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README Changelog


  • add bits about correcting results songs that were tagged wrong


  • added tagging new submissions instructions


  • created file

Tagging new submissions

  1. archive all old submissions from the previous month from the aws s3 bucket. No script for this yet, just move them into the /upload-form-archive/mon-yyyy/ folder
  2. run the song submission helper under the ~/programming/dodSubmissionsHelper directory by using make run and browse to it at localhost:4000
  3. adjust any song submissions that need to be changed, like if someone resubmitted an entry, delete the old one, fix any game names that are wrong, artist names, etc.
  4. kill the dodSubmissionsHelper process
  5. navigate to the /tagSubmissionFormSongs directory, update with the new month's album name, and insert the new album art file in the files directory.
  6. in the same /tagSubmissionFormSongs directory, run make fromScratch. This removes all old downloaded files, redownloads, and tags them all.
  7. when completed, copy all the anonymous songs from /tagSubmissionFormSongs/files/newSongsAnon and put them in the appropriate month folder in the generator project.

Tallying votes and tagging results

  1. update any incorrect tags for songs by running the server mentioned in Tagging New Submissions above.
  2. take the songs.csv file from the /tagSubmissionFormSongs directory (create it with make list) and copy to the /votingSource directory
  3. Run the script from the voting directory to archive previous month's votes.
  4. create the votes.txt file in the /voting directory by using make fromScratch and copy to the /votingSource directory
  5. run the tally server by using make start in the /votingSource directory, and visit it at localhost:8000/static/index.html
  6. make any changes to the songs by clicking the checkboxes. the leftmost checkbox when unchecked will ignore this vote for results. The rightmost checkbox when checked will consider the votes to be weighted in the case of song reviews.
  7. click Save Results. This writes to the results.json file in the /votingSource directory
  8. copy and save the text content from the left page to a notepad file so we can post it later
  9. correct any "ARTIST" fields in the results.json that didnt auto fill.
  10. copy the results.json file created in the last step back to /tagSubmissionFormSongs
  11. run make tagResultsWithLyrics in /tagSubmissionFormSongs
  12. copy all the songs from newSongs over to the generator's correct dodarchive directory
  13. spot check all the tagged MP3 files and make corrections if needed


  • need a way to update an entry with a new mp3 easily. needs to put it up to s3 so its stored for future pulls
  • add button to auto archive the previous month's tracks. names the folders automatically (or at least provides a default automatically)
  • create a script to auto archive old votes from s3
  • clean, combine, and organize the voting and votingSource folders
  • move the dodSubmissionsHelper project into this repo
  • make a script that can auto generate the variants of the banner art that I need
  • make the script read the month name info from a cfg file so we dont have to edit the source every month
  • make the voting tally script auto-flag anybody who has too many "average +0.00" votes because those are usually incomplete
  • add a button to let me view the raw json for an entry (and maybe edit)
  • make a way to alert the submitter of a song if a voter had submitted high devaince votes that strongly favored teh submitter (ballot stuffing), just include the email address and a generic notice. we could then track how many times this happens
  • view raw vote submissions directly from the voting tally tool

notes on downloader from first/second real use case (this section is very old)

  • people resubmitting votes is weird to deal with. maybe a list function like the song downloader can help put things into csv and locate and delete old votes. OR the voting script just looks and identifies multiple votes from same address, only uses latest.
  • some kinda uber script that can take all the data from the songs 'list.csv' and the output from votes.exe and fill in all the artist names for me, AND update all the mp3 track listings/rankings
  • throw a normal error when the album art is missing
  • songs that need to be moved to an alt during/after voting are hard to deal with
  • sometimes votes come in inconsistently such as when we moved minorffanatic's entry to alts but people still had the original votes sheet open


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