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Monit/t is a simple collector for Monit's XML reports with a client side
viewer. Written in 2011 by Juerd Waalboer <>

The viewer requires a recent standards compliant browser. If it doesn't work,
try another browser. Patches welcome :)

Released under the MIT license. If you want it under another OSI compliant
license, contact the author.


    mkdir reports
    chmod 777 reports
    echo Options +Indexes > reports/.htaccess   # Directory index required

Security caveats:

    - You may want to lock the 'reports' directory to prevent new files from
      being added by the web server. The supplied collector won't add
      executable files (like *.php) but perhaps some other process on your
      system will. Note that write permission for the directory is only needed
      to automatically add new hosts.
    - Reporting hosts are not authenticated if you don't set up some mechanism
      for that. To avoid XSS problems, run Monit/t on its own sub domain.
    - Monit reports its username and password in the XML! Use strict IP based
      ACLs or have monit listen only on localhost, and use a tunnel to access
      its web interface.


    - Monit/t does not have any authentication or authorization built-in, but
      you can use the webserver's functionality for that.
    - It's easy to grant a specific user access to a certain subset of hosts:
        mkdir -p widgetcorp/reports;
        cd widgetcorp
        ln -s ../index.html ../jquery* .
        htpasswd -c .htpasswd widgetcorp
        vim .htaccess  # set up HTTP authentication
        cd reports
        ln -s ../../reports/01234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef.xml .
        ln -s ../../reports/01234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef.xml .
        ln -s ../../reports/01234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef.xml .


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