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Arty Board Examples

Julian Kemmerer edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 29 revisions

These examples have been crafted for the Digilent Arty Artix-35T board. If you want support for another board or have any questions at all feel free to reach out and ask!

Table of Contents

PipelineC -> Bitstream

  1. Clone the PipelineC git repo which includes the Vivado Arty example files (Vivado project: arty.xpr).
  2. Follow the running the PipelineC tool steps to generate VHDL and include the files in the Vivado project.
  3. Uncomment ports from examples/arty/Arty-A7-35-Master.xdc and add/connect port wires as needed in examples/arty/board.vhd.
  4. Run Vivado as normal (click Generate Bitstream).

Blinking LEDs

The source for this example can be found here. Please see a full break down of the blinking leds example here.

UART Loopback

The source for this example can be found here. A full break down of PipelineC results can be found here.

DDR3 UART Loopback

An example storing UART messages in DDR memory and then reading those messages back - DDR loopback. Includes test driver C code as well.

Debug Probes

An example probing and capturing data from an example memory test application is shown here.

Ethernet Packets

An Ethernet packet, FPGA work() function example can be found here. It still uses a free trial, ultimately paid, Xilinx TEMAC core - would like to get rid of that.

If you are really exploratory, a very old UDP packet loopback example is here.

I2S Audio

The source for this example can be found here. A full break down can be found here.

VGA Graphics

The source for this example can be found here. A full break down can be found here.

Basic Neural Network

All the source for this example can be found here. A full break down can be found here.

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