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Changed tRNA_prop to num_tRNA so that min number of tRNAs is always t…
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…here. Also changed observables generator so only 20 tRNA species required
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Ashwin-Srinivasan committed Aug 6, 2018
1 parent e43bfc3 commit 42051ef
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 68 deletions.
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions wc_kb_gen/random/
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def clean_and_validate_options(self):
""" Apply default options and validate options """
options = self.options
assigned_complexes = options.get(
'assigned_complexes', ['subunit_30S', 'subunit_50S','complex_70S_IA', 'complex_70S_A'])
'assigned_complexes', ['subunit_30S', 'subunit_50S','complex_70S'])

options['assigned_complexes'] = assigned_complexes

Expand All @@ -34,10 +34,14 @@ def gen_components(self):
for comp in assigned_complexes:
comp_species = cell.species_types.get_or_create(
id=comp, __type=wc_kb.ComplexSpeciesType)

comp_species.concentration = 1e-2
species = comp_species.species.get_or_create(compartment=cytosol)
if comp.startswith('subunit'):
comp_species.formation_process = 7 # process_RibosomeAssembly
elif '70S' in comp:
comp_species.formation_process = 9 # process_translation
comp_species.subunits.append(wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species = cell.species_types.get_one(id = 'subunit_30S').species.get_one(compartment = cytosol), coefficient = -1))
comp_species.subunits.append(wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species = cell.species_types.get_one(id = 'subunit_50S').species.get_one(compartment = cytosol), coefficient = -1))
'''species_30S = cell.species_types.get_one(id = 'subunit_30S').species.get_one(compartment = cytosol)
species_50S = cell.species_types.get_one(id = 'subunit_50S').species.get_one(compartment = cytosol)
comp_species.subunits.append(species_30S.species_coefficients.get_or_create(coefficient = 1))
comp_species.subunits.append(species_50S.species_coefficients.get_or_create(coefficient = 1))'''
66 changes: 38 additions & 28 deletions wc_kb_gen/random/
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ def clean_and_validate_options(self):
assert(rRNA_prop >= 0 and rRNA_prop <= 1)
options['rRNA_prop'] = rRNA_prop

tRNA_prop = options.get('tRNA_prop', 0.5)
assert(tRNA_prop >= 0 and tRNA_prop <= 1)
options['tRNA_prop'] = tRNA_prop
num_tRNA = options.get('num_tRNA', 20)
assert(num_tRNA >= 20)
options['num_tRNA'] = num_tRNA

assert((ncRNA_prop + rRNA_prop + tRNA_prop) <= 1)
assert((ncRNA_prop + rRNA_prop + num_tRNA/mean_num_genes) <= 1)

# DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msk019
mean_gene_len = options.get(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ def gen_genome(self):
chromosome_topology = options.get('chromosome_topology')
ncRNA_prop = options.get('ncRNA_prop')
rRNA_prop = options.get('rRNA_prop')
tRNA_prop = options.get('tRNA_prop')
num_tRNA = options.get('num_tRNA')

# print(tRNA_prop)

Expand All @@ -164,11 +165,13 @@ def gen_genome(self):
# The probability of each base being selected randomly
PROB_BASES = [(1 - mean_gc_frac) / 2, mean_gc_frac /
2, mean_gc_frac/2, (1-mean_gc_frac)/2]

num_genes_all = self.rand(mean_num_genes, min = num_tRNA)[0]

# Create a chromosome n times
for i_chr in range(num_chromosomes):
# number of genes in the chromosome
num_genes = self.rand(mean_num_genes / num_chromosomes)[0]
num_genes = math.ceil(num_genes_all / num_chromosomes)
# list of gene lengths (generated randomly) on chromosome
gene_lens = 3 * self.rand(mean_gene_len, count=num_genes, min=2)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,6 +204,7 @@ def gen_genome(self):
gene_starts = numpy.int64(numpy.cumsum(numpy.concatenate(([0], gene_lens[0:-1])) +
numpy.concatenate((numpy.round(intergene_lens[0:1] / 2), intergene_lens[1:]))))

