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Releases: JuKu/rpg-2dgame-engine

1.0.2 Alpha Release

11 Dec 19:29
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1.0.2 Alpha Release


  • added support to set an timer for an Runnable (execute Runnable after an fixe time)
  • added support to set an interval timer (execute Runnable every fixed time)
  • moved class GamePlatform to core module instead of game engine, so every sub system can use it
  • set VBOs methods are now public in class Mesh
  • resolved some concurrency issues on class Asset - thanks to @noctarius for this tips!
  • marked class Shader as deprecated, use class OpenGLShaderProgram instead!
  • DefaultCamera: added support to detect, if camera was changed (for example position, rotation and so on), so renderer can be optimized and dont have to generate some matrizes every render cycle
  • FloatVertexBufferObject & IntegerVertexBufferObject now supports GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW
  • OpenGLShaderProgram now also supports Vector4f uniforms
  • added support for Texture Regions (Spritesheets)
  • improved performance in UIRenderer, copied list isnt required anymore, some OpenGL hints in GLFWWindow has solved this issue
  • added support for transparency
  • added support for basic animations (with only 1 layer and 1 spritesheet per animation)

Special thanks to noctarius for some tips about Software Design / Performance and Buschtaube for an OpenGL tip about texture coordinates in texture regions!


1.0.1 Alpha Release

10 Dec 19:33
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1.0.1 Alpha Release


  • UIRenderer is ready for your game
  • fixed some problems
  • added start scripts, so user can easely start game app with double click
  • many performance & GC improvements


1.0.0 Alpha Release

09 Dec 22:44
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1.0.0 Alpha Releases


  • added support to render images
  • fixed some problems
  • added better resource manager, also for gpu
  • if you use an texture more than 1 times, you can use resource manager, so you dont have to upload image more than 1 time to gpu
  • better UI renderer

0.0.1 Alpha Release

09 Dec 17:03
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0.0.1 Alpha Release Pre-release

Alpha Release 0.0.1 of Game Engine


  • easy window creation (uses GLFW)
  • render text
  • Game State System
  • UI Renderer
  • all basic classes for rendering (Mesh, Material, Color and so on)