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#40 - Implement binary search for VPolygon support vector (#1475)
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* add binary search for VPolygon support vector

* wrap binary and brute force code in new functions

* add N<:Real

* move inlined functions

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update binary search

* fix inline functions

* update minkowski sum

* solve merge error

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* solve problem in minkowski sum

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* rotate hexadecagon

* rename variables in minkowski sum function

* export inline functions

* fix problem in unit test

* solve critical error in binary search and tests

* fix unit test

* add docs for inline functions

* fix comments and minkowski sum

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>

* Update src/VPolygon.jl

Co-Authored-By: Christian Schilling <>
  • Loading branch information
2 people authored and mforets committed Jul 20, 2019
1 parent 03f0448 commit 57c0ad7
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Showing 4 changed files with 132 additions and 17 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ remove_duplicates_sorted!

## Functions and Macros
Expand Down
63 changes: 62 additions & 1 deletion src/Arrays/vector_operations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ export dot_zero,

dot_zero(x::AbstractVector{N}, y::AbstractVector{N}) where{N<:Real}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,6 +193,64 @@ function is_cyclic_permutation(candidate::AbstractVector,
return any(candidate == circshift(paragon, i) for i in 0:m-1)

_up(u::AbstractVector, v::AbstractVector)
Checks if the given vector is pointing towards the given direction.
### Input
- `u` -- direction
- `v` -- vector
### Output
A boolean indicating if the vector is pointing towards the direction.
@inline function _up(u::AbstractVector, v::AbstractVector)
dot(u, v) > 0

_dr(u::AbstractVector, Vi::AbstractVector, Vj::AbstractVector)
Returns the direction of the difference of the given vectors.
### Input
- `u` -- direction
- `Vi` -- first vector
- `Vj` -- second vector
### Output
A number indicating the direction of the difference of the given vectors.
@inline function _dr(u::AbstractVector, Vi::AbstractVector, Vj::AbstractVector)
dot(u, (Vi) - (Vj))

_above(u::AbstractVector, Vi::AbstractVector, Vj::AbstractVector)
Checks if the difference of the given vectors is pointing towards the given
### Input
- `u` -- direction
- `Vi` -- first vector
- `Vj` -- second vector
### Output
A boolean indicating if the difference of the given vectors is pointing
towards the given direction.
@inline function _above(u::AbstractVector, Vi::AbstractVector, Vj::AbstractVector)
_dr(u, Vi, Vj) > 0

to_negative_vector(v::AbstractVector{N}) where {N}
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75 changes: 59 additions & 16 deletions src/VPolygon.jl
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Expand Up @@ -241,27 +241,72 @@ If the direction has norm zero, the first vertex is returned.
### Algorithm
This implementation performs a brute-force search, comparing the projection of
each vector along the given direction.
It runs in ``O(n)`` where ``n`` is the number of vertices.
### Notes
For arbitrary points without structure this is the best one can do.
However, a more efficient approach can be used if the vertices of the polygon
have been sorted in counter-clockwise fashion.
In that case a binary search algorithm can be used that runs in ``O(\\log n)``.
See issue [#40](
This implementation uses a binary search algorithm when the polygon has more
than ten vertices and a brute-force search when it has ten or less.
For the brute-force search, it compares the projection of
each vector along the given direction and runs in ``O(n)`` where
``n`` is the number of vertices.
For the binary search the algorithm runs in ``O(log n)``.
We follow [this implementation](
based on an algorithm described in [1].
[1] Joseph O'Rourke, Computational Geometry in C (2nd Edition)
function σ(d::AbstractVector{N}, P::VPolygon{N}) where {N<:Real}
@assert !isempty(P.vertices) "the polygon has no vertices"
binary_or_brute_force = 10;
if length(P.vertices) > binary_or_brute_force
P.vertices[_binary_support_vector(d, P)]
P.vertices[_brute_force_support_vector(d, P)]

function _brute_force_support_vector(d::AbstractVector{N}, P::VPolygon{N}) where {N <: Real}
i_max = 1
@inbounds for i in 2:length(P.vertices)
if dot(d, P.vertices[i] - P.vertices[i_max]) > zero(N)
i_max = i
return P.vertices[i_max]
return i_max

function _binary_support_vector(d::AbstractVector{N}, P::VPolygon{N}) where {N <: Real}
n = length(P.vertices)
@assert n > 2
push!(P.vertices, P.vertices[1]) # add extra vertice on the end equal to the first
a = 1; b = n + 1 # start chain = [1,n+1] with P.vertices[n+1]=P.vertices[1]
A = P.vertices[2] - P.vertices[1]
upA = _up(d, A)
# test if P.vertices[0] is a local maximum
if (!upA && !_above(d, P.vertices[n], P.vertices[1])) # P.vertices[1] is the maximum
pop!(P.vertices) # remove the extra point added
return 1
while true
c = round(Int, (a + b) / 2) # midpoint of [a,b], and 1<c<n+1
C = P.vertices[c + 1] - P.vertices[c]
upC = _up(d, C)
if (!upC && !_above(d, P.vertices[c - 1], P.vertices[c])) # P.vertices[c] is a local maximum
pop!(P.vertices) # remove the extra point added
return c # thus it is the maximum
# no max yet, so continue with the binary search
# pick one of the two subchains [a,c] or [c,b]
if (upA && upC && !_above(d, P.vertices[a], P.vertices[c])) ||
(!upA && (upC || (!upC && _above(d, P.vertices[a], P.vertices[c]))))
a = c
A = C
upA = upC
b = c
if (b <= a + 1) # the chain is impossibly small
pop!(P.vertices) # remove the extra point added
throw(ErrorException("something went wrong")) # return an error

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,10 +630,8 @@ function minkowski_sum(P::VPolygon{N}, Q::VPolygon{N}) where {N<:Real}
mP = length(vlistP)
mQ = length(vlistQ)
i = 1
σP = σ(N[1, 0], P)
σQ = σ(N[1, 0], Q)
k = findfirst(==(σP), vlistP)
j = findfirst(==(σQ), vlistQ)
k = _binary_support_vector(N[1, 0], P)
j = _binary_support_vector(N[1, 0], Q)
R = Vector{Vector{N}}(undef, mP+mQ)
fill!(R, N[0, 0])
while i <= size(R, 1)
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test/unit_Polygon.jl
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Expand Up @@ -280,6 +280,14 @@ for N in [Float64, Float32, Rational{Int}]
@test σ(d, vp) == points[1]
d = N[0, -1]
@test σ(d, vp) == points[2]
dirs = [[1, 0], [1, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 1], [0, 1], [-0.5, 1],
[-0.5, 0.5], [-1, 0.5], [-1, 0], [1, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5],
[0.5, -1], [0, -1], [-0.5, -1], [-0.5, -0.5], [-1, -0.5]]
B = Ball2(zeros(2), 1.0)
P = HPolygon([HalfSpace(di, ρ(di, B)) for di in dirs])
vlistP = vertices_list(P)
V = VPolygon(vlistP)
all(x -> _isapprox(σ(x, V), x), vlistP)

# test that #83 is fixed
v = VPolygon([N[2, 3]])
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