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Run your compiled project by just double-clicking it.

The problem

If you just want to open your compiled index.html because you want to use it offline, is not possible by default in Vite, because of how it works. So, you want to simply run npm run build and then use the index.html offline (AKA with the file protocol file:// in your browser).

How to use it

npm install -D vite-plugin-make-offline

In your vite.config.ts you can use it like this:

import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { makeOffline } from "vite-plugin-make-offline";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), makeOffline()], // This is the plugin 😃

Build it

npm run build

Double-click your dist/index.html and now you can just use your app offline 😉

What does this do?

  • This small plugin will run a replace in the import of the script to make it usable offline.
  • This means: not using the props crossorigin and type="module". Please, refer to the documentation about the implications of doing this.
  • Then, it will add the prop defer to the <script> tag in order to wait for the html to load before running the app.

And also will use this config:

  base: "./",
  build: {
    rollupOptions: {
      output: {
        format: "iife"
  • base: "./": Because the purpose of this plugin is to make your built project usable with file:// protocol, it needs to use relative paths to load images and css files.
  • format: "iife": Because it needs to be built as a library.

Example project

Let's start with the minimal example: The Vite React TS example app.

Install it

npm create vite@latest example -- --template react-ts
cd example
npm install
npm run build

If you go to dist/index.html and try to open it in your browser you will get a CORS error...


We need to build our project as a iife (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) and then make the paths of our assets relative to the location where this index.html is located.

You only have to install this plugin, build again, and then you can use the index.html file 😉. Details on how to do this in the How to use it section.


Because maybe this is not the normal way of deploying an app, you may want to have a separate file for this build. You can easily do this by creating a new vite config like vite.config.offline.ts and then you could add a new script in your package.json like this:

"build-offline": "tsc && vite build --config vite.config.offline.ts",

And then use it like:

npm run build-offline


  • If you need to use react-router-dom, because of how it works, your router must be a HashRouter, not a BrowserRouter
  • Because of how iife works (more info here), this plugin doesn't work with code splitting


Make your built index.html offline.






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