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ronisbr committed Dec 21, 2018
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Showing 11 changed files with 980 additions and 0 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
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using Documenter
using SatelliteToolbox

format = :html,
modules = [SatelliteToolbox],
sitename = "Satellite Toolbox",
authors = "Ronan Arraes Jardim Chagas",
pages = [
"Home" => "",
"Earth" => Any[
"Earth atmospheric models" => "man/earth/",
"Earth geomagnetic field models" => "./man/earth/",
"Space indices" => "man/earth/",
"Orbit propagators" => "./man/orbit/",
"Library" => "lib/",
html_prettyurls = !("local" in ARGS),

repo = "",
julia = "1.0",
target = "build",
deps = nothing,
make = nothing,
Binary file added docs/src/assets/logo.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@

CurrentModule = SatelliteToolbox
DocTestSetup = quote
using SatelliteToolbox

This package contains several functions to build simulations related with
satellites. It is used on a daily basis on projects at the [Brazilian National
Institute for Space Research (INPE)](, and it is the engine
of the [FOrPlan Satellite Simulator](

## Requirements

* Julia >= 0.7
* HTTP >= 0.6.13
* Interpolations >= 0.8.0
* Parameters >= 0.10.1
* OptionalData >= 0.2.0
* ReferenceFrameRotations >= 0.5.0
* RemoteFiles >= 0.2.1
* StaticArrays >= 0.9.2

## Installation

This package can be installed using:

julia> Pkg.update()
julia> Pkg.add("SatelliteToolbox")

## Manual outline

Pages = [
Depth = 1

## Library documentation

Pages = ["lib/"]

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/lib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

Documentation for `SatelliteToolbox.jl`.

Modules = [SatelliteToolbox]
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/man/earth/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
Earth atmospheric models

CurrentModule = SatelliteToolbox
DocTestSetup = quote
using SatelliteToolbox

This package implements natively three atmospheric models:

* Exponential atmospheric model according to [1];
* Jacchia-Roberts 1971;
* [Jacchia-Bowman 2008](; and
* [NRLMSISE-00](

## Exponential atmospheric model

This model assumes that the atmospheric density is computed by:

\rho(h) = \rho_0 \cdot exp \left\lbrace - \frac{h - h_0}{H} \right\rbrace~,

in which ``\rho_0``, ``h_0``, and ``H`` are parameters obtained from tables.
Reference [1] provides a discretization of those parameters based on the
selected height ``h`` that was obtained after evaluation of some accurate

In this toolbox, the model can be evaluated using the following function:

function expatmosphere(h::Number)

in which `h` is the desired height in meters.

julia> expatmosphere(700e3)

!!! warning

Notice that this model does not consider important effects such as the Sun
activity, the geomagnetic activity, the local time at the desired location,
etc. Hence, although this can be used for fast evaluations, the accuracy is
not good.

## Jacchia-Roberts 1971

This is an analytic atmospheric model based on the Jacchia's 1970 model. It
was published in:

> **Roberts, C. E (1971)**. *An analytic model for upper atmosphere densities
> based upon Jacchia's 1970 models*. **Celestial mechanics**, Vol. 4 (3-4), p.
> 368-377, DOI: 10.1007/BF01231398.
Although it is quite old, this model is still used for some applications, like
computing the estimated reentry time for an object on low Earth orbits.

In this toolbox, the model can be evaluated using the following function:

function jr1971(JD::Number, glat::Number, glon::Number, h::Number, F10::Number, F10ₐ::Number, Kp::Number)

in which:

* `JD`: Julian day.
* `glat`: Geodetic latitude [rad].
* `glon`: Geodetic longitude [rad].
* `h`: Altitude [m].
* `F10`: 10.7-cm solar flux \[10⁻²² W/(M² Hz)].
* `F10ₐ`: 10.7-cm averaged solar flux, 81-day centered on input time.
* `Kp`: Kp geomagnetic index (with a delay of 3 hours).

Unfortunately, it does not support fetching the space indices automatically yet.

