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Releases: KartikeyMish/RepoSavant

Beta Release v1.1.0 : Responsive Design and Loader Animation

16 Sep 20:00
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RepoSavant v1.1.0 Beta Release

We're thrilled to introduce RepoSavant v1.1.0 in beta, featuring exciting new updates and improvements that enhance your GitHub experience.

What's New:

Responsive Design with Bootstrap 5.3

  • RepoSavant is now more accessible than ever! We've implemented a responsive design using Bootstrap 5.3, ensuring that RepoSavant adapts seamlessly to all devices, whether you're using a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop. Enjoy a consistent and user-friendly experience across platforms.

Loader Animation

  • Waiting for your repository analysis results? We've added a sleek loader animation that keeps you informed while the server processes your request. It's not just functional; it's visually engaging, making your RepoSavant experience even more enjoyable.

How to Get Started:

  1. Head over to the RepoSavant website.
  2. Enter your GitHub user URL and experience the responsive design in action.
  3. Watch the loader animation as RepoSavant diligently analyzes your repositories.
  4. Explore the results and uncover your most complex projects with ease.

We Value Your Feedback:

As RepoSavant is in beta, your feedback is crucial in helping us refine and improve the app. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further enhancements, please report them. We're committed to making RepoSavant the best GitHub analytics tool for you.

Thank You:

A big thank you to our contributor @suryanshsingh2001 and supporters who have made RepoSavant 1.1.0 Beta possible. Your contributions and feedback are deeply appreciated.

Upgrade to RepoSavant v1.1.0 Beta today and enjoy a more responsive and engaging GitHub analytics experience!

Note: Make sure to update your browser cache to experience the latest changes effectively.

Upgrade Now

Initial Release

02 Sep 10:50
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Initial Release Pre-release

馃帀 Welcome to the first beta release of RepoSavant! 馃殌

In this initial release, we're introducing the core functionality of RepoSavant, a powerful GitHub analytics tool. With RepoSavant, you can:

  • Explore and analyze your GitHub repositories.
  • Identify the most complex repositories in your profile.
  • Gain insights into code complexity and technical prowess.

This release sets the foundation for future enhancements and optimizations. We're excited to have you on board!