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Concrete type for liftedrep
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blegat committed Apr 24, 2018
1 parent d54123d commit 824ae6c
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Showing 7 changed files with 43 additions and 33 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Polyhedra.jl
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ end
similar_type(::Type{<:Point}, ::FullDim{N}, ::Type{T}) where {N, T} = Point{N,T}
similar_type(::Type{<:Vec}, ::FullDim{N}, ::Type{T}) where {N, T} = Vec{N,T}

emptymatrix(::Type{MT}, m, n) where {MT<:AbstractMatrix} = MT(m, n)
emptymatrix(::Type{SparseMatrixCSC{T, Int}}, m, n) where T = spzeros(T, m, n)
similar_type(::Type{<:Matrix}, ::Type{T}) where T = Matrix{T}
similar_type(::Type{SparseMatrixCSC{S, I}}, ::Type{T}) where {S, I, T} = SparseMatrixCSC{T, I}
arraytype(::Type{<:AbstractSparseArray{T}}) where T = SparseVector{T, Int}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/doubledescription.jl
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function doubledescription(v::VRepresentation{N, T}) where {N, T}
lv = LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}(v)
lv = LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, Matrix{T}}(v)
R = -lv.R
vl = doubledescription(MixedMatHRep{N+1, T}(R, zeros(T, size(R, 1)), lv.linset))
LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}(vl.R, vl.Rlinset)
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46 changes: 26 additions & 20 deletions src/liftedrep.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,32 +3,36 @@ export LiftedHRepresentation, LiftedVRepresentation
# H-Represenation

# No copy since I do not modify anything and a copy is done when building a polyhedron
mutable struct LiftedHRepresentation{N, T} <: MixedHRep{N, T}
mutable struct LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, MT<:AbstractMatrix{T}} <: MixedHRep{N, T}
# Ax >= 0, it is [b -A] * [z; x] where z = 1

function LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}(A::AbstractMatrix, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {N, T}
function LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, MT}(A::MT, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {N, T, MT}
if !isempty(linset) && last(linset) > size(A, 1)
error("The elements of linset should be between 1 and the number of rows of A")
if size(A, 2) != N+1
error("dimension does not match")
new{N, T}(A, linset)
new{N, T, MT}(A, linset)

similar_type(::Type{<:LiftedHRepresentation}, ::FullDim{N}, ::Type{T}) where {N,T} = LiftedHRepresentation{N,T}
arraytype(p::Union{LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}, Type{LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}}}) where {N, T} = Vector{T}
similar_type(::Type{LiftedHRepresentation{M, S, MT}}, ::FullDim{N}, ::Type{T}) where {M, S, N, T, MT} = LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, similar_type(MT, T)}
arraytype(p::Union{LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, MT}, Type{LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, MT}}}) where {N, T, MT} = arraytype(MT)

LiftedHRepresentation(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {T <: Real} = LiftedHRepresentation{size(A,2)-1,T}(A, linset)
LiftedHRepresentation(h::HRepresentation{N,T}) where {N,T} = LiftedHRepresentation{N,T}(h)
LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {N, T} = LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, typeof(A)}(A, linset)
LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}(A::AbstractMatrix, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {N, T} = LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}(AbstractMatrix{T}(A), linset)
LiftedHRepresentation(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where T = LiftedHRepresentation{size(A, 2) - 1, T}(A, linset)
function LiftedHRepresentation(h::HRepresentation{N, T}) where {N, T}
LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, arraytype(h) <: AbstractSparseVector ? SparseMatrixCSC{T, Int} : Matrix{T}}(h)

function LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}(hyperplanes::ElemIt{<:HyperPlane{N, T}}, halfspaces::ElemIt{<:HalfSpace{N, T}}) where {N, T}
function LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, MT}(hyperplanes::ElemIt{<:HyperPlane{N, T}}, halfspaces::ElemIt{<:HalfSpace{N, T}}) where {N, T, MT}
nhyperplane = length(hyperplanes)
nhrep = nhyperplane + length(halfspaces)
A = Matrix{T}(nhrep, N+1)
A = emptymatrix(MT, nhrep, N+1)
linset = IntSet(1:nhyperplane)
for (i, h) in enumerate(hyperplanes)
A[i,2:end] = -h.a
Expand All @@ -49,34 +53,36 @@ Base.get(hrep::LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}, idx::HIndex{N, T}) where {N, T} = va

