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Use DataAPI.refpool for optimized grouping
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Generalize existing optimized `row_group_slots` method for `CategoricalArray`
and `PooledArray` so that it can be used for other array types
for which `DataAPI.refpool` returns an `AbstractVector`. This allows dropping
the dependency on CategoricalArrays in this part of the code.

Also refactor the method to be faster when not sorting. In that case, we do
not need to build a map between reference codes and groups (indexing into it
is slow when the number of groups is very large). `CategoricalArray` is no longer
special cased: when `sort=false`, levels are still sorted, but `missing` appears first.
  • Loading branch information
nalimilan committed Sep 19, 2020
1 parent 35eda08 commit bf44745
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Showing 4 changed files with 100 additions and 54 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ test = ["DataStructures", "DataValues", "Dates", "Logging", "Random", "Test"]

julia = "1"
CategoricalArrays = "0.8"
CategoricalArrays = "0.8.3"
Compat = "2.2, 3"
DataAPI = "1.2"
InvertedIndices = "1"
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138 changes: 97 additions & 41 deletions src/dataframerow/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,10 +94,20 @@ isequal_row(cols1::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector}}, r1::Int,
# 4) whether groups are already sorted
# Optional `groups` vector is set to the group indices of each row (starting at 1)
# With skipmissing=true, rows with missing values are attributed index 0.
hash::Val = Val(true),
groups::Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing} = nothing,
skipmissing::Bool = false,
sort::Bool = false)::Tuple{Int, Vector{UInt}, Vector{Int}, Bool} =
row_group_slots(cols, DataAPI.refpool.(cols), hash, groups, skipmissing, sort)

# Generic fallback method based on open adressing hash table
function row_group_slots(cols::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector}},
hash::Val = Val(true),
groups::Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing} = nothing,
skipmissing::Bool = false)::Tuple{Int, Vector{UInt}, Vector{Int}, Bool}
skipmissing::Bool = false,
sort::Bool = false)::Tuple{Int, Vector{UInt}, Vector{Int}, Bool}
@assert groups === nothing || length(groups) == length(cols[1])
rhashes, missings = hashrows(cols, skipmissing)
# inspired by Dict code from base cf.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,21 +150,29 @@ function row_group_slots(cols::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector}},
return ngroups, rhashes, gslots, false

nlevels(x::PooledArray) = length(x.pool)
nlevels(x) = length(levels(x))

function row_group_slots(cols::NTuple{N,<:Union{CategoricalVector,PooledVector}},
# Optimized method for arrays for which DataAPI.refpool is defined and returns an AbstractVector
function row_group_slots(cols::NTuple{N,<:AbstractVector},
groups::Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing} = nothing,
skipmissing::Bool = false)::Tuple{Int, Vector{UInt}, Vector{Int}, Bool} where N
skipmissing::Bool = false,
sort::Bool = false)::Tuple{Int, Vector{UInt}, Vector{Int}, Bool} where N
# Computing neither hashes nor groups isn't very useful,
# and this method needs to allocate a groups vector anyway
@assert groups !== nothing && all(col -> length(col) == length(groups), cols)

refpools = map(DataAPI.refpool, cols)
foreach(refpool -> @assert(allunique(refpool)), refpools)

# If skipmissing=true, rows with missings all go to group 0,
# which will be removed by functions down the stream
ngroupstup = map(cols) do c
nlevels(c) + (!skipmissing && eltype(c) >: Missing)
ngroupstup = map(refpools) do refpool
len = length(refpool)
if skipmissing && eltype(refpool) >: Missing && any(ismissing, refpool)
return len - 1
return len
ngroups = prod(ngroupstup)

Expand All @@ -167,43 +185,82 @@ function row_group_slots(cols::NTuple{N,<:Union{CategoricalVector,PooledVector}}
# but it needs to remain reasonable compared with the size of the data frame.
if prod(Int128.(ngroupstup)) > typemax(Int) || ngroups > 2 * length(groups)
return invoke(row_group_slots,
Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector}}, Val,
Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing}, Bool},
cols, hash, groups, skipmissing)
Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector}}, Any, Val,
Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing}, Bool, Bool},
cols, refpools, hash, groups, skipmissing, sort)