count = 0 #temporary way of incorporating num_tRNA
# creates GeneLocus objects for the genes and labels their GeneType (which type of RNA they transcribe)
for i_gene, gene_start in enumerate(gene_starts):
gene = self.knowledge_base.cell.loci.get_or_create(
Expand All @@ -210,27 +214,33 @@ def gen_genome(self):
gene.end = gene.start + gene_lens[i_gene] - 1 # 1-indexed
# print(gene_lens[i_gene] % 3 == 0) = 'gene {} {}'.format(i_chr+1, i_gene+1)
typeList = [wc_kb.GeneType.mRna, wc_kb.GeneType.rRna,
wc_kb.GeneType.sRna, wc_kb.GeneType.tRna]
prob_rna = [1 - ncRNA_prop - tRNA_prop -
rRNA_prop, rRNA_prop, ncRNA_prop, tRNA_prop]
gene.type = random.choice(typeList, p=prob_rna)
if gene.type == wc_kb.GeneType.mRna: # if mRNA, then set up start/stop codons in the gene
start_codon = random.choice(START_CODONS)
stop_codon = random.choice(STOP_CODONS)
seq_str = str(chro.seq)
seq_str = seq_str[:gene.start-1] + start_codon + \
seq_str[gene.start+2: gene.end-3] + \
stop_codon + seq_str[gene.end:]
for i in range(gene.start+2, gene.end-3, 3):
# print(seq_str[i:i+3])
while seq_str[i:i+3] in START_CODONS or seq_str[i:i+3] in STOP_CODONS:
# print('here')
codon_i = "".join(random.choice(
BASES, p=PROB_BASES, size=(3,)))
seq_str = seq_str[:i]+codon_i+seq_str[i+3:]

chro.seq = Seq(seq_str, Alphabet.DNAAlphabet())

if count < num_tRNA:
gene.type = wc_kb.GeneType.tRna
count += 1
tRNA_prop = num_tRNA / num_genes_all
typeList = [wc_kb.GeneType.mRna, wc_kb.GeneType.rRna,
mRNA_prop = 1 - rRNA_prop/(1 - tRNA_prop) - ncRNA_prop/(1 - tRNA_prop)
prob_rna = [mRNA_prop, rRNA_prop/(1 - tRNA_prop), ncRNA_prop/(1 - tRNA_prop)]
gene.type = random.choice(typeList, p=prob_rna)
if gene.type == wc_kb.GeneType.mRna: # if mRNA, then set up start/stop codons in the gene
start_codon = random.choice(START_CODONS)
stop_codon = random.choice(STOP_CODONS)
seq_str = str(chro.seq)
seq_str = seq_str[:gene.start-1] + start_codon + \
seq_str[gene.start+2: gene.end-3] + \
stop_codon + seq_str[gene.end:]
for i in range(gene.start+2, gene.end-3, 3):
# print(seq_str[i:i+3])
while seq_str[i:i+3] in START_CODONS or seq_str[i:i+3] in STOP_CODONS:
# print('here')
codon_i = "".join(random.choice(
BASES, p=PROB_BASES, size=(3,)))
seq_str = seq_str[:i]+codon_i+seq_str[i+3:]

chro.seq = Seq(seq_str, Alphabet.DNAAlphabet())

def gen_rnas_proteins(self):
""" Creates RNA and protein objects corresponding to genes on chromosome
Expand Down
106 changes: 69 additions & 37 deletions wc_kb_gen/random/
Expand Up @@ -28,84 +28,116 @@ def clean_and_validate_options(self):
codons = [a + b + c for a in bases for b in bases for c in bases]
default_trnas = []
for codon in codons:
if codon != 'TAA' and codon != 'TAG' and codon != 'TGA':

assigned_trnas = options.get('assigned_trnas', default_trnas)

rnas = self.knowledge_base.cell.species_types.get(

count = 0
for rna in rnas:
if rna.type == wc_kb.RnaType.tRna:
count += 1

assert (len(assigned_trnas) <= count)
options['assigned_trnas'] = assigned_trnas

assigned_proteins = options.get('assigned_proteins', ['IF', 'EF', 'RF',
'deg_ATPase', 'deg_protease', 'deg_rnase',
'rna_poly', 'aminoacyl_synthetase'])

