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sysy lang by c executable in risc-v platform.

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  1. SysY Lang Compiles to Koopa IR
  2. Koopa IR Generates RISC-V ASM

What OJ Do

  • Use Def IR:SysY Code (test code) -> SysY compiler(Advanced Lang Source Code writes the software),expected output is Koopa IR ,the OJ will exam it .
  • Self design IR:SysY to RISC-V,the ir will be ignored by OJ,the OJ exam the RISC-V ASM only.
  • Performance Ranking.


Learned and Used

  • ✔Linux

  • ✔Git

Need to learning ...


  • ❌Makefile



  • Docker
  • Koopa IR
  • RISC-V
  • Choose A Advanced Lang as Source Lang

Docker Env

docker pull maxxing/compiler-dev
docker run -dit --name cl-env -v /home/ubuntu/code/sysy:/root/sysy maxxing/compiler-dev 
# trap into container bash
docker exec -it cl-env /bin/bash

the doc says that don't recommand the ssh in container env .

Koopa IR

compile ir to executable file

koopac hello.koopa | llc --filetype=obj -o hello.o
clang hello.o -L$CDE_LIBRARY_PATH/native -lsysy -o hello


why make the jokes risc-v with intel x86 arch ?

base instruction set and extension

  • RV32I
  • RV64I, compatible with RV32I

Extension Include :

  • M: multiply,division instruction
  • A: atomic memory instruction
  • F: single precision float instruction
  • D: double precision float instruction
  • C: casual instructions 16bits zipvesion

Example:we choose RV32IM arch platform IS, refer to 32bits support extension M and A RISC-V Processor

compile risc-v asm to executable file

clang hello.S -c -o hello.o -target riscv32-unknown-linux-elf -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32
ld.lld hello.o -L$CDE_LIBRARY_PATH/riscv32 -lsysy -o hello
qemu-riscv32-static hello

Advanced Lang

  1. We must choose C/C++/Rust to develop our compiler
  2. We must use Make/CMake/Cargo config file,thus OJ can compile our compiler

I choose C,Makefile, Docker mount localfiledir.


Aim & Goal

the compiler can transfer code from sysy to koopa ir

int main() {
	// comment
	return 0 ;

the compiler can translate the code to koopa IR

func @main(): i32 {
	ret 0


IDENT ebnf:

identifier ::= identifier-nondigit | identifier identifier-nondigit | identifier digit;

integer-const ::= decimal-const | octal-const | hexadecimal-const;
decimal-const ::= nonzero-digit | decimal-const digit;
octal-const ::= "0" | octal-const octal-digit;
hexadecimal-const ::= hexadecimal-prefix hexadecimal-digit | hexadecimal-const hexadecimal-digit;
hexadecimal-prefix  ::= "0x" | "0X";


  • identifier-nondigit [_A-Za-z]

  • digit [0-9]

  • nonzero-digit [1-9]

  • octal-digit [0-7]

  • hexadecimal-digit[0-9A-Fa-f]

  • INT_CONST range [0,231-1]


  • // single line comment

  • /**/ multiple lines comment

Syntax ebnf :

CompUnit  ::= FuncDef;

FuncDef   ::= FuncType IDENT "(" ")" Block;
FuncType  ::= "int";

Block     ::= "{" Stmt "}";
Stmt      ::= "return" Number ";";
Number    ::= INT_CONST;


Compiler's Architecture

compile from source to executable whole process:

  1. compile source code to assembly
  2. asm compilation to object file
  3. obj link to executable file

the whole compiler functions only need the process 1.

the whole compiler consists of :

  1. Front end: do grammar and lexical analysis ,transfer SysY source code to AST( abstract syntax tree ), Semantic Analysis ,scan the builed AST ,inspect the semantic errors, given the error hint called compiler output.
  2. Middle end: transfer AST to IR( Intermediate Representation ) , do some Machine independent optimization
  3. Back end : transfer IR to target Platform assembly, do some Machine dependent optimization

Lexical Analysis :lexer read file, do from the byte stream to token,output token and pass token to parser , at same time , the lexer ignore the space tab or comment(// /* */) any lines .

int main() {
	return 0 ; 

Lexical Analysis -> token steam is :

type		content
keywords	int
identifier	main
otherchar	(
otherchar	)
otherchar	{
keywords	return
constInt	0
otherchar	;
otherchar	}

grammar analysis -> ast is :

CompUnit {
  items: [
    FuncDef {
      type: "int",
      name: "main",
      params: [],
      body: Block {
        stmts: [
          Return {
            value: 0

Semantic Analysis

a program that obeys grammar maybe not obey the semantic .

int main() {
	int a = 1 ;
	int a = 2 ;
	return 0 ;

the compiler must throws the redefination error.


sysy lang by c executable in risc-v platform.







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