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Releases: JuliaPlots/Plots.jl


22 Mar 20:22
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  • fix scientific notation for labels in GR
  • fix labels with logscale
  • fix image cropping with GR
  • fix grouping of annotations
  • fix annotations in Plotly
  • allow saving notebook with plots as pdf from IJulia
  • fix fillrange and ribbon for step recipes
  • implement native ticks that respond to zoom
  • fix bar plot with one bar
  • contour labels and colorbar fixes
  • interactive linked axis for PyPlot
  • add NamedTuple syntax to group with named legend
  • use bar recipe in Plotly
  • implement categorical ticks


10 Jan 19:47
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  • improve resolution of png output of GR with savefig()
  • add check for ticks=nothing
  • allow transparency in heatmaps
  • fix line_z for GR
  • fix legendcolor for pyplot
  • fix pyplot ignoring alpha values of images
  • don't let abline! change subplot limits
  • update showtheme recipe


15 Dec 08:23
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  • fix plotly bar lines bug
  • allow passing multiple series to ribbon
  • add a new example for line_z


14 Dec 10:26
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  • Add linestyle argument to the legend
  • Plotly: bar_width and stroke_width support for bar plots
  • abline! does not change axis limits
  • Fix default log scale ticks in GR backend
  • Use the :fontsize keys so the scalefontsizes command works
  • Prepare support for new PlotTheme type in PlotThemes


07 Dec 12:11
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  • remove use of imagemagick; saving gifs now requires ffmpeg
  • improvements to ffmpeg gif quality and speed
  • overhaul of fonts, allows setting fonts in recipes and with magic arguments
  • added camera attribute to control camera position for 3d plots
  • added showaxis attribute to control which axes to display
  • improvements of polar plots axes, and better backend consistency
  • changed the 'spy' recipe back to using heatmap
  • added scatterpath seriestype
  • allow plotlyjs to save svg
  • add reset_defaults() function to reset plot defaults
  • update syntax to 0.6
  • make fill = true fill to 0 rather than to 1
  • use new @df syntax in StatPlots examples
  • allow changing the color of legend box
  • implement title_location for gr
  • add hline marker to pgfplots - fixes errorbars
  • pyplot legends now show marker types
  • pyplot colorbars take font style from y axis
  • pyplot tickmarks color the same as axis color
  • allow setting linewidth for contour in gr
  • allow legend to be outside plot area for pgfplots
  • expand axis extrema for heatmap
  • extendg grid lines to axis limits
  • fix line_z for pyplot and gr
  • fixed colorbar problem for flipped axes with gr
  • fix marker_z for 3d plots in gr
  • fix weights functionality for histograms
  • fix gr annotations with colorbar
  • fix aspect ratio in gr
  • fix "hidden window" problem after savefig in gr
  • fix pgfplots logscale ticks error
  • fix pgfplots legends symbols
  • fix axis linking for plotlyjs
  • fix plotting of grayscale images


05 Oct 10:29
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  • fix a bug when passing a vector of functions with no bounds (e.g. plot([sin, cos]))
  • export pct and px from Plots.PlotMeasures


03 Oct 13:13
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  • support plotattributes rather than d in recipes
  • no longer export w, h and names from Measures.jl; use using Plots.PlotMeasures to get these names back
  • bar_width now depends on the minimum distance between bars, not the mean
  • better automatic x axis limits for plotting Functions
  • tick_direction attribute now allows ticks to be on the inside of the plot border
  • removed a bug where p1 = plot(randn(10)); plot(p1, p2) made display(p1) impossible
  • allow plot([]) to generate an empty plot
  • add origin framestyle
  • ensure finite bin number on histograms with only one unique value
  • better automatic histogram bins for 2d histograms
  • more informative error message on passing unsupported seriestype in a recipe
  • allow grouping in user recipes
  • GR now has line_z and fill_z attributes for determining the color of shapes and lines
  • change GR default view angle for 3D plots to match that of PyPlot
  • fix clims on GR
  • fix marker_z for plotly backend
  • implement framestyle for plotly
  • fix logscale bug error for values < 1e-16 on pyplot
  • fix an issue on pyplot where >1 colorbar would be shown if there was >1 series
  • fix writemime for eps


04 Sep 10:19
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  • added a new framestyle argument with choices: :box, :semi, :axes, :grid and :none
  • changed the default bar width to 0.8
  • added working ribbon to plotly backend
  • ensure that automatic ticks always generate 4 to 8 ticks
  • group now groups keyword arguments of the same length as the input
  • allow passing DateTime objects as ticks
  • allow specifying the number of ticks as an integre
  • fix bug on errorbars in gr
  • fixed some but not all world age issues
  • better margin with room for text
  • added a match option for linecolor
  • better error message un unsupported series types
  • add a 'stride' keyword for the pyplot backend


17 Aug 22:56
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  • new grid line style defaults
  • grid is now an axis attribute and a magic argument: it is now possible to modify the grid line style, alpha and line width
  • Enforce plot order in user recipes
  • import plot! from RecipesBase
  • GR no longer automatically handles _ and ^ in texts
  • fix GR colorbar for scatter plots


09 Aug 06:10
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  • fix an issue with Juno/PlotlyJS compatibility on new installations
  • fix markers not showing up in seriesrecipes using :scatter
  • don't use pywrap in the pyplot backend
  • improve the bottom margin for the gr backend