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TechGuide ~ PartModules ~ Configure

gotmachine edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 1 revision


The part allows for different setups of modules and resources that can be selected by the user in-game.

title short string to show on part UI  
slots number of setups that can be selected concurrently 1
reconfigure string in the format trait@level, specifying that the part can be reconfigured in flight by the crew  
symmetric if true enforces same configuration on all parts in the symmetry group (useful for tanks) false
SETUP one or more sub-nodes that describe a setup  

A SETUP sub-node has the following properties.

name short string describing the setup
desc longer description of the setup
tech id of technology required to unlock the setup
cost extra cost, in space-bucks
mass extra mass, in tons. (1 = 1000Kg)
MODULE zero or more sub-nodes associating a module with the setup
RESOURCE zero or more sub-nodes defining a resource included in the setup

A MODULE sub-node, inside a SETUP node, associates a specific module (that is already defined in the part) to that particular setup. The module will then be disabled (effectively acting like it wasn't there) unless the user selects the setup. A module can be associated to only a setup. Not all modules in the part need to be associated to a setup, and those that aren't will behave as usual.

type module name
id_field/id_value the name of a field in the module definition and its value respectively, used to identify a module in particular if multiple ones of the same type exist in the part
id_index the zero-based index, selecting a specific module of type among all the ones present in the part

A RESOURCE sub-node, inside a SETUP node, adds a specific resource amount and/or capacity to the setup. The resource definition is the same as the stock one you are familiar with. The resource doesn't need to be defined in the part directly but only in the setup. When the setup is selected, the resource will be added to the part. If the part already contain the same resource, the amount and/or capacity will simply increase when the setup is selected.

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