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Kelly edited this page May 9, 2022 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the Ace Combat 7: Realistic Skies wiki!


Ace Combat 7: Realistic Skies is a mod that aims to introduce some semblance of realism into Ace Combat 7. It does so by

  1. Giving aircraft realistic maneuvering characteristics (except scripted bosses)
  2. Adding target-leading/Homing-Foresight to all guided weapons for both the player and AIs
  3. Increasing weapon range to realistic values for both the player and AIs
  4. Approximating ammo to ten times that of the real-life counterpart
  5. Increasing weapon damage to realistic values for both the player and AIs
  6. Making guns and CIWS of allies and enemies competent
  7. Making ally weapons capable of dealing actual damage

All Changes

Here are all the AI changes.
Here are all the information changes.
Here are all the player changes.
Here are all the UI changes.
Here are all the AI weapon changes.
Here are all the player weapon changes.

Here are all the VFX changes.

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