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BLRevive module for saving and loading user settings


  • save and load integer settings and keybinds

runtime prerequisites

install and usage

first make sure proxy.dll is ready and is capable of loading modules:

install settings-manager.dll to <blr>/Binaries/Win32/Modules/

change <blr>/FoxGame/Config/BLRevive/default.json to load settings-manager on client

for example:

  "Proxy": {
    "Server": {
      "Host": "",
      "Port": "+1"
    "Modules": {
      "Server": [  ],
      "Client": [ "settings-manager" ]

settings are saved under <blr>/FoxGame/Config/BLRevive/settings_manager_<player_name>, invalid modifications to json dumps might crash the game during loading

building prerequisites

In order to succesfully compile and run the module you need the following applications:

  • Visual Studio 2019/2022 (with C++/MSVC)
  • patched Blacklight: Retribution installation


Because Blacklight: Retribution itself is compiled for Win32, the modules target that platform too and only that one. It may be possible to compile the modules for another platform but there is no point in doing so.

  1. start VS developer shell inside project
  2. run cmake -A Win32 -B build/ to generate build files for VS 2019/2022 / Win32
  3. configure debugging feature with cmake options (see below)

cmake options

option description default
BLR_INSTALL_DIR absolute path to Blacklight install directory C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\blacklightretribution
BLR_EXECUTABLE filename of BLR applicaiton BLR.exe
BLR_SERVER_CLI command line params passed to server when debugging server HeloDeck
BLR_CLIENT_CLI command line params passed to client when debugging


Use build/settings-manager.sln to compile the module with VS 2019/2022. The solution offers the following targets:

target description
Client compile debug version and run BLR client
Server compile debug version and run BLR server
Release compile release version