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Fixed issue #704. TODO: replace algorithm by De Boor, check if accura…
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klayoutmatthias committed Jan 18, 2021
1 parent c184a8a commit 3524de6
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Showing 3 changed files with 161 additions and 64 deletions.
201 changes: 138 additions & 63 deletions src/plugins/streamers/dxf/db_plugin/
Expand Up @@ -773,6 +773,38 @@ DXFReader::add_bulge_segment (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, const db::DPoint
points.push_back (p);

Rationale B-Splines (NURBS) vs. non-rational B-Splines:
De Boor for NURBS
De Boor for non-rational B-Splines:
def deBoor(k: int, x: int, t, c, p: int):
"""Evaluates S(x).
k: Index of knot interval that contains x.
x: Position.
t: Array of knot positions, needs to be padded as described above.
c: Array of control points.
p: Degree of B-spline.
d = [c[j + k - p] for j in range(0, p + 1)]
for r in range(1, p + 1):
for j in range(p, r - 1, -1):
alpha = (x - t[j + k - p]) / (t[j + 1 + k - r] - t[j + k - p])
d[j] = (1.0 - alpha) * d[j - 1] + alpha * d[j]
return d[p]

static double
b_func (double t, size_t j, int n, const std::vector<double> &knots)
Expand All @@ -793,50 +825,81 @@ b_func (double t, size_t j, int n, const std::vector<double> &knots)

static db::DPoint
b_spline_point (double t, const std::vector<std::pair<db::DPoint, double> > &control_points, int degree, const std::vector<double> &knots)
db::DPoint s;
double z = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < control_points.size (); ++j) {
double w = control_points [j].second;
double b = b_func (t, j, degree, knots);
s += db::DVector (control_points [j].first * (w * b));
z += w * b;
if (z > 1e-6) {
return s * (1.0 / z);
} else {
// TODO: issue warning? Should not happen for well-defined NURBs
return db::DPoint ();

* @brief Inserts new points into a sequence of points to refine the curve
* The idea is bisection of the segments until the desired degree of accuracy has been reached.
* @param control_points The control points
* @param curve_points The list of curve points which is going to be extended
* @param current_curve_point The iterator pointing to the current curve point
* @param t_start The t (curve parameter) value of the current curve point
* @param dt The current t interval
* @param degree The degree of the spline
* @param knots The knots
* @param sin_da The relative accuracy value implied by the circle resolution
* @param accu The desired absolute accuracy value
* New points are going to be inserted after current_curve_point and current_curve_point + 1 to achieve the
* required curvature.
static void
spline_interpolate (const std::vector<db::DPoint> &points,
std::list<db::DPoint> &new_points,
std::list<db::DPoint>::iterator pb,
double tb,
spline_interpolate (std::list<db::DPoint> &curve_points,
std::list<db::DPoint>::iterator current_curve_point,
double t_start,
double dt,
int n,
const std::vector<std::pair<db::DPoint, double> > &control_points,
int degree,
const std::vector<double> &knots,
double sin_da,
double accu)
std::list<db::DPoint>::iterator pm = pb;
std::list<db::DPoint>::iterator pm = current_curve_point;
std::list<db::DPoint>::iterator pe = pm;

db::DPoint s1, s2;
for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size (); ++j) {
s1 += db::DVector (points [j] * b_func (tb + 0.5 * dt, j, n, knots));
db::DPoint s1 = b_spline_point (t_start + 0.5 * dt, control_points, degree, knots);
db::DPoint s2 = b_spline_point (t_start + 1.5 * dt, control_points, degree, knots);

db::DVector p1 (s1, *pb);
db::DVector p1 (s1, *current_curve_point);
db::DVector p2 (*pm, s1);
double pl1 = p1.length(), pl2 = p2.length();

for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size (); ++j) {
s2 += db::DVector (points [j] * b_func (tb + 1.5 * dt, j, n, knots));

db::DVector q1 (s2, *pm);
db::DVector q2 (*pe, s2);
double ql1 = q1.length(), ql2 = q2.length();
if (curve_points.size () < control_points.size () - degree - 1) {

if (new_points.size () < points.size () - n - 1) {
curve_points.insert (pm, s1);
spline_interpolate (curve_points, current_curve_point, t_start, dt * 0.5, control_points, degree, knots, sin_da, accu);

new_points.insert (pm, s1);
spline_interpolate (points, new_points, pb, tb, dt * 0.5, n, knots, sin_da, accu);

new_points.insert (pe, s2);
spline_interpolate (points, new_points, pm, tb + dt, dt * 0.5, n, knots, sin_da, accu);
curve_points.insert (pe, s2);
spline_interpolate (curve_points, pm, t_start + dt, dt * 0.5, control_points, degree, knots, sin_da, accu);

