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KQM Compendium



  • Node.js 14+ (Latest verion of LTS is recommended, webpack does not work with Node.js 17+)
  • npm 6.1+



After cloning the repository, run:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

To run the project locally, run:

# Serve a local server with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

To build the project for deployment, run:

# Generate static project
$ npm run generate

To lint the project, run:

# Lint the project
$ npm run lint

Project Structure

  • .nuxt: contains the dynamically generated files when npm run dev is used. Ignored by Git.
  • assets: contains the un-complied assets such as images or fonts.
    • artifacts
    • character_thumbnails
    • icons
    • weapons
  • components: contains all the .Vue components used on the website.
  • content: contains all the Markdown, JSON and CSV files used on the website. A MongoDB-like API is exposed on localhost:3000/_content/.
  • dist: contains the dynamically generated files when npm run generate is used. Ignored by Git.
  • layouts: contains all the layouts used by the site. The default layout, default.vue, is used if not specified.
  • models: contains the models and classes used by the website.
  • page: contains all the views and routes used on the website. Nuxt automatically creates a page for every .vue files inside the directory. The routing configuration is also automatically generated.
  • plugins: contains all plugins used on the website.
  • static: contains all static files used on the website such as favicon.ico and robots.txt. All files in the directory are served at root.
  • store: contains all Vuex store files used on the website.
  • nuxtconfig.js: the Nuxt.js configuration file.
  • tailwind.config.js: the tailwindcss configuration file.
  • tsconfig.js: the TypeScript configuration file.