prots = self.knowledge_base.cell.species_types.get(

assert(len(assigned_proteins) <= len(prots))
options['assigned_proteins'] = assigned_proteins

assigned_complexes = options.get('assigned_complexes', ['complex_70S_IA', 'complex_70S_A'])
assigned_complexes = options.get('assigned_complexes', ['complex_70S'])

options['assigned_complexes'] = assigned_complexes

def gen_components(self):
""" Takes random samples of the generated rnas and proteins and assigns them functions based on the included list of proteins and rnas"""

cell = self.knowledge_base.cell
cytosol = cell.compartments.get_one(id='c')

assigned_trnas = self.options['assigned_trnas']
assigned_proteins = self.options['assigned_proteins']
assigned_complexes = self.options['assigned_complexes']

prots = self.knowledge_base.cell.species_types.get(
rnas = self.knowledge_base.cell.species_types.get(

trnas = []
for rna in rnas:
if rna.type == wc_kb.RnaType.tRna:

sampled_trnas = numpy.random.choice(
trnas, len(assigned_trnas), replace=False)

assigned_trnas = iter(assigned_trnas)

for rna in sampled_trnas:
rna_name = next(assigned_trnas)
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id=rna_name+'_obs') = rna_name
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=rna, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))

codons = {
'I': ['ATT', 'ATC', 'ATA'],
'L': ['CTT', 'CTC', 'CTA', 'CTG', 'TTA', 'TTG'],
'V': ['GTT', 'GTC', 'GTA', 'GTG'],
'F': ['TTT', 'TTC'],
'M': ['ATG'],
'C': ['TGT', 'TGC'],
'A': ['GCT', 'GCC', 'GCA', 'GCG'],
'G': ['GGT', 'GGC', 'GGA', 'GGG'],
'P': ['CCT', 'CCC', 'CCA', 'CCG'],
'T': ['ACT', 'ACC', 'ACA', 'ACG'],
'S': ['TCT', 'TCC', 'TCA', 'TCG', 'AGT', 'AGC'],
'Y': ['TAT', 'TAC'],
'W': ['TGG'],
'Q': ['CAA', 'CAG'],
'N': ['AAT', 'AAC'],
'H': ['CAT', 'CAC'],
'E': ['GAA', 'GAG'],
'D': ['GAT', 'GAC'],
'K': ['AAA', 'AAG'],
'R': ['CGT', 'CGC', 'CGA', 'CGG', 'AGA', 'AGG'],}

for aa in codons:
rna = numpy.random.choice(trnas)
species_coefficient = wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=rna, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1)
for i in range(len(codons[aa])):
codon = codons[aa][i]
rna_name = 'tRNA_'+codon
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id=rna_name+'_obs') = rna_name

sampled_proteins = numpy.random.choice(
prots, len(assigned_proteins), replace=False)

assigned_proteins = iter(assigned_proteins)
for protein in sampled_proteins:
protein_name = next(assigned_proteins)
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id=protein_name+'_obs') = protein_name
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))

if protein_name.startswith('IF'):
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id='IF_obs') = 'IF'
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))
if protein_name.startswith('EF'):
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id='EF_obs') = 'EF'
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))
if protein_name.startswith('RF'):
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id='RF_obs') = 'RF'
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))
if protein_name.startswith('rna_poly'):
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id='rna_poly_obs') = 'rna_poly'
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))
if protein_name.startswith('deg_protease'):
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id='deg_protease_obs') = 'deg_protease'
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))
if protein_name.startswith('deg_rnase'):
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id='deg_rnase_obs') = 'deg_rnase'
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=protein, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))

for comp in assigned_complexes:
comp_species = cell.species_types.get_or_create(id = comp, __type=wc_kb.ComplexSpeciesType)
observable = cell.observables.get_or_create(id=comp+'_obs') = comp
wc_kb.SpeciesCoefficient(species=wc_kb.Species(species_type=comp_species, compartment=cytosol), coefficient=1))

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