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2 22 2024 Lab Journal Picking Parts

Jsheepy101 edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

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Lab Journal - Picking Parts.docx

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  1. When picking a CPU for a computer, there are 2 main things that you need to consider. First is physical size. You need to make sure that the CPU will connect with your computer. The CPU could be too small, the pins might not fit, etc. If a CPU wont fit, it wont work, don't try to force it in because the CPU might break. Second is the motherboard type. Some CPUS only work with certain motherboards. If you try to use a CPU that isn't compatible with a motherboard, then it wont work or could cause boot problems.
  2. 2 things to pay attention to when picking a graphics card. First is make sure that it will fit in your computer. GPUs are big, and can take up a lot of space in the computer. If you can't fit it, no shit it's not gonna work. Second is power. GPUs are big boys. They take up alot of power to give you fancy graphics. If your power supply is trash, then your computer isn't gonna run right. In some cases, it is possible to blow up your power supply by using a too strong GPU.
  3. When picking a case size, there are 3 main things to note. 1, what are you using it for? If you are just making a small work PC, then you wont need large beefy PC parts, and a smaller case is generally better. 2, what do you plan to install? If you want to have a computer with 4 hard drives, then you need a case that can fit four hard drives. Technically you could have an open computer case with the hard drives outside, but that's dumb and dangerous. One spilled drink and system 32 is gone. 3, SPACE. This is gonna sound dumb, but large cases take up large spaces. Sure you can fit all your fancy PC parts in, but now you have to find desk space for a giant PC case.