seen = fill(false, ngroups)
# Compute vector mapping missing to -1 if skipmissing=true
refmaps = map(cols) do col
nlevs = nlevels(col)
refmap = collect(-1:(nlevs-1))
# First value in refmap is only used by CategoricalArray
# (corresponds to ref 0, i.e. missing values)
refmap[1] = skipmissing ? -1 : nlevs
if col isa PooledArray{>: Missing} && skipmissing
missingind = get(col.invpool, missing, 0)
if missingind > 0
refmap[missingind+1] = -1
refmap[missingind+2:end] .-= 1
refs = map(DataAPI.refarray, cols)
strides = (cumprod(collect(reverse(ngroupstup)))[end-1:-1:1]..., 1)::NTuple{N,Int}
firstinds = map(firstindex, refpools)
missinginds = map(refpools) do refpool
something(findfirst(ismissing, refpool), lastindex(refpool)+1)
# TODO: when skipmissing=true, do not include missing values
# when checking whether pool is sorted
if sort && !all(issorted, refpools)
# Compute vector mapping missing to -1 if skipmissing=true
refmaps = map(cols, refpools, missinginds) do col, refpool, missingind
refmap = collect(0:length(refpool)-1)
if skipmissing
fi = firstindex(refpool)
if missingind !== nothing
mi = something(missingind)
refmap[mi-fi+1] = -1
refmap[mi-fi+2:end] .-= 1
if sort
nm = missingind === nothing ? eachindex(refpool) :
setdiff(eachindex(refpool), something(missingind))
perm = sortperm(view(refpool, nm))
invpermute!(view(refmap, nm .- fi .+ 1), perm)
elseif sort
# FIXME: collect is needed for CategoricalRefPool
perm = sortperm(collect(refpool))
invpermute!(refmap, perm)
strides = (cumprod(collect(reverse(ngroupstup)))[end-1:-1:1]..., 1)::NTuple{N,Int}
@inbounds for i in eachindex(groups)
local refs
let i=i # Workaround for julia#15276
refs = map(c -> c.refs[i], cols)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(groups)
local refs_i
let i=i # Workaround for julia#15276
refs_i = map(c -> c[i], refs)
vals = map((m, r, s, fi) -> m[r-fi+1] * s, refmaps, refs_i, strides, firstinds)
j = sum(vals) + 1
# x < 0 happens with -1 in refmap, which corresponds to missing
if skipmissing && any(x -> x < 0, vals)
j = 0
seen[j] = true
groups[i] = j
vals = map((m, r, s) -> m[r+1] * s, refmaps, refs, strides)
j = sum(vals) + 1
# x < 0 happens with -1 in refmap, which corresponds to missing
if skipmissing && any(x -> x < 0, vals)
j = 0
seen[j] = true
@inbounds for i in eachindex(groups)
local refs_i
let i=i # Workaround for julia#15276
refs_i = map(refs, missinginds) do ref, missingind
r = Int(ref[i])
if skipmissing
return r == missingind ? -1 : (r > missingind ? r-1 : r)
return r
vals = map((r, s, fi) -> (r-fi) * s, refs_i, strides, firstinds)
j = sum(vals) + 1
# x < 0 happens with -1, which corresponds to missing
if skipmissing && any(x -> x < 0, vals)
j = 0
seen[j] = true
groups[i] = j
groups[i] = j
if !all(seen) # Compress group indices to remove unused ones
oldngroups = ngroups
Expand All @@ -220,8 +277,7 @@ function row_group_slots(cols::NTuple{N,<:Union{CategoricalVector,PooledVector}}
# To catch potential bugs inducing unnecessary computations
@assert oldngroups != ngroups
sorted = all(col -> col isa CategoricalVector, cols)
return ngroups, UInt[], Int[], sorted
return ngroups, UInt[], Int[], sort

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,7 +323,7 @@ end
function group_rows(df::AbstractDataFrame)
groups = Vector{Int}(undef, nrow(df))
ngroups, rhashes, gslots, sorted =
row_group_slots(ntuple(i -> df[!, i], ncol(df)), Val(true), groups, false)
row_group_slots(ntuple(i -> df[!, i], ncol(df)), Val(true), groups, false, false)
rperm, starts, stops = compute_indices(groups, ngroups)
return RowGroupDict(df, rhashes, gslots, groups, rperm, starts, stops)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/groupeddataframe/splitapplycombine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ function groupby(df::AbstractDataFrame, cols;

groups = Vector{Int}(undef, nrow(df))
ngroups, rhashes, gslots, sorted =
row_group_slots(ntuple(i -> sdf[!, i], ncol(sdf)), Val(false), groups, skipmissing)
row_group_slots(ntuple(i -> sdf[!, i], ncol(sdf)), Val(false),
groups, skipmissing, sort)

gd = GroupedDataFrame(df, copy(_names(sdf)), groups, nothing, nothing, nothing, ngroups, nothing,
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11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions test/grouping.jl
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Expand Up @@ -632,17 +632,6 @@ end
dfs = [groupby_checked(dfb, [:Key1, :Key2, :Key3], sort=true, skipmissing=true)...]
@test isequal_unordered(gd, dfs)
@test issorted(vcat(gd...), [:Key1, :Key2, :Key3])

# This is an implementation detail but it allows checking
# that the optimized method is used
if df.Key1 isa CategoricalVector &&
df.Key2 isa CategoricalVector &&
df.Key3 isa CategoricalVector
@test groupby_checked(df, [:Key1, :Key2, :Key3], sort=true)
groupby_checked(df, [:Key1, :Key2, :Key3], sort=false)
@test groupby_checked(df, [:Key1, :Key2, :Key3], sort=true, skipmissing=true)
groupby_checked(df, [:Key1, :Key2, :Key3], sort=false, skipmissing=true)

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