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Added methods for devresid in the common cases (Bernoulli and Poisson)
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dmbates committed Feb 24, 2013
1 parent a3c6c7b commit ba90c2f
Showing 1 changed file with 19 additions and 7 deletions.
26 changes: 19 additions & 7 deletions src/Distributions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,18 +126,20 @@ function deviance{M<:Real,Y<:Real,W<:Real}(d::Distribution,
devresid(d::Distribution, y::Real, mu::Real, wt::Real) =
-2wt*logpdf(d, mu, y)
devresid(d::Distribution, y::Real, mu::Real, wt::Real) = -2wt*logpdf(d, mu, y)
function devresid{Y<:Real,M<:Real,W<:Real}(d::Distribution,
R = Array(Float64, promote_shape(size(y), promote_shape(size(mu), size(wt))))
for i in 1:length(mu)
R[i] = devResid(d, y[i], mu[i], wt[i])
R[i] = devresid(d, y[i], mu[i], wt[i])
function devresid(d::Distribution, y::Vector{Float64}, mu::Vector{Float64}, wt::Vector{Float64})
[devresid(d, y[i], mu[i], wt[i]) for i in 1:length(y)]
invlogccdf(d::Distribution, lp::Real) = quantile(d, exp(-lp))
invlogcdf(d::Distribution, lp::Real) = quantile(d, exp(lp))
logccdf(d::Distribution, q::Real) = log(ccdf(d,q))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,6 +526,7 @@ var(d::Arcsine) = 1./2.

# TODO: Move these two methods into Base
xlogx(x::Real) = x == 0.0 ? 0.0 : x * log(x)
xlogxdmu(x::Real, mu::Real) = x == 0.0 ? 0.0 : x * log(x/mu)
function entropy(p::Vector)
e = 0.0
for p_i in p
Expand All @@ -542,6 +545,12 @@ end
Bernoulli() = Bernoulli(0.5)

cdf(d::Bernoulli, q::Real) = q < 0. ? 0. : (q >= 1. ? 1. : 1. - d.prob)
function devresid(d::Bernoulli, y::Real, mu::Real, wt::Real)
2wt*(xlogxdmu(y,mu) + xlogxdmu(1.-y,1.-mu))
function devresid(d::Bernoulli, y::Vector{Float64}, mu::Vector{Float64}, wt::Vector{Float64})
[2wt[i]*(xlogxdmu(y[i],mu[i]) + xlogxdmu(1-y[i],1-mu[i])) for i in 1:length(y)]
entropy(d::Bernoulli) = -xlogx(1.0 - d.prob) - xlogx(d.prob)
insupport(d::Bernoulli, x::Number) = (x == 0) || (x == 1)
kurtosis(d::Bernoulli) = 1 / var(d) - 6.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1189,7 +1198,10 @@ type Poisson <: DiscreteUnivariateDistribution
Poisson() = Poisson(1)
@_jl_dist_1p Poisson pois
devresid(d::Poisson, y::Real, mu::Real, wt::Real) = 2wt*((y==0? 0.: log(y/mu)) - (y-mu))
devresid(d::Poisson, y::Real, mu::Real, wt::Real) = 2wt*(xlogxdmu(y,mu) - (y-mu))
function devresid(d::Poisson, y::Vector{Float64}, mu::Vector{Float64}, wt::Vector{Float64})
[2wt[i]*(xlogxdmu(y[i],mu[i]) - (y[i]-mu[i])) for i in 1:length(y)]
insupport(d::Poisson, x::Number) = integer_valued(x) && 0 <= x
logpdf( d::Poisson, mu::Real, y::Real) = ccall((:dpois, Rmath),Float64,(Float64,Float64,Int32),y,mu,1)
mean(d::Poisson) = d.lambda
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1531,7 +1543,7 @@ end
const minfloat = realmin(Float64)
const oneMeps = 1. - eps()
const llmaxabs = log(-log(minfloat))

const logeps = log(eps())
abstract Link # Link types define linkfun, linkinv, mueta,
# valideta and validmu.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1578,9 +1590,9 @@ validmu (l::LogitLink, mu::Real) = chk01(mu)
type LogLink <: Link end
linkfun (l::LogLink, mu::Real) = log(mu)
linkinv (l::LogLink, eta::Real) = exp(eta)
mueta (l::LogLink, eta::Real) = exp(eta)
mueta (l::LogLink, eta::Real) = eta < logeps ? eps() : exp(eta)
valideta(l::LogLink, eta::Real) = chkfinite(eta)
validmu (l::LogLink, mu::Real) = chkfinite(mu)
validmu (l::LogLink, mu::Real) = chkpositive(mu)

type ProbitLink <: Link end
linkfun (l::ProbitLink, mu::Real) = ccall((:qnorm5, Rmath), Float64,
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