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bkamins committed Oct 15, 2020
1 parent 98bd976 commit 360aee3
Showing 1 changed file with 105 additions and 44 deletions.
149 changes: 105 additions & 44 deletions docs/src/man/
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,15 @@ In order to perform operations by groups you first need to create a `GroupedData
object from your data frame using the `groupby` function that takes two arguments:
(1) a data frame to be grouped, and (2) a set of columns to group by.

!!! note

All operations described for `GroupedDataFrame` in this section of the manual
are also supported for `AbstractDataFrame` in which case it is considered as
being grouped by no columns (typically meaning that it has one group except
when the data frame has zero rows in which case it is treated as having zero groups).
The only difference is that in this case the `keepkeys` and `ungroup` keyword
arguments are not supported and always a data frame is returned.

Operations can then be applied on each group using one of the following functions:
* `combine`: does not put restrictions on number of rows returned, the order of rows
is specified by the order of groups in `GroupedDataFrame`; it is typically used
Expand All @@ -26,59 +35,103 @@ Operations can then be applied on each group using one of the following function

All these functions take a specification of one or more functions to apply to
each subset of the `DataFrame`. This specification can be of the following forms:
1. standard column selectors (integers, symbols, vectors of integers, vectors of symbols,
1. standard column selectors (integers, `Symbol`s, vectors of integers, vectors of symbols,
`All`, `:`, `Between`, `Not` and regular expressions)
2. a `cols => function` pair indicating that `function` should be called with
positional arguments holding columns `cols`, which can be a any valid column selector
3. a `cols => function => target_col` form additionally
specifying the name of the target column (this assumes that `function` returns a single
value or a vector)
4. a `col => target_col` pair, which renames the column `col` to `target_col`
5. a `nrow` or `nrow => target_col` form which efficiently computes the number of rows
in a group (without `target_col` the new column is called `:nrow`)
6. several arguments of the forms given above, or vectors thereof
7. a function which will be called with a `SubDataFrame` corresponding to each group;
2. a `cols => function => target_cols` form additionally specifying the target column or columns
3. a `cols => function` pair indicating that `function` should be called with
positional arguments holding columns `cols`, which can be a any valid column selector;
in this case target column name is automatically generated and it is assumed that
`function` returns a single value or a vector; the generated name is created by concatenating
source column name and `function` name where possible (see examples below).
4. a `col => target_cols` pair, which renames the column `col` to `target_cols`
5. a `nrow` or `nrow => target_cols` form which efficiently computes the number of rows
in a group (without `target_cols` the new column is called `:nrow`)
6. vectors or matrices transformations specified by `Pair` syntax described in points 2 to 5
8. a function which will be called with a `SubDataFrame` corresponding to each group;
this form should be avoided due to its poor performance unless a very large
number of columns are processed (in which case `SubDataFrame` avoids excessive

As a special rule that applies to `cols => function` syntax, if `cols` is wrapped
in an `AsTable` object then a `NamedTuple` containing columns selected by `cols` is
passed to `function`.

In all of these cases, `function` can return either a single row or multiple rows.
`function` can always generate a single column by returning a single value or a vector.
Additionally, if `combine` is passed exactly one `function`, `cols => function`,
or `cols => function => outcol` as a first argument
and `target_col` is not specified,
`function` can return multiple columns in the form of an `AbstractDataFrame`,
`AbstractMatrix`, `NamedTuple` or `DataFrameRow`.
All functions have two types of signatures. One of them takes a `GroupedDataFrame`
as a first argument and an arbitrary number of transfomations described above
as following arguments. The second type of signature is when `Function` or `Type`
is passed as a first argument and `GroupedDataFrame` is a second argument (in a
similar fashion like it is passed in e.g. `map` function).

As a special rule that applies to `cols => function` and `cols => function =>
target_cols` syntaxes is the following. If `cols` is wrapped in an `AsTable`
object then a `NamedTuple` containing columns selected by `cols` is passed to

What is allowed for `function` to return is determined by the `target_cols` value
in the following way:
1. If just a `function` is passed as an argument then returning a data frame,
a matrix, a `NamedTuple`, or a `DataFrameRow` will produce multiple columns in the
result. Returning any other value produces a single column.
2. If `target_cols` is a `Symbol` or a string then the function is assumed to return
a single column. In this case returning a data frame, a matrix, a `NamedTuple`,
or a `DataFrameRow` raises an error.
3. If `target_cols` is a vector of `Symbol`s or strings or `AsTable` it is assumed
that `function` returns multiple columns.
If `function` returns one of `AbstractDataFrame`, `NamedTuple`, `DataFrameRow`,
`AbstractMatrix` then rules described in point 1 above apply.
If `function` returns an `AbstractVector` then each element of this vector must
support the `keys` function, which must return a collection of `Symbol`s, strings
or integers; the return value of `keys` must be identical for all elements.
Then as many columns are created as there are elements in the return value
of the `keys` function. If `target_cols` is `AsTable` then their names
are set to be equal to the key names except if `keys` returns integers, in
which case they are prefixed by `x` (so the column names are e.g. `x1`,
`x2`, ...). If `target_cols` is a vector of `Symbol`s or strings then
column names produced using the rules above are ignored and replaced by
`target_cols` (the number of columns must be the same as the length of
`target_cols` in this case).
If `fun` returns a value of any other type then it is assumed that it is a
table conforming to the Tables.jl API and the `Tables.columntable` function
is called on it to get the resulting columns and their names. The names are
retained when `target_cols` is `AsTable` and are replaced if
`target_cols` is a vector of `Symbol`s or strings.