This function returns an object of type `JR1971_Output` that contains the
following fields:

* `nN2`: Number density of N₂ [1/m³].
* `nO2`: Number density of O₂ [1/m³].
* `nO`: Number density of O [1/m³].
* `nAr`: Number density of Ar [1/m³].
* `nHe`: Number density of He [1/m³].
* `nH`: Number density of H [1/m³].
* `rho`: Total density [kg/m³].
* `T_exo`: Exospheric temperature [K].
* `Tz`: Temperature at the selected altitude [K].

julia> jr1971(DatetoJD(2018, 6, 19, 18, 35, 0), deg2rad(-22), deg2rad(-45), 700e3, 79, 73.5, 1.34)
nN2: Float64 2.8434980991244677e7
nO2: Float64 174222.8749796204
nO: Float64 1.4139107014663574e11
nAr: Float64 8.972570981046234
nHe: Float64 8.77388538998786e11
nH: Float64 5.702781005722332e10
rho: Float64 9.684902904880108e-15
T_exo: Float64 832.0244272206529
Tz: Float64 832.020443641076

## Jacchia-Bowman 2008

This is an empirical thermospheric density model based on the Jacchia theory. It
was published in:

> **Bowman, B. R., Tobiska, W. K., Marcos, F. A., Huang, C. Y., Lin, C. S.,
> Burke, W. J (2008)**. *A new empirical thermospheric density model JB2008
> using new solar and geomagnetic indices.* **In the proeceeding of the AIAA/AAS
> Astrodynamics Specialist Conference**, Honolulu, Hawaii.
For more information, visit

In this toolbox, the model can be evaluated using the following functions:

function jb2008(JD::Number, glat::Number, glon::Number, h::Number)
function jb2008(JD::Number, glat::Number, glon::Number, h::Number, F10::Number, F10ₐ::Number, S10::Number, S10ₐ::Number, M10::Number, M10ₐ::Number, Y10::Number, Y10ₐ::Number, DstΔTc::Number)

in which:

* `JD`: Julian day.
* `glat`: Geocentric latitude [rad].
* `glon`: Geocentric longitude [rad].
* `h`: Altitude [m].
* `F10`: 10.7-cm solar flux \[10⁻²² W/(M² Hz)] \(Tabular time 1 day earlier).
* `F10ₐ`: 10.7-cm averaged solar flux, 81-day centered on input time (Tabular
time 1 day earlier).
* `S10`: EUV index (26-34 nm) scaled to F10.7 (Tabular time 1 day earlier).
* `S10ₐ`: EUV 81-day averaged centered index (Tabular time 1 day earlier).
* `M10`: MG2 index scaled to F10.7 (Tabular time 2 days earlier).
* `M10ₐ`: MG2 81-day averaged centered index (Tabular time 2 days earlier).
* `Y10`: Solar X-ray & Lya index scaled to F10.7 (Tabular time 5 days earlier).
* `Y10ₐ`: Solar X-ray & Lya 81-day averaged centered index (Tabular time 5 days
* `DstΔTc`: Temperature variation related to the Dst.

If the parameters related with the space indices are not provided (first
signature), then they will be automatically obtained. This, however, requires
the initialization of the space indices (see [Space indices]).

These functions returns an object of type `JB2008_Output` that contains the
following fields:

* `nN2`: Number density of N₂ [1/m³].
* `nO2`: Number density of O₂ [1/m³].
* `nO`: Number density of O [1/m³].
* `nAr`: Number density of Ar [1/m³].
* `nHe`: Number density of He [1/m³].
* `nH`: Number density of H [1/m³].
* `rho`: Total density [kg/m³].
* `T_exo`: Exospheric temperature [K].
* `Tz`: Temperature at the selected altitude [K].

julia> jb2008(DatetoJD(2018, 6, 19, 18, 35, 0), deg2rad(-22), deg2rad(-45), 700e3, 79, 73.5, 55.1, 53.8, 78.9, 73.3, 80.2, 71.7, 50)
nN2: Float64 2.6541724729104772e7
nO2: Float64 193981.21643527283
nO: Float64 7.674571609761076e10
nAr: Float64 13.375957587710413
nHe: Float64 4.642052516161012e11
nH: Float64 4.0724559174585e10
rho: Float64 5.193318161206834e-15
T_exo: Float64 819.7144509569121
Tz: Float64 826.7686603268629


The NRLMSIS-00 empirical atmosphere model was developed by Mike Picone, Alan
Hedin, and Doug Drob based on the MSISE90 model:

