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Karin Meijvogel edited this page Apr 13, 2020 · 41 revisions

Welcome to the bloktech wiki!

Week 1

Project Tech

Front end

Back end

  • Setup the boilerplate for the dating app
  • Added and tested several NPM modules

Week 2

Project Tech

Front end

Back end

Week 3

Project Tech

Front end

Back end

  • Content is now dynamic, user profiles, user's liked list etc. are data on the server, that's being loaded into the HTML.
  • (Dis)like buttons are now form-buttons, that register the user's choices to the server. The (dis)liked person gets removed from the 'browse' page and liked people get added to the user's liked list.

Week 4

Project Tech

Front end

Back end

Week 5

Project Tech

Front end

  • Continued working on progressive enhancements of app.

Back end

  • Server now reads, updates, creates and delete data in database.
  • Sessions: Users can login to see their own data (matches/pending likes, browse-page with people they haven't seen yet). See the code of week 5 here.