optimize Sim3 pose graph
This program compares the performance of stepwise and direct pose graph optimization on monocular VO output for KITTI sequence 00.
- Install OpenCV and Boost system wide as required by DBoW2. If you have installed a ros distribution with opencv, no need to install OpenCV anymore. Boost can be installed by
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
OpenCV3 can be installed by
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-opencv3
- Build
chmod +x build.sh
cd ../bin
./kitti_surf 3
To visualize the results comparing stepwise pose graph optimization vs direct pose graph optimization, you can do it in matlab or gnuplot. In case of gnuplot, navigate to the folder data/intermediate, in a terminal,
plot "stepwise_2solvers.txt" using 3:5 lc rgb "#FF0000" title 'stepwise' w lines, "direct_embedded.txt" using 3:5 lc rgb "#0000FF" title 'direct' w lines, "StepwiseMapAfterBA6.txt" using 2:4 lc rgb "#00FF00" title 'stepwise traj after BA on corrected map' w lines, "framePoses.txt" using 6:8 lc rgb "#000000" title 'monocular VO output' w lines