In all of these cases, `function` can return either a single row or multiple
rows. As a particular rule, values wrapped in a `Ref` or a `0`-dimensional
`AbstractArray` are unwrapped and then treated as a single row.

`select`/`select!` and `transform`/`transform!` always return a `DataFrame`
with the same number of rows as the source.
For `combine`, the shape of the resulting `DataFrame` is determined
according to the following rules:
- a single value produces a single row and column per group
- a named tuple or `DataFrameRow` produces a single row and one column per field
- a vector produces a single column with one row per entry
- a named tuple of vectors produces one column per field with one row per entry in the vectors
- a `DataFrame` or a matrix produces as many rows and columns as it contains;
note that this option should be avoided due to its poor performance when the number
of groups is large
with the same number and order of rows as the source (even if `GroupedDataFrame`
had its groups reordered).

The kind of return value and the number and names of columns must be the same for all groups.
For `combine` return value is ordered by the order of groups in `GroupedDataFrame`
and for each group the functions can return an arbibrary number of rows (provided
that these numbers are consistent).

It is allowed to mix single values and vectors if multiple transformations
are requested. In this case single value will be broadcasted to match the length
are requested. In this case single value will be repeated to match the length
of columns specified by returned vectors.
As a particular rule, values wrapped in a `Ref` or a `0`-dimensional `AbstractArray`
are unwrapped and then broadcasted.

If a single value or a vector is returned by the `function` and `target_col` is not
provided, it is generated automatically, by concatenating source column name and
`function` name where possible (see examples below).
To apply `function` to each row instead of whole columns, it can be wrapped in a
`ByRow` struct. In this case if `cols` is a `Symbol`, a string, or an
integer then `function` is applied to each element (row) of `cols` using
broadcasting. Otherwise `cols` can be any column indexing syntax, in
which case `function` will be passed one argument for each of the columns
specified by `cols`. If `ByRow` is used it is allowed for
`cols` to select an empty set of columns, in which case `function`
is called for each row without any arguments.

We show several examples of the `by` function applied to the `iris` dataset below:
The kind of return value and the number and names of columns must be the same for all groups.

There the following keyword arguments are supported by the transformation functions
(not all keyword arguments are supported in all cases; in general they are allowed
in situations when they are meaningful, see the documentation of the specific functions
for details):
- `keepkeys` : if grouping columns should be kept in the returned data frame.
- `ungroup` : if the retun value of the operation should be a data frame or a
- `copycols` : if columns of the source data frame should be copied if no transformation
is applied to them.
- `renamecols` : if in `cols => funcion` form the automatically generated column name
should include the name of transformation function or not.

We show several examples of these functions applied to the `iris` dataset below:

```jldoctest sac
julia> using DataFrames, CSV, Statistics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,8 +229,8 @@ julia> combine(gdf, nrow, :PetalLength => mean => :mean)
│ 2 │ Iris-versicolor │ 50 │ 4.26 │
│ 3 │ Iris-virginica │ 50 │ 5.552 │
julia> combine([:PetalLength, :SepalLength] => (p, s) -> (a=mean(p)/mean(s), b=sum(p)),
gdf) # multiple columns are passed as arguments
julia> combine(gdf, [:PetalLength, :SepalLength] => ((p, s) -> (a=mean(p)/mean(s), b=sum(p))) =>
AsTable) # multiple columns are passed as arguments
3×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species │ a │ b │
│ │ String │ Float64 │ Float64 │
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,6 +268,14 @@ julia> combine(gdf, 1:2 => cor, nrow)
│ 2 │ Iris-versicolor │ 0.525911 │ 50 │
│ 3 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228 │ 50 │
julia> combine(gdf, :PetalLength => (x -> [extrema(x)]) => [:min, :max])
3×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species │ min │ max │
│ │ String │ Float64 │ Float64 │
│ 1 │ Iris-setosa │ 1.0 │ 1.9 │
│ 2 │ Iris-versicolor │ 3.0 │ 5.1 │
│ 3 │ Iris-virginica │ 4.5 │ 6.9 │

Contrary to `combine`, the `select` and `transform` functions always return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,7 +329,7 @@ julia> transform(gdf, :Species => x -> chop.(x, head=5, tail=0))
│ 150 │ Iris-virginica │ 5.9 │ 3.0 │ 5.1 │ 1.8 │ virginica │

The `combine` function also supports the `do` block form. However, as noted above,
All functions also support the `do` block form. However, as noted above,
this form is slow and should therefore be avoided when performance matters.

```jldoctest sac
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,7 +446,7 @@ julia> combine(gd, valuecols(gd) .=> mean)
│ 2 │ Iris-versicolor │ 5.936 │ 2.77 │ 4.26 │ 1.326 │
│ 3 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.588 │ 2.974 │ 5.552 │ 2.026 │
julia> combine(gd, valuecols(gd) .=> (x -> (x .- mean(x)) ./ std(x)) .=> valuecols(gd))
julia> combine(gd, valuecols(gd) .=> (x -> (x .- mean(x)) ./ std(x)), renamecols=false)
150×5 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species │ SepalLength │ SepalWidth │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │
│ │ String │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │
Expand Down

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