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Sketches : GDML Object from FreeCAD Sketches

Keith Sloan edited this page Mar 10, 2022 · 3 revisions

Export of FreeCAD sketches as GDML objects.

The GDML workbench now supports creating a GDML object from a FreeCAD Sketch currently


  • Sketch should be made in the X-Y Plane ( Created Objects can be rotated )
  • Extrusion & Revolutions should be on the z-axis

Document structure

  • Extrusion should be in a single GDML volume (FreeCAD Part)

Allocated Material

Suggestion is to use toolbar Set Material facility.

On GDML Export

  • The extruded sketch is processed to create a series of booleans of GDML solids.
  • Import of the exported file will show the booleans and structure in the FreeCAD Treeview

Display in GEANT4

  • Some objects will only display as point clouds, this is due to limitations in Geant4 ablity to display certain forms, it does not affect any simulation
  • Solution is to display everything as a cloud by issuing

/vis/viewer/set/style cloud