} else {

db::DVector p (*pm, *pb);
db::DVector q1 (s2, *pm);
db::DVector q2 (*pe, s2);
double ql1 = q1.length(), ql2 = q2.length();

db::DVector p (*pm, *current_curve_point);
db::DVector q (*pe, *pm);
double pl = p.length (), ql = q.length ();

Expand All @@ -854,8 +917,8 @@ spline_interpolate (const std::vector<db::DPoint> &points,
// In addition, the estimated accuracy is not good enough on the first segment: bisect this
// segment.

new_points.insert (pm, s1);
spline_interpolate (points, new_points, pb, tb, dt * 0.5, n, knots, sin_da, accu);
curve_points.insert (pm, s1);
spline_interpolate (curve_points, current_curve_point, t_start, dt * 0.5, control_points, degree, knots, sin_da, accu);


Expand All @@ -864,8 +927,8 @@ spline_interpolate (const std::vector<db::DPoint> &points,
// In addition, the estimated accuracy is not good enough on the first segment: bisect this
// segment.

new_points.insert (pe, s2);
spline_interpolate (points, new_points, pm, tb + dt, dt * 0.5, n, knots, sin_da, accu);
curve_points.insert (pe, s2);
spline_interpolate (curve_points, pm, t_start + dt, dt * 0.5, control_points, degree, knots, sin_da, accu);


Expand All @@ -874,51 +937,39 @@ spline_interpolate (const std::vector<db::DPoint> &points,

DXFReader::spline_interpolation (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, int n, const std::vector<double> &knots, bool save_first)
DXFReader::spline_interpolation (std::vector<std::pair<db::DPoint, double> > &control_points, int degree, const std::vector<double> &knots)
// TODO: this is quite inefficient
if (int (knots.size()) != int (points.size() + n + 1)) {
if (int (knots.size()) != int (control_points.size() + degree + 1)) {
warn ("Spline interpolation failed: mismatch between number of knots and points");
return std::list<db::DPoint> ();

if (int(knots.size ()) <= n || points.empty () || n <= 1) {
if (int(knots.size ()) <= degree || control_points.empty () || degree <= 1) {
return std::list<db::DPoint> ();

double t0 = knots [n];
double tn = knots [knots.size () - n - 1];
double t0 = knots [degree];
double tn = knots [knots.size () - degree - 1];

// we shall have at least min_points points per spline curve
double sin_da = sin (2.0 * M_PI / m_circle_points);
double accu = std::max (m_circle_accuracy, m_dbu / m_unit);

std::list<db::DPoint> new_points;
new_points.push_back (points.front ());
new_points.push_back (control_points.front ().first);

double dt = 0.5 * (tn - t0);

for (double t = t0 + dt; t < tn + 1e-6; t += dt) {

db::DPoint s;
for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size (); ++j) {
s += db::DVector (points [j] * b_func (t, j, n, knots));

db::DPoint s = b_spline_point (t, control_points, degree, knots);
new_points.push_back (s);


spline_interpolate (points, new_points, new_points.begin (), t0, dt, n, knots, sin_da, accu);

points.clear ();
if (save_first) {
points.insert (points.end (), new_points.begin (), new_points.end ());
} else {
points.insert (points.end (), ++new_points.begin (), new_points.end ());
spline_interpolate (new_points, new_points.begin (), t0, dt, control_points, degree, knots, sin_da, accu);

return new_points;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1022,7 +1073,17 @@ DXFReader::deliver_points_to_edges (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, const std::

if (edge_type == 4) {

spline_interpolation (points, value94, value40);
std::vector<std::pair<db::DPoint, double> > control_points;
control_points.reserve (points.size ());
for (std::vector<db::DPoint>::const_iterator p = points.begin (); p != points.end (); ++p) {
control_points.push_back (std::make_pair (*p, 1.0));

std::list<db::DPoint> new_points = spline_interpolation (control_points, value94, value40);
if (! new_points.empty ()) {
points.clear ();
points.insert (points.end (), ++new_points.begin (), new_points.end ());

} else if (edge_type == 1) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1670,7 +1731,7 @@ DXFReader::read_entities (db::Layout &layout, db::Cell &cell, const db::DVector
} else if (entity_code == "SPLINE") {

std::vector<double> knots;
std::vector<db::DPoint> points;
std::vector<std::pair<db::DPoint, double> > control_points;
db::DPoint pc;
double ex = 0.0, ey = 0.0, ez = 1.0;

