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Websraping project on Asian games

Asian games athletics web scraping using python

This dataset contains two files.

Atheletics_record - Contains the list of winning countries in athletics in the Asian Games between 1951-2018

Country_code - Contains the country code of the countries( old and new codes)



  • Getting the list of countries who bagged medals in atletics from the year 1951-2022
  • We'll be scarping out year, country, category, gender and medals--> gold, silver, bronze deatils from wikipedia
  • We'll be using Beautiful Soup to parse and extract information
  • Getting the columns category and athletics sports type using find_all() html tags
  • Getting the wikipedia table records for year gold, silver and bronze columns
  • Making few transformations in year and gold, silver and bronze columns to extract only the year and country code
  • Creating another dataset for country code along with full countries names
  • The reason for adding this dataset is beacause, we could see some countries have use different country codes for the specific time period.
  • This dataset will help us to identify the old and new country codes in that cases.

Columns in each dataset


  • Year- the year when the Asian games held
  • Gold- Countries that won the gold medal
  • Silver- Countries that won the silver medal
  • Bronze- Countries that won the bronze medal
  • Category- Gender category (male/female/mixed)
  • Sports- Types of athletics


  • Code - 3 letter country code
  • National Olympic Committee - Full name of country
  • Other codes used - Other country code that has been used earlier


Dataset published in Kaggle!

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