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C# SDK Configuration

Pawel Sawicz edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 9 revisions

Using NuGet, install the JustGiving SDK package into your project either from the NuGet GUI or using the PowerShell console:

PM> Install-Package justgiving-sdk

Next, create an instance of the JustGivingClient class passing in your API key obtained from the API Management portal.

var client = new JustGiving.Api.Sdk.JustGivingClient("APIKEY");

By default, this client will make anonymous requests against the JustGiving Production API instance. Initially, you probably want to make requests against the Sandbox instance. This can be configured by passing a ClientConfiguration object to the constructor as follows:

var clientConfig = new Api.Sdk.ClientConfiguration("", "api-key", 1);
var clientConfig = new Api.Sdk.ClientConfiguration("", "api-key", 1);

Replace the api-key string with the API key you obtained earlier. Leave the version number at 1.

Pass this into the JustGivingClient constructor.

var client = new JustGiving.Api.Sdk.JustGivingClient(clientConfig);
Authenticated requests

To make authenticated requests, simply add your username and password to the client instance:

clientConfig.Username = "username";
clientConfig.Password = "password";

Data API

If you want to use the C# SDK against the Data API (not applicable to the standard API above), you can set up a connection configuration in two ways either by entering details into your web.config/app.config or by setting up values directly on the configuration object.

app.config configuration

  <section name="justGivingDataSdk" type="JustGiving.Api.Data.Sdk.Configuration.JustGivingDataSdkConfiguration, JustGiving.Api.Data.Sdk"/>
<justGivingDataSdk CharityId="yourCharityId" RootDomain="environmentAPIUrl" ApiVersion="1" ApiKey="yourAppKey" Username="justgivingUserName" Password="password" />

RootDomain is just the endpoint of the chosen environment (production or sandbox). For example, or

Configuration instance

In this case, the RootDomain is passed in as an argument to the constructor.

var dataConfig = new DataClientConfiguration("", "apiKey", 1);
dataConfig.CharityId = 2050;
dataConfig.Username = "userName";
dataConfig.Password = "password";
var client = new JustGivingDataClient(dataConfig);

This is required to make any request against the Data API.