> **Picone, J. M., Hedin, A. E., Drob, D. P., Aikin, A. C (2002)**. *NRLMSISE-00
> empirical model of the atmosphere: Statistical comparisons and scientific
> issues*. **Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics**, Vol. 107 (A12),
> p. SIA 15-1 -- SIA 15-16, DOI: 10.1029/2002JA009430.
In this toolbox, the model can be evaluated using the following function:

function nrlmsise00(JD::Number, alt::Number, g_lat::Number, g_long::Number [, f107A::Number, f107::Number, ap::Union{Number,AbstractVector}]; output_si::Bool = true, dversion::Bool = true)

in which:

* `JD`: Julian Day [UTC].
* `alt`: Altitude [m].
* `g_lat`: Geodetic latitude [rad].
* `g_long`: Geodetic longitude [rad].
* `f107A`: 81 day average of F10.7 flux (centered on day of year `doy`).
* `f107`: Daily F10.7 flux for previous day.
* `ap`: Magnetic index.

If the keyword `output_si` is `true`, then the output will be in \[m⁻³] for
species number density and \[kg/m⁻³] for the total density. Otherwise, the units
will be \[cm⁻³] and \[g/cm⁻³], respectively.

The keyword `dversion` can be used to select which algorithm will be used to
compute the model. If it is set to `true`, then it will call the `gtd7d`
function that includes the anomalous oxygen in the total density. Otherwise, the
function `gtd7` will be called and the anomalous oxygen will not be added in the
total density.

The parameter `ap` can be a number or a vector. If it is a number, then it must
be the daily magnetic index. If it is a vector, then it must contain 7 elements
as follows:

| Index | Description |
| 1 | Daily AP. |
| 2 | 3 hour AP index for current time. |
| 3 | 3 hour AP index for 3 hours before current time. |
| 4 | 3 hour AP index for 6 hours before current time. |
| 5 | 3 hour AP index for 9 hours before current time. |
| 6 | Average of eight 3 hour AP indices from 12 to 33 hours prior to current time. |
| 7 | Average of eight 3 hour AP indices from 36 to 57 hours prior to current time. |

If the parameters related with the space indices are not provided (`f107A`,
`f107`, and `ap`), then they will be automatically obtained. This, however,
requires the initialization of the space indices (see [Space indices]).

The function return an object of type `NRLMSISE00_Output` that contains the
following fields:

* `den_N`: Nitrogen number density [U].
* `den_N2`: N₂ number density [U].
* `den_O`: Oxygen number density [U].
* `den_aO`: Anomalous Oxygen number density [U].
* `den_O2`: O₂ number density [U].
* `den_H`: Hydrogen number density [U].
* `den_He`: Helium number density [U].
* `den_Ar`: Argon number density [U].
* `den_Total`: Total mass density \[T/U] \(this value has different meanings for
routines `gtd7` and `gtd7d`).
* `T_exo`: Exospheric temperature [K].
* `T_alt`: Temperature at the selected altitude [K].
* `flags`: Flags used to compute NRLMSISE-00 model.

Notice that:

* If `flags[:output_m_kg]` is `false`, then [U] is \[cm⁻³] and [T] is \[g/cm⁻³].
* If `flags[:output_m_kg]` is `true`, then [U] is \[m⁻³] and [T] is \[kg/m⁻³].

julia> nrlmsise00(DatetoJD(2018, 6, 19, 18, 35, 0), 700e3, deg2rad(-22), deg2rad(-45), 73.5, 79, 5.13)
den_N: Float64 5.597834653523333e9
den_N2: Float64 5.743312510585916e7
den_O: Float64 1.2705655159941983e11
den_aO: Float64 2.4185558056141124e9
den_O2: Float64 340464.97523808276
den_H: Float64 1.2667781795293002e11
den_He: Float64 6.248499395447589e11
den_Ar: Float64 23.18462060029951
den_Total: Float64 7.930928885098513e-15
T_exo: Float64 837.4122645268103
T_alt: Float64 837.4119807046409
flags: NRLMSISE00_Flags

!!! note

If the user wants more control over the NRLMSISE-00, they can use the
low-level functions `gtd7` and `gtd7d`, which has the same functionality as
available in the FORTRAN version of the model. See the documentation of the
functions for more information.

## References

[1] **Vallado, D. A., McClain, W. D (2013).** *Fundamentals of astrodynamics and
applications*. Hawthorne, CA: Microcosm Press.

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