Expand All @@ -1684,14 +1745,14 @@ DXFReader::read_entities (db::Layout &layout, db::Cell &cell, const db::DVector
} else if (g == 10 || g == 20) {

if (xy_flag == 0) {
points.push_back (db::DPoint ());
control_points.push_back (std::make_pair (db::DPoint (), 1.0));

if (g == 10) {
points.back ().set_x (read_double ());
control_points.back ().first.set_x (read_double ());
xy_flag |= 1;
} else {
points.back ().set_y (read_double ());
control_points.back ().first.set_y (read_double ());
xy_flag |= 2;
if (xy_flag == 3) {
Expand All @@ -1702,6 +1763,13 @@ DXFReader::read_entities (db::Layout &layout, db::Cell &cell, const db::DVector
degree = read_int32 ();
} else if (g == 40) {
knots.push_back (read_double ());
} else if (g == 41) {

// weight of the control point
if (! control_points.empty ()) {
control_points.back ().second = read_double ();

} else if (g == 210) {
ex = read_double ();
} else if (g == 220) {
Expand All @@ -1716,23 +1784,30 @@ DXFReader::read_entities (db::Layout &layout, db::Cell &cell, const db::DVector
db::DCplxTrans tt = global_trans (offset, ex, ey, ez);

std::pair <bool, unsigned int> ll = open_layer (layout, layer);
if (ll.first && ! points.empty ()) {
if (ll.first && ! control_points.empty ()) {

spline_interpolation (points, degree, knots, true /*save first point*/);
std::list<db::DPoint> new_points = spline_interpolation (control_points, degree, knots);

if (m_polyline_mode == 3 || m_polyline_mode == 4) {

// in "join" mode, add an edge for each segment
std::vector <db::Edge> &edges = collected_edges.insert (std::make_pair (ll.second, std::vector <db::Edge> ())).first->second;
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < points.size (); ++i) {
edges.push_back (safe_from_double (db::DEdge (tt.trans (points [i]), tt.trans (points [i + 1]))));
std::list<db::DPoint>::const_iterator i = new_points.begin ();
if (i != new_points.end ()) {
std::list<db::DPoint>::const_iterator ii = i;
while (ii != new_points.end ()) {
edges.push_back (safe_from_double (db::DEdge (tt.trans (*i), tt.trans (*ii))));

} else {

// create a path with width 0 for the spline
db::DPath p;
p.assign (points.begin (), points.end (), tt);
p.assign (new_points.begin (), new_points.end (), tt);
p.bgn_ext (0.0);
p.end_ext (0.0);
p.width (0);
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/plugins/streamers/dxf/db_plugin/dbDXFReader.h
Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class DB_PLUGIN_PUBLIC DXFReader
int determine_polyline_mode ();
void parse_entity (const std::string &entity_code, size_t &nsolids, size_t &closed_polylines);
void add_bulge_segment (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, const db::DPoint &p, double b);
void spline_interpolation (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, int n, const std::vector<double> &knots, bool save_first = false);
std::list<db::DPoint> spline_interpolation (std::vector<std::pair<db::DPoint, double> > &points, int n, const std::vector<double> &knots);
void arc_interpolation (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, const std::vector<double> &rad, const std::vector<double> &start, const std::vector<double> &end, const std::vector<int> &ccw);
void elliptic_interpolation (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, const std::vector<double> &rmin, const std::vector<db::DPoint> &vmaj, const std::vector<double> &start, const std::vector<double> &end, const std::vector<int> &ccw);
void deliver_points_to_edges (std::vector<db::DPoint> &points, const std::vector<db::DPoint> &points2, const db::DCplxTrans &tt, int edge_type, int value94, const std::vector<double> &value40, const std::vector<double> &value50, const std::vector<double> &value51, const std::vector<int> &value73, std::vector<db::Edge> &iedges);
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/plugins/streamers/dxf/unit_tests/
Expand Up @@ -484,3 +484,25 @@ TEST(32)
opt.polyline_mode = 2;
run_test_public (_this, "round_path.dxf.gz", "t32e_au.gds.gz", opt);

// issue #704
db::DXFReaderOptions opt;
opt.polyline_mode = 3;

opt.contour_accuracy = 0.0;
run_test (_this, "t33.dxf.gz", "t33a_au.gds.gz", opt);

opt.contour_accuracy = 1.0;
run_test (_this, "t33.dxf.gz", "t33b_au.gds.gz", opt);

opt.contour_accuracy = 100.0;
run_test (_this, "t33.dxf.gz", "t33c_au.gds.gz", opt);

opt.polyline_mode = 4;
run_test (_this, "t33.dxf.gz", "t33d_au.gds.gz", opt);

opt.polyline_mode = 2;
run_test (_this, "t33.dxf.gz", "t33e_au.gds.gz", opt);

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