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Docker rails sample with CircleCI and Heroku


Dockernized rails sample app with test using CircleCI and deploy using Heroku

Run as development

docker-compose up

Database creation

docker-compose run web rails db:create

Database initialization

docker-compose run web rails db:migrate

How to run the test suite

docker-compose run web rails test

Deploy to Heroku


# install plugin
heroku plugins:install heroku-container-registry

# login to container registryc
heroku container:login

# create new heroku app
heroku create

# deploy to heroku
heroku container:push web

# attach postgresql addon
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

# db setup
heroku run rails db:migrate

# access to heroku and check /users
heroku open

Deploy to Heroku by CircleCI

Set these environment variables to your CircleCI build settings.

HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN=`heroku auth:token`
HEROKU_API_KEY=`heroku auth:token`

When git push origin master CircleCI deploy docker container to heroku container registroy and run rails db:migrate