### Features

- Improved support for `--entryPointStrategy Packages`. TypeDoc will now
load package-specific configurations from `package.json` `typedoc`
field. This configuration allows configuring a custom display name
(`typedoc.displayName`) field, entry point (`typedoc.entryPoint` - this
is equivalent and will override `typedocMain`), and path to a readme
file to be rendered at the top of the package page
- The `--includeVersion` option will now be respected by
`--entryPointStrategy Packages`. Also, for this combination, missing
`version` field in the root `package.json` will not issue a warning.
- The `navigation` partial will now call the new `settings`,
`primaryNavigation`, and `secondaryNavigation` partials,

##### Bug Fixes

- All warnings will be reported instead of only the first warning of a
given type,
- Include references will no longer be incorrectly parsed as links,
- The generated schema.json on the website will now use enum values
rather than enum names if possible.

##### Thanks!

-   [@&#8203;akphi](
-   [@&#8203;zamiell](

#### v0.23.5 (2022-07-02)

##### Features

- The `DEBUG_SEARCH_WEIGHTS` global variable can now be set on `window`
to add search scoring information in the search results.
- TypeDoc's icons are now available on `DefaultThemeRenderContext.icons`
for use/modification by themes.

#### v0.23.4 (2022-07-02)

##### Bug Fixes

- TypeDoc no longer ignores project references if `--entryPointStrategy
Packages` is set,
- Boost computations are now done when creating the search index,
resulting in a smaller `search.js` generated file.

##### Features

- The `--exclude` option will now be respected by `--entryPointStrategy
Packages` and can be used to exclude package directories,
- TypeDoc now emits an `IndexEvent` on the `Renderer` when preparing the
search index,
- Added new `--searchInComments` option to include comment text in the
search index,
Turning this option on will increase the size of your search index,
potentially by an order of magnitude.

#### v0.23.3 (2022-07-01)

##### Bug Fixes

- Function properties in type space will no longer be interpreted as
- TypeDoc will no longer crash if a comment contains an empty `@example`
- TypeDoc will now detect attempted inheritance from accessors and
inherit from the getter or setter,
- `intentionallyNotExported` will now properly respect qualified names,
- Fixed missing namespace comments on `export * as NS` declarations,
- Fixed missing comments on `export const x = () => 123` function
- Exported variable functions with properties will now be converted as a
function+namespace instead of a variable+namespace,
- Validation warnings caused by missing documentation will now be
formatted like other warnings which reference a declaration.
- TypeDoc will no longer warn if both the `get` and `set` signatures of
an accessor have a comment.

##### Features

- Added `--htmlLang` option to set the
attribute in the generated HTML. Defaults to `en`,
- Added `--basePath` option to override TypeDoc's detected root
- Added support for TypeDoc specific `:getter` and `:setter` meaning
keywords in declaration references.
- Warnings caused by comment contents will now do a better job of
including the location of the text that caused the warning.

#### v0.23.2 (2022-06-28)

##### Bug Fixes

- Module comments will no longer be inappropriately attached to
- Projects with a single entry point will now parse `@module` comments
in the entry point,
- Removed duplicate "in comment" warning when parsing comments,
- Reflections with a boost of `<= 0` due to `searchCategoryBoosts` or
`searchGroupBoosts` will be excluded from search.

#### v0.23.1 (2022-06-26)

##### Bug Fixes

- If a declaration has multiple comments associated with it, the last
one should be used,



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🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


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renovate[bot] committed Apr 12, 2023
1 parent 55b9133 commit 26a18a3
Show file tree
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Showing 2 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"sentences-per-line": "^0.2.1",
"should-semantic-release": "^0.1.0",
"tsup": "^6.5.0",
"typedoc": "^0.23.27",
"typedoc": "^0.24.0",
"typedoc-plugin-coverage": "^2.0.0",
"typedoc-plugin-custom-validation": "^1.1.0",
"typedoc-plugin-konamimojisplosion": "^0.0.2",
Expand Down
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions pnpm-lock.yaml

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