# V-Representation

mutable struct LiftedVRepresentation{N,T} <: MixedVRep{N,T}
R::AbstractMatrix{T} # each row is a vertex if the first element is 1 and a ray otherwise
mutable struct LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, MT<:AbstractMatrix{T}} <: MixedVRep{N, T}
R::MT # each row is a vertex if the first element is 1 and a ray otherwise

function LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}(R::AbstractMatrix, linset::IntSet=IntSet([])) where {N, T}
function LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, MT}(R::MT, linset::IntSet=IntSet([])) where {N, T, MT}
if length(R) > 0 && size(R, 2) != N+1
error("dimension does not match")
if !isempty(linset) && last(linset) > size(R, 1)
error("The elements of linset should be between 1 and the number of rows of R")
new{N, T}(R, linset)
new{N, T, MT}(R, linset)

similar_type(::Type{<:LiftedVRepresentation}, ::FullDim{N}, ::Type{T}) where {N,T} = LiftedVRepresentation{N,T}
arraytype(p::Union{LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}, Type{LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}}}) where {N, T} = Vector{T}
similar_type(::Type{LiftedVRepresentation{M, S, MT}}, ::FullDim{N}, ::Type{T}) where {M, S, N, T, MT} = LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, similar_type(MT, T)}
arraytype(p::Union{LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, MT}, Type{LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, MT}}}) where {N, T, MT} = arraytype(MT)

LiftedVRepresentation(R::AbstractMatrix{T}, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {T <: Real} = LiftedVRepresentation{size(R,2)-1,T}(R, linset)
LiftedVRepresentation(v::VRepresentation{N,T}) where {N,T} = LiftedVRepresentation{N,T}(v)
LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}(R::AbstractMatrix{T}, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {N, T} = LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, typeof(R)}(R, linset)
LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}(R::AbstractMatrix, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where {N, T} = LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}(AbstractMatrix{T}(R), linset)
LiftedVRepresentation(R::AbstractMatrix{T}, linset::IntSet=IntSet()) where T = LiftedVRepresentation{size(R, 2) - 1, T}(R, linset)
LiftedVRepresentation(v::VRepresentation{N,T}) where {N, T} = LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, Matrix{T}}(v)

function LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}(vits::VIt{N, T}...) where {N, T}
function LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, MT}(vits::VIt{N, T}...) where {N, T, MT}
points, lines, rays = fillvits(FullDim{N}(), vits...)
npoint = length(points)
nline = length(lines)
nray = length(rays)
nvrep = npoint + nline + nray
R = Matrix{T}(nvrep, N+1)
R = emptymatrix(MT, nvrep, N+1)
linset = IntSet()
function _fill(offset, z, ps)
for (i, p) in enumerate(ps)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lphrep.jl
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Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ LPHRepresentation(rep::HRep{N, T}) where {N, T} = LPHRepresentation{N, T, _matty
function LPHRepresentation{N, T, MT}(hyperplanes::ElemIt{<:HyperPlane{N, T}}, halfspaces::ElemIt{<:HalfSpace{N, T}}) where {N, T, MT}
nhyperplane = length(hyperplanes)
nhrep = nhyperplane + length(halfspaces)
A = MT <: AbstractSparseArray ? spzeros(eltype(MT), nhrep, N) : MT(nhrep, N)
A = emptymatrix(MT, nhrep, N)
lb = Vector{T}(nhrep)
ub = Vector{T}(nhrep)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/matrep.jl
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ MixedMatHRep(h::HRep{N,T}) where {N,T} = MixedMatHRep{N,T}(h)
function MixedMatHRep{N, T, MT}(hyperplanes::HyperPlaneIt{N, T}, halfspaces::HalfSpaceIt{N, T}) where {N, T, MT}
nhyperplane = length(hyperplanes)
nhrep = nhyperplane + length(halfspaces)
A = MT <: AbstractSparseArray ? spzeros(eltype(MT), nhrep, N) : MT(nhrep, N)
A = emptymatrix(MT, nhrep, N)
b = Vector{T}(nhrep)
linset = IntSet(1:nhyperplane)
for (i, h) in enumerate(hyperplanes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ function MixedMatVRep{N, T, MT}(vits::VIt{N, T}...) where {N, T, MT}
npoint = length(points)
nline = length(lines)
nray = length(rays)
V = Matrix{T}(npoint, N)
R = Matrix{T}(nline + nray, N)
V = emptymatrix(MT, npoint, N)
R = emptymatrix(MT, nline + nray, N)
Rlinset = IntSet()
function _fill!(M, linset, offset, ps)
for (i, p) in enumerate(ps)
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions test/doubledescription.jl
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@testset "Exact" begin
v = conichull([1, 0],
[0, 1])
h = @inferred doubledescription(v)
h = doubledescription(v)
#h = @inferred doubledescription(v)
@test !hashyperplanes(h)
@test collect(halfspaces(h)) == [HalfSpace([0, -1], 0), HalfSpace([-1, 0], 0), HalfSpace([0, 0], 1)] # FIXME get rid of (0, 0) 1
@testset "Numerical" begin
v = conichull([1., 0.],
[0., 1.])
h = @inferred doubledescription(v)
h = doubledescription(v)
#h = @inferred doubledescription(v)
@test !hashyperplanes(h)
@test collect(halfspaces(h)) == [HalfSpace([0, -1], 0), HalfSpace([-1, 0], 0), HalfSpace([0, 0], 1)] # FIXME get rid of (0, 0) 1
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions test/representation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ Polyhedra.@subrepelem InconsistentVRep Ray rays
@test ine.A !== A
#@test linset(ine) == ls
@test ine.linset !== ls
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedHRepresentation{2, Int}, Float64) == LiftedHRepresentation{2, Float64}
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedHRepresentation{2, Int}, FullDim{3}(), Float64) == LiftedHRepresentation{3, Float64}
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedHRepresentation{2, Int, Matrix{Int}}, Float64) == LiftedHRepresentation{2, Float64, Matrix{Float64}}
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedHRepresentation{2, Int, SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}}, FullDim{3}(), Float64) == LiftedHRepresentation{3, Float64, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int}}

A2 = [1 1; -1 0; 0 -1]
b2 = [1, 0, 0]
Expand All @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ Polyhedra.@subrepelem InconsistentVRep Ray rays
#@test linset(ext) == Vlinset
@test ext.linset !== Vlinset

@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedVRepresentation{2, Int}, Float64) == LiftedVRepresentation{2, Float64}
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedVRepresentation{2, Int}, FullDim{3}(), Float64) == LiftedVRepresentation{3, Float64}
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedVRepresentation{2, Int, SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}}, Float64) == LiftedVRepresentation{2, Float64, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int}}
@test Polyhedra.similar_type(LiftedVRepresentation{2, Int, Matrix{Int}}, FullDim{3}(), Float64) == LiftedVRepresentation{3, Float64, Matrix{Float64}}

@testset "eltype for some iterators is incorrect #7" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Polyhedra.@subrepelem InconsistentVRep Ray rays
N = 5
M = 10
T = Int64
reps = [MixedMatHRep{N, T, Matrix{T}}, MixedMatVRep{N, T, Matrix{T}}, LiftedHRepresentation{N, T}, LiftedVRepresentation{N, T}]
reps = [MixedMatHRep{N, T, Matrix{T}}, MixedMatVRep{N, T, Matrix{T}}, LiftedHRepresentation{N, T, Matrix{T}}, LiftedVRepresentation{N, T, Matrix{T}}]
for rep in reps
changedrep = Polyhedra.similar_type(rep, FullDim{M}())
@test fulldim(changedrep) == M
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ Polyhedra.@subrepelem InconsistentVRep Ray rays
@testset "V-consistency with iterator constructor" begin
T = Int
AT = Vector{Int}
for VRepType in (Polyhedra.LiftedVRepresentation{2, T},
for VRepType in (Polyhedra.LiftedVRepresentation{2, T, Matrix{T}},
Polyhedra.MixedMatVRep{2, T, Matrix{T}},
Polyhedra.Hull{2, T, AT})
@test_throws ErrorException VRepType(AT[], [Line([1, 2])])
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