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dehann edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Caesar.jl wiki!

The wiki may be useful for summarizing and reviewing longer implicit discussions. Each review discussion could exist as a page in the wiki.

How To build Docs Locally

julia -O3 --color=yes --project=docs/ docs/make.jl --local

Debugging Functions


Plotting functions

drawGraph(fg; show, engine, filepath) - default show=true, engine=neato, filepath=/tmp/caesar/fg.pdf, viewer=evince
drawTree(tree; show, filepath) - default show=false, filepath = /tmp/caesar/bt.pdf

Bayes Tree Legend (from IIF)

  • Blank / white -- uninitialized,
  • Red -- CPU working on clique's Chapman-Kolmogorov inference (up or down),
  • Light red -- completed upsolve,
  • Tomato -- partial dimension upsolve but finished,
  • Green -- trying to initialize,
  • Brown -- initialized but not solved yet (likely child cliques that depend on downward autoinit msgs),
  • Purple -- blocking on autoinit for more parent/sibling derived down msgs,
  • Turquoise -- blocking for on parent for downsolve msgs,
  • Light blue -- completed downsolve,
  • Blue -- fully marginalized clique that will not be updated during upsolve (maybe downsolved),
  • Orange -- recycled clique upsolve solution from previous tree passed into solveTree!