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Computer Pointer Controller

A Computer Pointer Controller is a Human-Computer Interaction Project, where the user can control the mouse movements with his\her eye-gaze which will be captured through a webcam or even a video, with the help of OpenVINO Toolkit along with its Pre-Trained Models which helps deploying AI at Edge. This project has the ability to run multiple models in the same machine and coordinate the flow of data between those models.

Project Set Up and Installation

  • Setup your local environment:
    • Download and install the OpenVINO Toolkit. The installations directions for OpenVINO can be found here
    • Run the Verification Scripts to verify your installation. This is a very important step to be done before you proceed further.
  • The project directory is structured as follows:
					|_ bin
					|  |_demo.mp4
					|_ requirements.txt   
  • The project directory contains a bin folder which has an .mp4 file, can be used as the input file for the project.

  • It has requirements.txt file which contains all the necessary dependencies to be installed before running the project.

  • The src folder in project directory contains the following python files:

    • The is used to take the input file such as a video file or a webcam and yeilds the frames for running inference.
    • The takes the x,y co-ordinates from the to move the mouse.
    • The face_detect,head_pose,facial_landmarks,gaze .py files contains each class functions to preprocess the inputs and run inference on those inputs and sent it to mouse_controller to move the mouse position.
  • The Pre-Trained models you will need to download from OpenVINO Open model zoo using the model downloader are:

    • Face Detection model
    • Head Pose Estimation model
    • Facial Landmark Detection model
    • Gaze Estimation model
  • Create a folder named models in the project directory, These models are to be downloaded and stored in models folder.

Ensembling Of Models

Note: This project has been tested only in Windows 10 Operating System environment with Intel core i3-7100 processor which has an Intel Integrated GPU HD Graphics 630.


  • First, initialize the OpenVINO environment:
    • Open command prompt and cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin
    • type setupvars.bat command and press Enter to initialize OpenVINO environment.
  • Next, cd to src folder in the project directory:
  • Now, run the following command to run our application:
    • python -V "C:\<path_to_project_directory>\bin\demo.mp4" -FM "C:\<path_to_project_directory>\models\face-detection-retail-0004\FP32\face-detection-retail-0004" -D CPU -FLM "C:\<path_to_project_directory>\models\facial-landmarks-35-adas-0002\FP32\facial-landmarks-35-adas-0002" -HM "C:\<path_to_project_directory>\models\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP32\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001" -GM "C:\<path_to_project_directory>\models\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP32\gaze-estimation-adas-0002"

Note: Enter the path of the project directory inplace of <path_to_project_directory>, while executing the above command.


  • The python -h command displays the commands which are supported by project:
    • -V argument takes the input video file or a webcam, for accessing video file the command is -V "<path of video file>" whereas for accessing webcam -V "cam".
    • -D argument specifies the devices such as CPU,GPU,VPU,FPGA to run inference on.
    • -FM argument takes in the face detection model, -FLM argument takes in the facial_landmarks model,-HM argument takes in the head_pose estimation and -GM argument takes in the gaze estimation model.
    • -FD argument takes in to visualize outputs of face detection model, The flag is set by passing the argument as -FD "face_detect" to visualize the face detection model.
    • -ED argument takes in to visualize outputs of facial_landmarks detection model, The flag is set by passing the argument as -ED "eye_detect" to visualize left and right eye from the model.
    • -HD argument takes in to visualize outputs of head_pose estimation model, The flag is set by passing the argument as -HD "head_pose" to visualize the head positions from the model.
    • -GD argument takes in to print outputs of gaze estimation model, The flag is set by passing the argument as -GD "gaze_vector" to print the gaze vector from the model.


The benchmark result of running my model on CPU with multiple model precisions are :

  • FP32:

    • The total model loading time is : 3.361sec
    • The total inference time is : 11.4sec
    • The total FPS is : 0.35fps
  • FP16:

    • The total model loading time is : 1.77sec
    • The total inference time is : 8.7sec
    • The total FPS is : 0.45fps
  • INT8:

    • The total model loading time is : 6.03sec
    • The total inference time is : 8.7sec
    • The total FPS is : 0.45fps

The benchmark result of running my model on IGPU[Intel HD Graphics 630] with multiple model precisions are :

  • FP32:

    • The total model loading time is : 65.697sec
    • The total inference time is : 9.0sec
    • The total FPS is : 0.4444fps
  • FP16:

    • The total model loading time is : 66.4sec
    • The total inference time is : 9.4sec
    • The total FPS is : 0.425fps


  • As we can see the above benchmark results, we can say that by using less precision model gives us faster inference.
  • And also by reducing the precision, the usage of memory is less and its less computationally expensive when compared to higher precision models.
  • By comparing the results between FP16 and INT8, the inference is same but the model loading time was more.
  • Hence, by reducing the precision from FP32 to FP16 the model was able to run inference faster with more number of frames per second and with less model loading time.

Stand Out Performances

  • I've build an inference pipeline for both video file and webcam feed as input. Allowing the user to select their input option in the command line arguments:
    • -V argument takes the input video file or a webcam, for accessing video file the command is -V "<path of video file>" whereas for accessing webcam -V "cam".
  • I improved my model inference time by changing the precisions of the models, the following precisions been used on the models are:
    • FP16 precision for Face detection, Head Pose Estimation, Gaze Estimation and FP32 precision for Facial Landmarks Detection.
    • The total model loading time is : 1.81sec
    • The total inference time is : 8.1sec
    • The total FPS is : 0.49fps

Edge Cases

  • Case 1) Lighting:
    • Lighting is considered to be one of the most important specification for both video file and webcam:
      • For webcam, if there is no enough lighting for the webcam to capture our face then, the models cannot detect our face and throws an exception error : Could not run inference:....
      • For video file, before passing it to models, we have to check whether the video file which is being passed has the video of a person and the face of the person is clearer, if not then the program throws the exception error as above.
  • Case 2) Multiple persons in a frame:
    • The mouse movements can be controlled by a single persons eye-gaze, If multiple persons are detected in the frame, The model immediately throws an exception error because, It causes an ambiguity while performing gaze estimation.
  • To avoid such edge cases, we have to make sure that there is enough lighting and only a single person in the frame to run the project more robustly.


Controlling Mouse Movements with Eye-Gaze using AI at Edge






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